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I repeated myself there lol. I don't listen to this bs about Young not progressing, the stats don't lie. Young is a playmaker flat out, he will be fine.
Crash Override said:
Bill Walsch was a great QB coach. He said it's important for a rookie QB, to gain confidence, so he would put Montana in in goaline situations, to score an easy td and things like that so he could score a TD, and build his confidence up. Look at how he turned out, argubly the greatest QB all time. I think we should do the same to Vince.
i remember a while back there was an article about fisher putting vince in, in those types of situations so that it would make it that much harder for the defense
skitch said:
I agree. I was just amazed that he was turning red, veins popping out of his neck, about to fall out of his chair, screaming like an idiot.

What other way would you expect Jaworski to scream?

He's an idiot.
I've come to expect NOTHING from the national media...Lets face it, we're a market they don't really care for...( being from the south I've learned to live with the abuse)

All we can do is win...If you win enough games, they got to give you some respect...Til then, don't expect much

I've come to expect NOTHING from the national media...Lets face it, we're a market they don't really care for...( being from the south I've learned to live with the abuse)

All we can do is win...If you win enough games, they got to give you some respect...Til then, don't expect much

Exactly. They will bash you in every way possible when your team is like this. But when we start winning games, the media will say they called it and knew it would happen.
At this point in time anyone that is dissing Young is just full up on Hatorade. Anyone that has ever played football or watched football who has watched Vince has been amazed at him. In college he was the most electric player in the country (sorry Reggie B), and this guy just exudes a calm assertive confidence. Leadership and athletic ability. If his last name was Manning they would be on his Jock. Vince just keeps on progressing. Was there any question in the last game who was better Vince or A. Rodgers? Rodgers has had a whole year of NFL experience and he looked like a bum compared to VY.

The only thing that could hold up VY from being a good NFL QB is injury. The only thing that could keep him from being Great is desire. I'm not worried about VY. I hope he gets some playing time this weekend. And I hope he starts 5-6 games later this year.
Gunny said:

Yep, a day after the Green Bay game, when everyone else was praising Vince for solid rookie effort, Hoge went on national cable television & said that Vince "shouldn't have even been DRAFTED!"

Can you believe that?!

The other guy said, "Isn't that a bit harsh? He's afterall, a rookie?" Hoge said that Floyd has "much to answer to for wasting the 3rd pick in the draft on VY." Said he shouldn't have even been drafted!


Said all of the same crap that he said pre-draft ... also said that Vince hasn't progressed at ALL. Obviously, he & Jaworski suckle off of the same tit. I hate the living crap out of both.

Even if they end up being correct, I'll still hate them for being such members about it.
Gene the PIG said:
Yep, a day after the Green Bay game, when everyone else was praising Vince for solid rookie effort, Hoge went on national cable television & said that Vince "shouldn't have even been DRAFTED!"

Can you believe that?!

The other guy said, "Isn't that a bit harsh? He's afterall, a rookie?" Hoge said that Floyd has "much to answer to for wasting the 3rd pick in the draft on VY." Said he shouldn't have even been drafted!


Said all of the same crap that he said pre-draft ... also said that Vince hasn't progressed at ALL. Obviously, he & Jaworski suckle off of the same tit. I hate the living crap out of both.

Even if they end up being correct, I'll still hate them for being such members about it.

Well, imo, Young is already further along in his rookie year than Vick was in his and probably McNair too, so I think he has a promising future.
Me too!

I mean, he's done NOTHING to receive such a critical raping from a member of the media! He's coming along fine, imo.

Another thing Hoge said ... he said that VINCE will never read defenses :eek: , & is NOT a runner like Vick, & that people for some reason think Vince has that talent. Says he will amount to nothing.

Yeah, & like I said, Hoge said that if we didn't have so much money & pressure tied into this, that we'd be better off GETTING RID OF Young, & not frikken Volek! :lol:

Hoge was such a tool about it. I never disliked him before, never cared .. but NOW I HATE, yes HATE, him!

I mean, the guy is a effing ROOKIE!

Vince must have eaten his children. :sad2:
Vigsted said:
Well, imo, Young is already further along in his rookie year than Vick was in his and probably McNair too, so I think he has a promising future.

No question he's ahead of Mac.

He sat on the bench for two years and came from Division AA.
RJ sees things that most fans do not look for. He knows what he is talking about, especiaally when it comes to QB play. Titans fans may not like what they here, but VY is not ready in terms of the "textbook" NFL QB. He has a lot of athleticism but he is not ready to make the reads he will need to make in facing the schemes teams will be throwing out there beginning this weekend.
it comes down to this: if jaws or hoge were so brilliant, they'd be working in an nfl front office, instead of criticizing the guys who actually do work in nfl front offices. the last i heard, the titans' scouts weren't the only ones who thought vince was worth the pick...
Why work in an NFL front office when you can make a lot more money in the booth and are able to play as much golf as you want to? Jaworksi has a lot more money than most NFL GMs.
FightinTitan said:
RJ sees things that most fans do not look for. He knows what he is talking about, especiaally when it comes to QB play. Titans fans may not like what they here, but VY is not ready in terms of the "textbook" NFL QB. He has a lot of athleticism but he is not ready to make the reads he will need to make in facing the schemes teams will be throwing out there beginning this weekend.

The fact that you gave Jaworski credability discredits your post. This will be the same Jaworski who will be saying later that VY has really improved and now he has his blessing(sucking up). These analysts always eat their words.

It's amazing how many times people try to fit a square into a round hole. The Titans FO drafted VY because they said he could redefine the position. They didn't draft him to be a "textbook" QB. And another thing, does every QB make all the right "reads" on every play. NO! People are so critical of rookies when they make an overthrow, underthrow, interception, and bad decisions. But guess what. There is not a starting QB in the league that doesn't do the same thing.

There was nothing that justified Jaworski's little rant. Funny last year when Eli started he got a pass for every bad throw or mistake. The "he's a rookie" pass. So, why is VY not getting the same treatment. Jaworski and Hoge are not experts at judging if a QB will make it. The sad part is Sports Center is giving idiots like this a voice so more idiots will jump on board.

I REALLY can't wait to hear what they have to say when VY shows out.
I see a lot of emotion in these posts.

Now step back and remember what Jaworski does for a living.

Hes a member of the media.....and what is his job?

Why, his job is to create interest and improve the raatings of his show. You can create interest in a lot of ways. One of the ways is to stir the pot. Another is to give his opinion-straight up. No one says he can't change his mind, becaue he is in the media and it is his show. He can say what he pleases.

In this case, Jaworski is right. Like it or not, VY is not ready to start and be successful in the NFL. If he were to start every game this season, he will get his butt handed to him 3-4 times a game by some of the schemes used by NFL defensive coordinators.

Discredit me all you wnat. That does not bother me. I did my time playing football at the collegiate level. I am very confident in my assessment of talentt and what is going on. Add to that fact that two of my brothers played with NFL teams, they have shared some things about the NFL process with me that the average fan would never think about.:football:
Jaworski is one thing ... I can't really comment on him because I'm still festering about Hoge. Does HOGE have the credentials to say that Vince Young shouldn't have even been DRAFTED!?

Should we cut him, as he implored?

These guys are all screwballs. Stupid critics. If Hoge touched a girl in the ESPN newsroom, he'd be s-canned too, just like Harold Reynolds. Never to be heard from again.

On to the next flunky it would be. Maybe Trent Dilfer.
FightinTitan said:
In this case, Jaworski is right. Like it or not, VY is not ready to start and be successful in the NFL. If he were to start every game this season, he will get his butt handed to him 3-4 times a game by some of the schemes used by NFL defensive coordinators.

The question isn't whether he's ready to start in the NFL at this moment, we all know he's not. But you have to be blind or drunk on hatorade to not see that Vince Young has improved (and a lot, imo) in the time he's been here. It's the "no improvement" comment that's totally out in the woods.
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