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My apologies in advance, I'm sure that this has been discussed already but I was too lazy to read through all the threads ;)

The signing of Collins baffles me! The only thing that baffles me more is the Raiders signing Jeff George. Is he still alive? :grrhee:

So now we have a po'd starting quarterback, we have a head coach that said basically tough chit, that's the NFL, we wanted to bring in competition at the quarterback position..... HUH?

The Titans brass must really be unhappy with BV. The question is, how does BV react? Does he take a "screw you" kind of attitude and doesn't give a flying flip? Or does this motivate him to go out and kick butt? Joe Montana couldn't kick butt behind the Titans offensive line, so I doubt Billy will have any luck either.

This organization has taken on a new light in many ways. It's odd, the whole complex of the team and everything it stands for seems to be moving in a different direction than what I've been used to. I think this has been going on for a couple of years and I've just been in denial, but this is definately a different team. I look forward to the day where we're talking about winning again and not about a player getting arrested, or another player telling the media that the team is undiciplined and that players need to get with it or told to leave. The team has lost some unity, and I'd like to see them get that back. It may be too late though.
There has been something going on that most fans have not been aware of. You can just see the frustration and unhappiness in Billy Volek everytime he comes off of the field or even in the interviews he gives. It may come from what he is being asked to do or not do by Norm Chow and Jeff Fisher. We will soon find out.
Titanium said:
It's odd, the whole complex of the team and everything it stands for seems to be moving in a different direction than what I've been used to.
I first noticed it when they drafted Adam Jones. At the time of Moss/Dyson they would never have drafted someone like Adam Jones. (Please, I don't want to start a debate about that decision, just that it showed a change of team direction from the past).

Winning cures a lot of ills, and if they can get back to being a contender again I think a lot of these distractions will go away. But it's not so easy to climb back up the mountain once you fallen.
As fans we have to believe they can.
The way I see it we are getting a has been for a never was.

Looking to next weeks game at GB...
That will be very interesting. I'm watching GB at CIN right now.

Farve looks like crap. That doesn't really help Volek much I know I'm just saying... It looks like Volek-Young-Collins will have another poor team to practice sucking with. Cinci looks very sharp. I did not realize their D was as fast as it is. I think they have improved on that side of the ball.

Volek has a shot at putting up two TD right off. Now how sweet would that be? It would prime him for a start vs. NYJ. But I, like many, don't have a great deal of faith in him. So far this preaseason he hasn't shown me the stuff I was hoping for. I thought he was the "great white hope" but so far as best as I can tell he is the "great white dope" ... sure... you can take penalties off his stats and cite a few percentages and make him sound ok... I'm not rivoted when I watch him. It's more like I take breaths and exhale in disappointment.

There is a litany of tired explanations and rationalizations that can be made for him and his play... The thing is... he's not all that bad... it's just that he is not all that good. And Collins?:ha: I think they are putting Volek on a preaseason stage to shine and if they feel like they can really go with Collins and get that player they need... they will do it. I don't think they are going to know what they are going to do until they do it. It will be interesting to say the least watching it play out. I have no idea what will happen.
Screw Volek!

He has had his chance. He's sucked all pre-season, & he sucked all last season. Everyone dwells on the fact that he had a few good games two years ago when he passed 60 times a game under a different offense.

He proved last year that he's weak. WEAK!

We'd win three games TOPS with him. & that's IF he could go more than two games without nursing an injury. Blame the line, blame whatever ... he sucks. He's a spot back-up, & he's never looked better than he did when he was holding a clipboard on the sideline.

Now he thinks he's in a position to be the next Drew Brees? Playing his way into to a sweet deal next off-season with another team?

Boo Billy Volek! Hoo-Ray Beer!

At least with Collins or an unseasoned Vince, we stand a chance of winning a whole FIVE games this year.

It's Chandler/McNair all over again, I'm telling ya. That's what Fish does.

I predict Volek gets CUT.
Titanium, you have hit on a key thought that has been bouncing around the empty space I own between my ears. The whole mindset has changed over the last couple of years. In my mind, we are witnessing the end of Fisherball as we know it. Being involved in many corporate takeovers, when Bud gave his "Fisher's not going anywhere" statement, I put that in the same category as "we don't plan to make any changes" when one corporation buys out another one. When you hear that, and you're with the company that was just bought, your days are numbered.

As for Billy Volek, I'm waiting for Rosenhaus to begin the grandstanding, if he can find his way out of Cowboy World.
Well we have all said Fish is to loyal to his guys and we need to get the best players on the field. Well obvious BV wasnt the best player, will Kerry Collins be any better? I guess we will find out.

Now hopefully we will see Pilliar riding the pine if Fish shuffles around the OL like he said, and a better player beats him out ( wont be hard IMO). Then we need a DT to push Starks. This is what Fish said was gonna happen last year, the best players were gonna be on the field, but so far we havent seen much of that.
LazyManJackson said:
This should motivate him, its sport you know, its what happens
Drafting Young was motivation for Volek... adding Collins is just frustrating for Volek, it's human nature. It could have a negative effect. Signing Collins is no different than when the Oilers' drafted McNair and added Chris Chandler.
I think that it's the opposite. Signing Collins is motivation, drafting Young should be the frustrating thing, because even if Volek does good Young will take over in a year or two no matter how Volek performs. But I see how signing Collins this late can be frustrating with it being so late.
i cant help but feel bad for billy because hes got a chance to show what he can do and hes just not comming thru, its dissapointing
Why do you feel bad for him if he has the chance but not coming through??? You feel bad when someone never got a chance or wasn't given a fair chance. Don't feel bad for him now. To be succesful in the NFL you can't feel bad for someone cuz they aren't coming through..
GhostZ said:
i cant help but feel bad for billy because hes got a chance to show what he can do and hes just not comming thru, its dissapointing
I don't remember anyone saying stuff like this before today when Collins was annonuced. There were several complaints about what the team needed, but I don't remember anyone saying we needed to bring in a new QB.
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