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SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Who's turning on them? People are just talking about what they saw and it wasn't pretty. Once again, no one is turning on the team. If anything, the team is turning on certain coaches.

If it's true that NO ONE is turning on the team...I don't want to be around when they do. Some of the post have been past the point of vicious

As for coaching...There maybe a point there. I would be heartbroken if Fisher every leaves ( otherthan in 20 years when he retires ) Other people in the coaching staff may need a closer look.
Hoffa said:
After you, sweetheart...

Can I bring my Koolaid?
I think my stance on this is that I did not expect the team to look as pitiful on BOTH sides of the ball as we did against Denver. It was truly embarrassing to watch the 1st team defense. I found myself almost laughing at them as it was comical after the 5th bootleg to see the entire team out of position.

Offensively I have had my reservations and no real expectations...don't expect us to be that good, but hopefully competitive. Defensively I do have expectations due to the free agent signings.

Its one thing to claim the Colt go this or that in the preseason because they show up during the regular season. I am looking for significant improvement in preseason with the Titans because I will use that to gauge what to expect in the regular season.

Frankly, I am skeptical that Haynesworth plays a full season if he is already dinged again. And I am more skeptical about our defense if it is that dependent on one guy on the interior line.

Now...all this being said...I am going to hope this Denver debacle was a hiccup and the team was as embarrassed as the fans and have no intention of repeating that performance.

Go Titans...lets take it out on the Falcons next week.
You could make the case that the Broncos are the best team in the NFL. No, it's not clear cut, but they certainly are a Super Bowl contender, and they were a pi**ed off and motivated team after the way they played in Detroit the week before, and last night they were coming home to play in front of some of the best and loudest fans in the league. Add to the mix the fact that the Titans are not a very good team, and you have the recipe for a good, old-fashioned arse whooping, which is exactly what we saw. The Titans will get better.

I was there last night..first ever Titans game for me. 2nd row behing the Titans bench...awesome seats. I was in a sea of Broncos fans, I got bood, thrown **** at, cussed at, etc., but there I was wearing my VY Jersey. Let me tell you something that all of you already know...Schwartz has lost any respect the defensive players have/had for him...rookies aside. I watched him yell and scream at the defense, most of them wouldn't even make eye contact with him...bottom line, they're not going to bust their ***** for a little turd like Schwartz, who hasn't a clue anyway. This defense has enough players, it could be nasty. Bring on McGinnis, yeah it is against the protocal to replace a coach during preseason, but uh, what the **** else do we have to lose. Shake it up for God sakes. Jeff was pissed last night, especially after the Pac-man personal foul (which was offset).

All in all, though, I thought our run game looked pretty solid at times. Vince did pretty well after a shaky start. Volek pretty much sucked, but so did his protection. I'm loving Bobby Wade. He's one of the guttiest guys I saw last night, plus he's a cool guy. Came over and shook my hand after the did hentrich.
dontdraftCutler said:

I was there last night..first ever Titans game for me. 2nd row behing the Titans bench...awesome seats. I was in a sea of Broncos fans, I got bood, thrown **** at, cussed at, etc., but there I was wearing my VY Jersey. Let me tell you something that all of you already know...Schwartz has lost any respect the defensive players have/had for him...rookies aside. I watched him yell and scream at the defense, most of them wouldn't even make eye contact with him...bottom line, they're not going to bust their ***** for a little turd like Schwartz, who hasn't a clue anyway. This defense has enough players, it could be nasty. Bring on McGinnis, yeah it is against the protocal to replace a coach during preseason, but uh, what the **** else do we have to lose. Shake it up for God sakes. Jeff was pissed last night, especially after the Pac-man personal foul (which was offset).

All in all, though, I thought our run game looked pretty solid at times. Vince did pretty well after a shaky start. Volek pretty much sucked, but so did his protection. I'm loving Bobby Wade. He's one of the guttiest guys I saw last night, plus he's a cool guy. Came over and shook my hand after the did hentrich.

Cool post. You could see the players doing the same to Schwartz on the TV. Unless there is a dramatic turn-around, I'm betting Bud calls for Schwartz's head. Personnel is no longer an excuse, injury excuse is worn out. Plain and simple, Schwartz has lost the defense.
It should be pretty clear by now, I am a stick up for the team kind of guy...No matter what. I am beginning to believe that Schwartz may be a liability we can't afford...However I found this very interesting...and made me feel a little better about our defense.

I don't know if any of you were watching Sunday Night Football --Colts v Seahawks late in the game...The Seahawks made what was a pretty good gain on a pass play...John Madden said this.

"Ya know that combination has always worked well in preseason games. And the the longer the season goes, the more they take that away. That ole bootleg where the QB fakes to the backs goin' one way, he goes the other way and the reciever crosses the field. In preseason, they never. ever cover it...Never Have covered it...But once the season starts, they start picking up on thoses things...But if there's anything thats a giveme in preseason, it's usually the bootleg pass"

Our D has work to do in several areas, but I thought that was a interesting
comment from the Master.
Titantonic said:
You could make the case that the Broncos are the best team in the NFL. No, it's not clear cut, but they certainly are a Super Bowl contender, and they were a pi**ed off and motivated team after the way they played in Detroit the week before, and last night they were coming home to play in front of some of the best and loudest fans in the league. Add to the mix the fact that the Titans are not a very good team, and you have the recipe for a good, old-fashioned arse whooping, which is exactly what we saw. The Titans will get better.
I agree with this post, the Titans have now palyed one of the worst teams and one of the best teams in the league. The truth is the Titans are somewhere in the middle and with an adjustment on the defense (will Jeff step in and say "I used to play d and this is not working"?) could be decent instead of the embarrassment they were last night. All I am really asking for is effort instead of looking like quitters. Last night gave me flashback of the last couple of games last season.
Crash Override said:
I say it will take about another 2 years or so before we can become a contender in the afc.

I hope it's not going to be that much longer. We've been getting beat on for the past two years now. And, I'm not sure if I can take another two years of that.

So, things better turn around quicker than you think they will. If not, there will be quite a few new people who see this team win who weren't in Nashville the last time they did.
Shanahan was really upset about Denvers performance against Detroit last week and said they would do some game planning for the Titans. They are hard enough to defense if you do game plan for them and it didnt appear we did. I also suspect Dinger wanted to rub it in as much as possible and once we got behind it just got out of hand. It was a terrible performance no question about it but maybe guys will get really intense this week and in the end it will become a positive. I think we will see a much better performance and effort next week and get back on track.
Crash Override said:
I say it will take about another 2 years or so before we can become a contender in the afc.
That's possible but it could turn around quicker than you think. Lots of team do it, so why can't we. We've been really bad over the last couple years so it's looking very grim now but I still keep the faith that things could turn around quickly. I'm not saying Super Bowl or anything but I'd say by next year we should be competing at a play-off contending caliber. It's going to depend on how lond it takes VY to mature and play like he should.

Everyone needs to quit worrying about the Broncos game! For crying out loud! This is the pre-season! There's no need to panic, fire all the coaches, and start worrying about next years draft. Don't forget we were 1-3 the year we went to the SB. Hell, the Colts were 0-5 last pre-season before rattling off 13 straight. Granted the Denver game wasn't very promising but no reason to hit the panic button yet.
I was a pretty big Chris Brown fan, but couldnt help but notice in the last two preseaon games hes been shakin up....Lendale White impressed me a lot with is tough hard running.... maybe Lendale really is the future...maybe since you all think we will be choosing in the top 10 picks of next years draft, which may be true, we could get Dwayne Jarret...Adrian Peterson (dunnno why but hey why not) or Ted Ginn.... maybe Baraka Atkins who knows
And what's Fisher supposed to say to the press...Should he throw his team under the bus...I'm sure he has a few other things to say to the players in private.

I agree with you here. One thing a coach should never do is throw his team under the bus when he is talking to the media. It would show a lack of respect to the players, and the players would in turn lose trust in the coach. If the coach wants to say something about his players in a closed meeting, that's fine, but he should never say anything to the media.
I actually saw some positives in the game. With White, VY and the rest of the second team in the game we saw a glimpse of what the future will be. They were some what competitive and didn't make huge mistakes. They looked more comfortable then the fist team.

The negatives I saw were the fist three quarters. The first team look completely out of rythm. The defense had no backbone what so ever. Special teams look fine, especially with Wade, I like the kid.
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