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TitanJeff said:
Honestly, how can they afford to risk $350k if some player drops an f-bomb while the ref has his mike open making a penalty call? To protect yourself from this, you'd not be able to do player interviews, capture any game sounds, or even be in ear shot of a fan under the broadcast booth.

I don't need to hear from a player during a game. And, I'm sure the player could do without it,too.

It's probably the last thing they want to do during the game.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
They can sample some crowd noise for production sake. The only sound feed needed is that from the ref mic and that is under standard pa control. How about they not worry about the expensive telescoping microphones and just call the damn game.

My thoughts exactly. I like hearing the "hut/hut" and "blue 82" as much as the next guy, but if it ruins the broadcast get rid of it. I might be surprised how much I miss some of it though. (I normally watch on TV anyhow - but they have the same audio feed at line of scrimmage that radio gets.).
Reply from Larry Stone on radio delay

Maybe we can make this a sticky.

Thanks for your email -- AND most importantly your passion for hearing Mike and Frank's call. It means a lot to me you would email me about this topic.

In short, you can thank Janet Jackson for the delay -- the FCC has cracked down on obscenity on both radio and television in the wake of this incident. The FCC answers to the public on these kinds of issues, however, special interest groups have taken the opportunity to seize on any obscenity and report it to the FCC -- making it appear to be a mass citizen protest.

This recently happened with a NASCAR event where a swear word came over the driver's radio and was aired on television. A conservative family group had its members report the incident to the FCC -- though it was found few of the people who reported the incident had even watched the race.

And, the FCC has increased the fines for obscentiy to about 350K per report.

That's the background. As for the delay Saturday night, our company felt as though it had no choice in the wake of the above.
Keep in mind, this is not about Mike, Frank, Cody or myself "letting one slip." We have live microphones in the crowd and on the sidelines that could pick up a player, coach, official -- someone potentially using a expletive. With the delay in place, we have a chance to remove such an accidental airing. We will, however, continue to look at other alternatives that might allow us to give you the broadcasts in real time.

I am not a political type, but I would also encourage you to email the FCC -- they govern the public airwaves based on what you, a member of the public, wants. They would be interested to hear, not so much about this specific delay -- but if you believe, as I do, that a swear word picked up by a microphone at a football game is not the kind of obscentiy we need to be worried about as a society. Everyone involved should be more concerned about the willing and blatant use of obscenity -- that is, obscenity that is in the script of a television show -- or at the core of what a radio show is about.

There's the answer -- I hope it makes sense. And I hope you will let you fellow fans know that we, too, do not like the situation. And we continue to work on it. That's a promise.

Go Titans!

Larry Stone
Executive Producer/Game Day Host
Titans Radio
506 2nd Ave South
Nashville, TN 37210
(615) 727-7020 phone (615) 259-1271 fax
Follow The Titans With Mike, Frank & Larry On
The 80+ Stations Of Titans Radio
I have never watched you local broadcast before, and I hate to say it, but it was kinda lame. It wasn't even in HD. And the second half was even worse than the first half. And Eddie George wasn't too bad, but after listening to Wychek, Andre Ware, Warren Moon, and Spencer Tilman, Eddie George was pretty bad. Even getting a little dead air comment there in the first half.

If I had to choose and I was in TN, I definately go radio. I know it was only preseason, and they are warming up, but the broadcast seemed a little lifeless.
I'll be tuning out of the live broadcasts unless they can get the delay down to 2-3 seconds. I watch the play myself anyway and I only listen for their perspective on the play.

I had my son with me last night and did not even bother with a radio - I knew I would not be listening anyways - did they do post game OC/DC/HC reports??? Always one of my favorite things win or loose.
PhiSlammaJamma said:
I have never watched you local broadcast before, and I hate to say it, but it was kinda lame. It wasn't even in HD. And the second half was even worse than the first half. And Eddie George wasn't too bad, but after listening to Wychek, Andre Ware, Warren Moon, and Spencer Tilman, Eddie George was pretty bad. Even getting a little dead air comment there in the first half.

If I had to choose and I was in TN, I definately go radio. I know it was only preseason, and they are warming up, but the broadcast seemed a little lifeless.

The TV commentators for the preseason are guys who could not get a full time gig anywhere making them available for a 4 game contract.
twoseven said:
Maybe we can make this a sticky.

Thanks for your email -- AND most importantly your passion for hearing Mike and Frank's call. It means a lot to me you would email me about this topic.

In short, you can thank Janet Jackson for the delay -- the FCC has cracked down on obscenity on both radio and television in the wake of this incident. The FCC answers to the public on these kinds of issues, however, special interest groups have taken the opportunity to seize on any obscenity and report it to the FCC -- making it appear to be a mass citizen protest.

This recently happened with a NASCAR event where a swear word came over the driver's radio and was aired on television. A conservative family group had its members report the incident to the FCC -- though it was found few of the people who reported the incident had even watched the race.

And, the FCC has increased the fines for obscentiy to about 350K per report.

That's the background. As for the delay Saturday night, our company felt as though it had no choice in the wake of the above.
Keep in mind, this is not about Mike, Frank, Cody or myself "letting one slip." We have live microphones in the crowd and on the sidelines that could pick up a player, coach, official -- someone potentially using a expletive. With the delay in place, we have a chance to remove such an accidental airing. We will, however, continue to look at other alternatives that might allow us to give you the broadcasts in real time.

I am not a political type, but I would also encourage you to email the FCC -- they govern the public airwaves based on what you, a member of the public, wants. They would be interested to hear, not so much about this specific delay -- but if you believe, as I do, that a swear word picked up by a microphone at a football game is not the kind of obscentiy we need to be worried about as a society. Everyone involved should be more concerned about the willing and blatant use of obscenity -- that is, obscenity that is in the script of a television show -- or at the core of what a radio show is about.

There's the answer -- I hope it makes sense. And I hope you will let you fellow fans know that we, too, do not like the situation. And we continue to work on it. That's a promise.

Go Titans!

Larry Stone
Executive Producer/Game Day Host
Titans Radio
506 2nd Ave South
Nashville, TN 37210
(615) 727-7020 phone (615) 259-1271 fax
Follow The Titans With Mike, Frank & Larry On
The 80+ Stations Of Titans Radio

The other day an Australian commentator was commentating a cricket match between South Africa and Sri Lanka and one of the Sth African players who is a muslim got a wicket and the Aussie commentator, thinking he was off-air and the microphones off, said 'The Terrorist got a wicket'. Which was apparently heard on TV as he wasn't off air.

He is now jobless.

Many years ago when I was in Australia the Aussies toured Pakaistain, oh my gosh the insults, both ways. There was some superstar Pakistainy guy who was on TV and all anyone wanted to talk about. Seems Australia beat them down pretty bad on that tour if I remember correctly.
Hey Folks....

They are feeding you a line of crap. After I noticed the HUGE delay, I went searching for other stations. I was able to barely pick up a station out of Franklin around the 950 AM area. There was MAYBE 2 second delay. Then it went out. Then I later found a FM station and same thing. Little if any delay. I don't think this is a Titan thing, it is a 103.3 thing. The broadcaster, 103.3, is making the choice in delaying the signal so much. Of course they don't have a email address to respond to on their website, but that is who we need to flood.
GoT said:
Seems Australia beat them down pretty bad on that tour if I remember correctly.

as usual.

though i dont think it is weak to sack a commentator for calling a muslim player a terrorist. Especially in this day and age.
Gunny said:
as usual.

though i dont think it is weak to sack a commentator for calling a muslim player a terrorist. Especially in this day and age.

Come on Gunny!

Cricketeers use foul language and vulgar insults all the time, well at least they used too. When did Cricket become a PC sport?

Firing the announcer was hopefully just a kneejerk reaction by the network and they will quietly reinstated the guy. But I bet you are right and his career is over for one thoughtless remark
GoT said:
Come on Gunny!

Cricketeers use foul language and vulgar insults all the time, well at least they used too. When did Cricket become a PC sport?

Firing the announcer was hopefully just a kneejerk reaction by the network and they will quietly reinstated the guy. But I bet you are right and his career is over for one thoughtless remark

On the field is different, no one hears it.

A commentator calling a muslim a terrorist in this day and age is just asking for repercussions. And this was in Sri Lanka where I assume there are a few of the muslim faith.
VolnTitan said:
Hey Folks....

They are feeding you a line of crap. After I noticed the HUGE delay, I went searching for other stations. I was able to barely pick up a station out of Franklin around the 950 AM area. There was MAYBE 2 second delay. Then it went out. Then I later found a FM station and same thing. Little if any delay. I don't think this is a Titan thing, it is a 103.3 thing. The broadcaster, 103.3, is making the choice in delaying the signal so much. Of course they don't have a email address to respond to on their website, but that is who we need to flood.
Hmmmm... it doesn't make much sense that the delay be 20 seconds. Maybe the local print media will investigate this and produce something.

I sent a letter to the FCC about this. I'll be interested to see what their response may be. Meanwhile, I'll ask Larry why the delay needs to be so long.

What baffles me is that 103.3 will lose listeners during the game if this continues. Why would they do this?
Here's about 10 minutes of research:

103.3 WKDF is owned by Citadel Broadcasting. Their site has no e-mail contact but they do post their legal representatives, Kirkland and Ellis.

So I would send comments to: [email protected]
I sent this email

I just wanted to drop you a line to tell you how dissappointed I was with the very long delay on the game call for the Saints and Titans game. I enjoy sitting in the stadium for all the home games and I love to tune in and listen as I take in the game. I even turn down the tv volume at home and listen on 102.3 in Chattanooga. I drive all the way to Nashville for all the games.

I understand the FCC stuff and the fines and those concerns, but the use of mics that pic up obscure rare things are not the sort of things that upset most people. That is not the type of indecency that the spirit of the laws is trying curtail. The bottom line is I just could not listen. I just am unwilling, as many fans are, to hear a play called as the next one is run before my eyes.

Bottom line, the use of certain sound eqipment to "enhance" the listening experience has ruined it all togther. I look forward to the weekend to see how 102.3 handles it and how in synce it is with the TV... but I expect a delay... it makes me sad.

Pehaps some crowd noise could be sampled and directional mikes not be employed? I just bought a new radio for the new season and I hardly used it at all while I watched the game. I sure hope something could be done.

Perhaps a low wattage transmitter on a seperate frequency could carry the game in real time? It could be one of those things that broadcasts a very short range. That could cut down on the risks with the FCC. Something must be done. If the game call is not in synce with TV and live action, or at least within a second or two for satelitte transmissions... many people will no longer listen, myself included. It's just not worth the headache.

Thankyou for taking the time to read my message. Please look into what can be done about this.
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