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If Nash had made the basic physical effort they asked of him leading up to camp to demonstrate his commitment, he'd probably still be here fighting it out with guys like Payton and Ganther and Ahmard Hall for one of those final roster spots.

If he found his sense of commitment in those days he spent wondering about his future after he was was cut by the Titans and before the Broncos picked him up, then good for him. Maybe he won't waste this second chance.

But he found it too late to keep his backup job here.
RollTide said:
More stupidity and arrogance from one of the leagues "elite" coaches?

When the titans released RB damien nash early in camp we all seemed pleased. Fisher isn't taking any s**t this year was the response and I was right there with them. We all saw it as a sign that slackers were not wanted on the titans this year.

Are you nuts? :ha:

Seriously, no way dude, if Nash gains any type of yardage in Denver, mark it down for the system. Let's see if Nash can gain 74 yards against us playing for Arizona...
Come on..this was the guy that was actually pi**ed off because he came in overweight and they wouldn't let him practice and said so in the paper.

The way we were playing defense even TJ could have run for 50.....[those legs aren't just for looks you know :spudnikha ]
I wonder if any of you even saw the game...

Simply saying that it's easy to run for denver or that our defense sucks isn't good enough. That's way too superficial. The guy showed some skills.

We all know that nash wasn't in good shape early in camp. He obviously isn't in that bad of shape now after all he lugged the football 14 times in one half! What has happened in 20 days? Could nash have made the same improvements here?

Isn't that part of coaching to motivate? To cajole, threaten, manipulate whatever to get more out of players? Nash was cut july 31st. The first cut isn't until the end of this month!

Seems to me they gave up on him too soon.
RT, I'll regret it when he runs for more than 50 yards in a real game. No reason to jump on the coaches after one good game by a guy we cut. I'm MUCH more concerned that he was running that way against us. Get the D's @ss in gear, they're letting the guy we cut run all over us.
I agree with Tide that I saw something in Nash that was more than just running against a pany defense. Good vision, quickness and power. The kid might make it in this league after all.
Nash deserved to go and it was the right decision at the time.
It was obvious however that the Titans had doubts about Nash anyway or they would not have burned a draft pick on Ganther (actually I still scratch my head over that one). We already drafted White which should have been enough RBs for one draft. We had Brown, Henry, Nash and Payton returning.
Now they will end up cutting Ganther anyway so we basically have nothing to show for two draft picks at one postion.
Soxcat said:
I agree with Tide that I saw something in Nash that was more than just running against a pany defense. Good vision, quickness and power. The kid might make it in this league after all.

I thought this about him last year in camp, once they put the pads on. The problem was keeping him on the field in the first place, and him working consistently every practice.

It was obvious however that the Titans had doubts about Nash anyway or they would not have burned a draft pick on Ganther (actually I still scratch my head over that one)....Now they will end up cutting Ganther anyway so we basically have nothing to show for two draft picks at one postion.

What did you want them to spend their final of three 7th round draft picks on where you think they're going to really score a slam-dunk guy who's a lock for the top 53? It's not like they weren't going to bring in at least one or two extra backs for camp.

I like Ganther, from what I saw up close. Would not shock me in the least to see him on the practice squad this year, and back in camp next year.
RollTide, if you want man I can come off a few of my ativans. Seriously, I think you are making too much of this. The guy was giving Fisher crap and you know it. The "superficial" excuse... it will suffuce for now. You haven't the evidence that cutting Nash was some huge mistake. If anything, the mistake would be Fisher entrusting JS to be his DC. Must you preface your posts with crap that draws abstract conclusions? There are better ways to win an argument than bs.
Bipolar your arguments are so weak...

And no i don't want any of your ativan, xanax or the IM haldol you have for lunch.

I like your lame approach; i say it MAY have been a mistake to cut nash you say "HUGE" mistake. You are getting into hoffa territory now.

As for the evidence the future will be the evidence. If nash is a solid backup for the next 5 years or more we will know that it was a mistake.

Has there ever been a decision made by fisher, reese or schwartz that you have not agreed with? It's like you are the official apologist for the titan's front office or something.

I sure hope that ganther does work out because we may need him next year. I stand by my prediction that reese will be taking a RB mid round in the 2007 draft. Payton isn't the answer, nash is gone and ganther probably isn't the answer either but let's hope he is. With an aging-slowing henry backing up white we may need some new blood.
Who is going to catch the ball out of the backfield next season?
I would've had a problem with them releasing Nash if he'd put in the work this offseason. I think he showed enough potential that if he had the work ethic, he deserved another camp.

But I watched Ganther work some in camp, and it would have been unfair to him IMO if he'd been forced to split reps with Nash when Nash clearly didn't make it a priority to come into camp ready to play.

Ganther has potential IMO, too. Good hands, runs hard, bounces off tacklers like a bowling ball at times -- doesn't make it easy for guys to get him down. I don't see him making the final roster unless a last-minute trade happens further up the depth chart, but maybe they are trying to quietly keep him under wraps a bit so he will clear waivers and be available for their PS.

Thank you.

Finally someone is not just superficial or cliche. I appreciate your opinion on ganther because i wasn't able to go to camp this year and see him closer up. Your point about splitting reps is valid. Thank you.

Do you agree with me regarding my concerns about henry for 2007?
I think it's a little too early to know what's going to happen with Brown or Henry in 2007 since both are scheduled to be free agents, but I do think a lot of it depends on what LenDale White shows in 2006.

Where was this Nash crap on the day he was cut.

He's nothing to me even if he turns out to be a stud in Denver.

We drafted him & gave him his 1st shot right out of the last chance saloon end of the draft. In return he was a lazy ungrateful grease spot.

Screw him & the horse he rode on last saturday :irked:
RollTide, you do realize that we are talking about a guy that quit his college team, don't you? (in other words, when he doesn't like a situation, he quits) Yes, I mean he's a quitter. When I made reference to his attitude problems that may be the root of all of this you only down played it with some weak rhetoric about camp this and that. The guy has a history of being a mouthy piece of crap. It is likely the case that we took him in the draft as a risk/reward project. This would be a much different case had he been a 1st day pick, but no... in typical Reese fashion an athlete was drafted, maybe not the best player. (I count attitude as a componet of being a player) ... I may be going out on a limb here but it wouldn't surprise me one bit if it turns out that Nash challenged Fisher's authority on one level or another. Like I stated before, I researched articles that outlined the debacle of an NCAA carreer that he had. It looks like this boils down to him being a poor fit within the organization, much like Owens in Philadelphia. (I threw that last bit in there because I know how much you appreciate abstract bs comparisons.)
Drafting him in the first place.

As far as who we could have taken in the 7th round instead of a RB I would have liked to see us take a couple of OL or DL guys. Those kind of guys have a chance of sticking if you get lucky with one. At least when you are drafting in the 7th round you get the pick of who is left instead of waiting to see if you can sign them as FAs. The point was we had more depth at RB after drafting White than we had a DE or OL. There are alot of OGs and OCs in this league that were picked in the last couple of rounds (some starters). Another guy like Amano would have been nice.

We spent one pick on Toone after we already picked two LBs in the draft and we drafted Ganther after picking one RB in the draft and having two vets already along with a 5th round pick from the year before. Either way it makes no sense.

Even the pick of Orr in the 6th round is questionable after picking 3 WRs last year and signing Givens. There were 8 OGs picked in the 7th round, 11 after Orr was picked. There were 5 OCs picked after Orr was picked. The end of the draft was bonehead either way you look at it. Now we have to "hide" Orr and Ganther on the PS? How many of these PS guys ever amount to anything but added depth anyway?
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