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Soxcat said:
Collins won the competition based on Volek's play and Collin's resume.

Volek's play wasn't bad by any standards as far as I'm concerned. It wasn't like he threw 5 INTs and completed less than 40% of his passes. It just seems odd that they decided to bring Collins for some "competition" just one week before the season opener, and now all of a sudden Volek might be traded or released? There has to be something more to this and Titans FO doesn't want to talk about it.

And what's good about Collins' resume? He has been on several teams for a reason.
Also notice that Collins can never get a long contract with any team. All of them are like the contracts we have. Speaks allot for how good teams seem to think he is.
Toly said:
Volek's play wasn't bad by any standards as far as I'm concerned. It wasn't like he threw 5 INTs and completed less than 40% of his passes. It just seems odd that they decided to bring Collins for some "competition" just one week before the season opener, and now all of a sudden Volek might be traded or released? There has to be something more to this and Titans FO doesn't want to talk about it.

And what's good about Collins' resume? He has been on several teams for a reason.

This whole deal has been set up since April. FO did it this way to ease the idea to the fans.
see if volek could think logically he would go with the team up to green bay. support the team and possibly get some time in on the field to show his skill, however...he has drew as an agent. another player under drews flag throws a hissy fit and gets what he volek follows suit...i am not going wah wah wah...the only difference and the big difference is the productivity between the 2. you get the picture..t.o big time...volek life time back up...
Like I said in another post, QBs like Volek can go to the Super Bowl with a good supporting cast around them. Take our running game for instance, the Titans have three good running backs and 2 FBs to choose from right now. I saw A. Hall pancakin' some people last game. However, a lot of times our RBs wouldn't even get that far out of the backfield to take advantage of the nice FB blocks due to our Oline primarily. I hate to see what is happening to Volek and the Titans. Volek was going to try his best for this team this year to help the team win and help himself find a home next year. Now because of the O-line and the defense not doing their job, he is on the hot seat and may be gone pretty soon. I will cheer for Billy when he goes to a team that has a good O-line and lights up a few teams. He's got the potential... The Titans seem to be in "panic mode" right now by hiring a starting QB this late in the preseason. I said back in April and May, "McNair will probably not be here and Volek will be declared as the starter. As long as they don't change that at the end of August, it could work beautifully." Well, here it is late August and the Titans have succeeded in making not one but 2 starting QBs angry at them in the past 7 months. If Collins get's out there on opening day and brings the Titans to a victory, I will be shocked, but I will also be glad. I may not like Collins, but hopefully I only have to put up with him for a season at the most. I will still cheer Billy on, even if he is playing against the Titans. Volek got shafted and deserves to get a real chance.
Come on people...

Did anyone ever consider that the FO didn't bring in Collins earlier so HIS asking price would drop? The closer it got to the start of the season, the less demanding players get with salary when your choice is no salary and watching.

Be that as it may, Volek should not fold at the first site of competition. It's not like Fisher said he's Kerry Collins...our new starting QB. They said they were bringing him in for experience and depth. And frankly, unless you're a Brett Favre in your prime, anyone at your position can take your job. Welcome to the NFL!

If you're Volek, you should be looking at 2 things...

A - With the Titans I already know the offense and the offensive players and have my best chance to play well in practice and in games. If someone can beat me out (as he's his job to lose), so be it. It shouldn't matter if they brought in KC or anyone else. They are trying to make the TEAM better....not hand anyone a position for just showing up.

B - How many other teams around the league have OPEN starting QB jobs? ZERO. That means you're gonna have to go in and learn their offense and gel with their players before you even have a SHOT at earning a starting QB job. That means the job is someone else's to lose...

And frankly, this job is going to the best player anyway. As Fisher has said, Vince might be ready to play earlier than they anticipated. Of course I don't know if that means next year vs 2 years from now or week 6 vs next year...but that is the nature of this business and especially that position.

Personally, I think Fisher is feeling some heat for all the losses and poor showings in the last 2 pre-season games and they are looking to improve, even if they end up bruising a few egoes. Fisher mention after the last pre-season game that Volek missed some easy reads and I think that is why they ultimately went after Collins to give him some competition and give us a solid backup no matter who wins the starting job. Plus, Volek is rather fragile physically and with a porous OL, that sounds like VY or Mauck playing a good chunk of the season. So I think the Collins signing was a no brainer (though I would have done it right after the draft and may the best man win. Apparently, Volek doesn't want to compete...which says a lot about him.

Volek should do the best thing for himself...forget trade talk and forget KC wanting your job. Go out and compete and do the best that you can to win the job or at least showcase your talent. I don't hear Schaub complaining about wanting a trade cause Vick is there, but several teams have already come calling for him. If you want out, PERFORM. Don't hurt your own rep and your trade value...that makes it WORSE for you...not better!!!

Who wants to trade for a guy who's going to complain and wanna jump ship after one bump. Isn't he supposed to be a LEADER?

With the right supporting cast, anyone could play QB...including me. But that's hardly here nor there. Yes a trent Dilfer can win a Super Bowl, but Volek doesn't have the resume yet to make a case for handing him a starting job. He has a resume that should give him a look...but then he has to earn it.

And frankly, everyone should have to earn it. I like bringing Collins in for several reasons...DEPTH (a vet QB), EXPERIENCE (a guy who's played QB in some BIG games (including the Super Bowl)), and IMPROVEMENT FOR THE STARTING QB POSITION (a healthy competition for the starting role which should either bring out the best in Volek or a better KC - either way...we are better).

Collins is by no means a 'savior' but Volek is making a huge deal about competition which SHOULDN'T be a big deal. Plus, I would not be very inspired by my QB wanting to jump ship at the first sign of trouble. That shows me he's not willing to do what it takes to get the job done. And THAT is a failure of his leadership.

Listen to Volek speak and then listen to VY. VY knows he has a long way to go, but he sure sounds confident in getting there for himself and the team. It's one of the reasons why McNair was such a good leader. If he had to run through 5 guys to get to the endzone...he might not make it, but he'd risk everything to try.

I agree Gut, I said before that I don't think Volek has the attitude needed to be a starting NFL QB. He doesn't have that confident swagger that this is his team and he's the leader.

I saw him interviewed on All-Access, and he was saying how he is only one part of the team, and although he comes across as a nice guy, we know where nice guys finish.

And now with him asking for a trade, it's like he's saying you don't like me, so I'm leaving to find a place where someone will, instead of welcoming anyone to try and unseat him from his spot. He doesn't appear to have confidence in himself, which a QB has to have in order to inspire a team to believe in him and follow him into battle.
McNair always believed he could win any game, and I've heard other players say how that removed their doubts. By his example. BV example is to cut bait and run.
bigtitanfan said:
see if volek could think logically he would go with the team up to green bay. support the team and possibly get some time in on the field to show his skill, however...he has drew as an agent. another player under drews flag throws a hissy fit and gets what he volek follows suit...i am not going wah wah wah...the only difference and the big difference is the productivity between the 2. you get the picture..t.o big time...volek life time back up...

Yeah, or he could blow a knee and be really screwed. I'd probaby do the same thing. I mean, it is a difference of milions of dollars. I'm not bitter about him wanting to be traded or protecting himself.
I also think Volek is getting an unjust bad rep here.
Sure he was upset that they all of a sudden brought in a new QB and you could tell by his comments to the press. But all of these trade speculations (keyword speculations) are made by the media.
Supposedly he's waived a no-trade clause, but you have to realise that waiving that is just as much in the Titans interest as his, considering that if Collins win the starting job, we have no plans to keep Volek as a #3 QB.

I have yet to read a single comment where he says he doesn't want to compete with Collins. In fact coming out and saying that the job is his to lose, sounds very much like he plans on competing for the job.

I've learned one thing from the media and the NFL...where there's smoke, there usually is FIRE.

I certainly don't know Volek personally nor have any inside knowledge to what he is or is not thinking. With that said though...his comments to the media showed me a lot. I won't quote him, but basically when asked about the possibility of wanting out, he said he'd talk it over with his agent to see what they want to do.

Of course he should talk to his agent, but you don't say that to the media or people and his teammates...will think he's at least considering jumping ship because of a little competition. It's not like they brought in Peyton Manning and Collins has got only a few days to get a grasp of the playbook?

Volek should LEAD by example and say something like...I feel this is my job to lose but at the same time, I welcome the competition. Collins has great experience which can only help me and VY develop. And frankly, he and I can push each other so this team will have the best we've got at the QB position. It's nice to know we'll have an experienced backup QB and won't have to rush VY into the fire.

Instead, he looked like a deer in the headlights trying to say the right things but the...I've got to talk this over with my agent...doesn't inspire confidence.

Sure it's possible the media made up the...he's waived his no-trade clause, but it appears to me that Volek has taken this as a slap in the face and wants out...though he did say he likes it here and wants to stay.

The Titans should NOT cut him...period. Trade him or give him the option of competing for the starting spot and may the best man win. If Volek whines and complains, fine him for conduct detrimental to the team and park him on the bench. You do NOT cut/release assets just because they want out. He is a commodity in the busienss side of football and if he wants out, someone needs to pony up something a quality OL/DT/draft pick.


Vigsted said:
I also think Volek is getting an unjust bad rep here.
Sure he was upset that they all of a sudden brought in a new QB and you could tell by his comments to the press. But all of these trade speculations (keyword speculations) are made by the media.
Supposedly he's waived a no-trade clause, but you have to realise that waiving that is just as much in the Titans interest as his, considering that if Collins win the starting job, we have no plans to keep Volek as a #3 QB.

I have yet to read a single comment where he says he doesn't want to compete with Collins. In fact coming out and saying that the job is his to lose, sounds very much like he plans on competing for the job.
Gut said:
Volek should LEAD by example and say something like...I feel this is my job to lose but at the same time, I welcome the competition. Collins has great experience which can only help me and VY develop. And frankly, he and I can push each other so this team will have the best we've got at the QB position. It's nice to know we'll have an experienced backup QB and won't have to rush VY into the fire.


Well luckily I don't mind quoting Volek.

Tennessean said:
Volek said he had no comment based on advice from his agent, Drew Rosenhaus.

Tennessean said:
"I guess they want a quarterback who is perfect in every throw and every read, and that is going to be hard to find,'' Volek said. "I guess they've been unhappy with my production. But it is hard when you are only getting a quarter a game and when you get two quarters in one game like I did against Atlanta and throw for (141) yards, they are still disappointed.

"I don't quite understand it, but it is out of my control."

Tennessean said:
He said he welcomes the veteran leadership and competition that come with Tennessee's addition of veteran quarterback Kerry Collins and is ready to battle him for the right to remain the starter.

"I think it's mine to lose," Volek said. " … I feel comfortable with this and am going to just go out there and keep doing what I can do."

Tennessean said:
"Right now we're just digesting this," Volek said. "We're going to talk (Monday night), probably meet up."

Tennessean said:
Volek emphasized he's not upset, that Nashville has been good to him and that he "can't complain about anything."

He said he's eagerly anticipating the regular season opener Sept. 10.

"I'm looking forward to the Jets game, going out there and playing four quarters," he said. "I still think I have a great opportunity in front of me and I'm going to continue to help Vince out and do all the right things that I can do for this organization."

Tennessean said:
"I understand this is a business. It's been a business from day one and I don't worry about the things I can't control,'' Volek said. "They needed some experience at the quarterback position, so it doesn't bother me at all.''

Read between the lines...

"I understand this is a business. It's been a business from day one and I don't worry about the things I can't control,'' Volek said. "They needed some experience at the quarterback position, so it doesn't bother me at all.''

If it doesn't bother him at all...why would he meet up with his agent? Why would you need to even discuss it?

And this comment...

"I guess they want a quarterback who is perfect in every throw and every read, and that is going to be hard to find,'' Volek said. "I guess they've been unhappy with my production. But it is hard when you are only getting a quarter a game and when you get two quarters in one game like I did against Atlanta and throw for (141) yards, they are still disappointed.

"I don't understand it..."

He sounds like a baby implying he's done an excellent job but I guess that's not good enough so they're looking for a great QB to come in here. These are not words of someone not 'bothered' at all by Collins being brought in. These are the words of someone VERY bothered by it. only needs to look at the scoreboard to see the offensive production he's managed. Sure he's thrown for some nice yards...but how many TD's have you thrown for? ROOKIE'S have thrown for more TD's than Volek!!! And the fact that he's missing easy reads - which I'm sure he's WELL aware of - should tell him something. It obviously told the Coaching staff and FO people something.

Gut, whatever you read between the lines is up to you, but you can't hold Volek responsible for it.

I personally read that of course he's upset they bring in Collins, he feels he's done well enough considered the little time he's had and that he's going to consult his agent to hear what's going on and what he suggests Volek do for the near future (that is after all why you have agents). Doesn't mean he wants a trade, maybe he wants his agent to talk to Reese and find out what exactly the situation is, etc.

Oh and I'm sure rookies have run for more TD's than all our runningbacks combined as well.
I still say trying to make Volek out as some kind of wimp that doesn't want to compete or take on competition is ridiculous. If Collins had been brought in at the start of camp I'm sure Volek wouldn't have been leaning toward a trade but would have accepted the challenge. The late arrival of Collins puts a stamp on what the coaches think about Billy. He is right in wanting to go somewhere else at this point. There is not time to have a fair competition at this point and obviously the Titans have made their decision on him.
Billy should get a trade. He's 30 a doesn't want to be a backup. Vince is obviously both not ready and the man @ qb. So we need a guy that is ready, then Vince, then Just Another Guy. Billy doesn't want to hang around here and be JAG, so why not go someplace else. He definitely isn't a 3rd stringer. If he went to the right system he would still be one of the best backups in the league, and who knows? Maybe he can be a starter for someone else. He at least as good as Kelly Holcomb.
I disagree...

I don't see how bringing Collins in at the last minute is MORE upsetting since the coaching staff has NOT said that Collins is supplanting Volek as the starter. In fact, Collins coming in late works to Volek's advantage in that Collins needs time to learn the playbook. Other than that advantage for Volek, why would it be better for Volek to have Collins come in at the beginning of camp. If they did that Volek would be complaining he never got his fair shot.

Competing is competing. It's better when the other guy has to cram and you don't. Volek's problem is he doesn't want to compete.

And that's too bad for him AND for us!


Soxcat said:
I still say trying to make Volek out as some kind of wimp that doesn't want to compete or take on competition is ridiculous. If Collins had been brought in at the start of camp I'm sure Volek wouldn't have been leaning toward a trade but would have accepted the challenge. The late arrival of Collins puts a stamp on what the coaches think about Billy. He is right in wanting to go somewhere else at this point. There is not time to have a fair competition at this point and obviously the Titans have made their decision on him.
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