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You realize we were playing the Saints? When they had there first team in they moved well and they are the SAINTS. The fact that we have more depth then the Saints is not really a sign of playoffs IMO.

Our run game looked good but at pre-game The Fish said if we got 250 yards on the ground and lost by 2 TDs it would be a successful outing. He was obviously focused on the run game.

RT tell us how you see the season panning out if you think we get our 9~11 wins needed to push us to the playoffs.
I don't want to be mean but.....

Those of you who think this team will only win 5 or 6 games better come up with some reasoning above and beyond just our schedule. I have seen little evidence of real football knowledge here.

I have made my case now you make yours.
I'm still going with 16-0, but

Things I'm not ok with
The wr corps is just horrible.
The upgrades everyone talks about are so not upgrades.
No playmaker other than Young and Possibly Pac Man ( limited opps tho )

Things I'm ok with
Young as backup. He can move the ball.
Running game. Always thought brown was really good anyway
Volek. Looks sharp. Bennett connection is there again.
I think a lot people are forgetting, the Saints pretty much suck as bad as we do, and they won the game. Yeah. I know. whatever. But that is the same thing we were saying last year. A play here. A play there. Puft. The energy everyone is talking about will wane if we can't make a big play.
I am shooting for .500. We make 8-8 I will be happy! Anything above that I will be estatic. We have NO DEPTH. We have TOUGH opponents. We have a questionable O-line. I hope everything you say is right Rolltide, but it is hard to believe. I do remeber you last year saying the same stuff though. I was blinded by homerism last year as well. Hope for the best, expect the worse. Thats my new motto.
RollTide said:
Can't wait until jan 2007 to read gunny's prediction for this season. Gunny always on the money!

if you want anyone to have a clue on what you are talking about, explain this BS about me predicting stuff after the season?
RollTide said:
Those of you who think this team will only win 5 or 6 games better come up with some reasoning above and beyond just our schedule. I have seen little evidence of real football knowledge here.

I have made my case now you make yours.

You still did not answer my question on which of your games we are going to squeeze out 9~11 victories from.

4 significant position upgrades ……

Improved Running game

Improved WRs...addition of wade...roby-williams-jones not rookies any more

Total attitude change on defense

Improved pacman

Troupe ready to take over as a top 10 TE..

Improved run game? We get a new FB and a RB who has not played a down and our running game as improved to the point of a playoff team? Yeah we ran well against a Saints defense that was constantly subbing and yes we looked good but the Saints D has never been all that stellar. If that was the Bears D or Pits D then yeah you can make an argument but the Saints are a stretch to say the least.

Our WR looked better but Bennett had a pretty big drop on 1st team, so did Givens, and Williams had one with our second team on there second team D.

Our defense looked good but our 1st team D played into the 2nd quarter against the Saints second team offense. If our 1st team D can not match up to a second team of the Saints we should be really worried.

Pacman looked great but still could not hold back enough not to get a 15 yarder. If he gets a rep in the league as someone who draws penalties the refs will look and any subtle thing will draw a flag. If he does not control this it will become a much worst problem as the season goes on.

Troupe better step up with Kinney having surgery. Our TEs were really the only bright spot we had on offense last season. We lose that we have nothing on offense from last season.

And to totally disregard the fact that we have to play the NFC East this season and brush it off as “little evidence of real football knowledge” is total crap. Every one of the teams in that division could make the playoffs easily. The 6-10 record of last season for Phili is very deceptive. With the TO thing gone and a healthy McNabb they are basically the same team that went to the NFC championship 3 years in a row.

Miami has improved

Baltimore has improved

Most of the teams we will play this year will be in the hunt for playoff spots and they will play us like we are a game they can no lose. None of these teams will be a push over less maybe Jets and Bills. On top of that betting lines are putting us at 5~6 wins. They probably just make that stuff up though. Throw darts, it is not like they are in a multi billion $ industry and pay allot of money to set those odds so they are right around what the season is going to be.
PhiSlammaJamma said:
I think a lot people are forgetting, the Saints pretty much suck as bad as we do, and they won the game. Yeah. I know. whatever. But that is the same thing we were saying last year. A play here. A play there. Puft. The energy everyone is talking about will wane if we can't make a big play.

Maybe we shouldn't forget that IT WAS A PRE-SEASON GAME! Who cares who won the game? 4th stringers were in the game in the 2nd half. Look more at individual play and 1st team on 1st team. Also remember that the 99 SB team was 1-3 in the pre-season.

Did we have a true shut down CB last year? Looks like we have one this year.
Our defense last year was terrible. We have upgraded at all the weak points, OLB, MLB, S and with more experience and Pac playing well at CB.

Did we lack depth and have alot of inexperience at WR last year? Looks like we improved significantly there. Of course because Bennett and Williams missed those catches we will have fans saying our WRs suck but what I saw was good protection for the QB and some real nice throws. Volek looked darn good and Wade really helps our 3 WR sets. We haven't even seen what Givens can bring yet. Fans might want to keep in mind that after Troupe we were plaing our 5th and 6th TEs.

We did run the ball well. Not fantastic but well enough to win ball games. I know many were not impressed by Brown only getting 47 yards in one quarter (if he was any good he should have had 100) but I think the combination of Brown and Henry and White should be a significant improvement over what we had last year. If Henry can stay drug free and relatively healthy he and White can carry the load even if Brown gets nicked.

The OL did a good job of pass protecting which was one of my biggest concerns. Volek will rip defenses apart if he has time to throw.

I don't want to bother with a game by game prediction because they rarely hold. I know that one team we are not afraid of is the jags. We will be really ready to play them and the fact that they were 12-4 last year won't matter. We almost beat them here last season.

Jags don't scare me, the texans are nothing to be concerned about. Jets, bills and ravens are all very probable victories. I think one of those NFC east teams will melt down most likely the giants. Maybe the colts will have an injury meltdown like in 2001 when they had a horrible defense.
I am in total agreement about the Jags. A point I have driven home on there board several times :evil: but I still think we split with them.

Ravens will be tough because of there QB. I know there are haters on this board but if he is healthy we will struggle against a guy that knows our team, coaches, etc.

How I see it:

Jags in Tenn.
Houston x2

and one of these (Miami, Washington, Baltimore)

So what you are saying is that in half the games on our schedule; no chance to win? We play the giants and gayboys at home. No chance we can win one of those? I think we will win one. Maybe we win 2 out of those three you mention. Now we are up to 8 games. I predicted 9 wins.

I'm not even ready to consider New England an automatic loss. Why should i? They were only 10-6 last year and keep losing players and getting older. We also get them at home..

If your scenario holds true and we only go 6-10 this season expect jeff fisher to lose his job.
Not know chance just hard games. We could also easily lose any game I said we are winning. Just realistically we will win those games and lose the others.

Maybe we win 2 out of those three you mention. Now we are up to 8 games. I predicted 9 wins.

My scenario would only put you at 7 wins if two of those games are winners. All 3 would make the 8 wins.

IMO, I would rather be pessimistic and be surprised then optimistic and disappointed.

If we go 6-10 Young looks well in his play time and we improve across the board I do not see Fish out the door.

Boys - NFC champs with TO, IMO

Giants - Have Amani Toomer I went to High School with him. There #1 at end looked really good in his first preseason game, same team with a better D.

NE - is the last game of the season. If we are playing well and they have a spot in the playoffs it is defiantly possible. If they need the game Brady will play it like a playoff game and cut us apart. There rookie RB looked awesome in his first game.

I said we can win 2 of the 3 games you mentioned AND beat either the gayboys or the giants at home..

The cowboys are an average team with an average QB and one WR will not make them that much better. We will dominate the gayboys this year!
RollTide said:
The cowboys are an average team with an average QB and one WR will not make them that much better. We will dominate the gayboys this year!

I hope you are right. But this comment stinks of a crow sandwich later this season. :hmm:
Why is everyone so obsessed with these other teams? This is the NFL. Heck our crap team last year almost beat the Seahawks despite the fact we gave Alexander 170 yards rushing that game.

The Pats lost their second best WR who now plays for us.
The Colts lost their second best LB who now plays for us.
Pitt lost one of their starting safties who now plays for us.

The bottom line is for any team to grow into a playoff team you have to have young guys mature into quality players. We don't know yet how good Roos or some of these guys are going to be but we might as well be optimistic. Mason was a 4th round WR who turned into a pro-bowl player. Rolle was a 2nd round CB. We need some of these guys to show improvement and for that matter we should expect a certain amount of improvement. Talent wise we are not far behind any team and if we play a good sound game can beat anyone at this point. The team chemistry looks improved and some of the big gaps we had last year have been rectified. The talent is there. We just need good coaching and execution and we should be competitive with anyone we play. Barring a melt down because of injuries I wouldn't anticipate losing any game. Thats why we play them.

Who are the Jags anyway? They lost their best WR and don't have a great amount of talent that we need to be quivering in our boots?
I am looking for 7-8 wins....if we can stay away from injuries it wont be the hardest thing.

but what I want the most is a victory over the damn colts
Titans fans are prediciting 4-0 vs jag and tex
Texans fans are predicting 4-0 vs Tenn and Jag
Jagoff fans predicting 4-0 vs Tenn and Tex

Somewhere, someone's not gonna get what they want.
RollTide said:
Those of you who think this team will only win 5 or 6 games better come up with some reasoning above and beyond just our schedule. I have seen little evidence of real football knowledge here.

I have made my case now you make yours.
RollTide said:
Spoiler? That's when a crap team upsets someone. We are not a crap team.

Sleeper? We won't be sneaking up on anyone.

Where is the playoff contender choice?
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