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I might give up our 2nd for Schaub if the FO was confident he could be our guy. That would allow us to pick whoever we wanted at #3.
And as for the idea itself, I really dont think it would be that bad a thought if we were drafting the second half of the first round. But I dont Schaub has done enough to warrant giving up the third pick in the draft.
Look, if we're picking a QB #3, why is it such a horrible idea to trade that pick for a QB (with NFL experience, and who is as highly regarded as any of the big 3) and an extra 1st day pick? I know this wouldn't be as sexy as dressing Leinart or Young in two-toned blue, but it would help the team more. Many teams have made costly mistakes by taking a rookie QB in the top spot, i.e. Seattle-Mieir, Washington-Schuler, SD-Leaf.
I don't want to have to listen to ESPN five years from now talking about the Titans 1st round bust.
Is it really less risky? We don't know much about Schaub, he's certainly not a proven QB. As said above, it would make more sense if we had a lower pick, but the #3 has much higher value. The falcons are holding him at too high a price, we're not biting since we don't know he can do the job.
Tuckfro42 said:
Look, if we're picking a QB #3, why is it such a horrible idea to trade that pick for a QB (with NFL experience, and who is as highly regarded as any of the big 3) and an extra 1st day pick?
Schaub was a late 3rd round pick 3 years ago who has played very little and has publicly shown no reason to believe that he's anything close to a potential top QB. Compare that to the 3 top QBs this year, all of whom are considered realistic franchise-type players.

I don't want to have to listen to ESPN five years from now talking about the Titans 1st round bust.
Would that be any worse that listening to them 5 years from now as they talk about the Titans making the worst trade in league history?
Nah, the saints own that one. An entire draft (and they year afters 1st round) for Ricky Williams..

I'd rather the Titans take a chance on the "big 3" than take him.

You say the Jets value him but not really. They have Chad Pennington who had a below average arm coming off 2 shoulder injuries. They then had a disgruntled DE. They wanted Schaub in there as part of the deal not _THE_ deal, difference. Falcons also see the value with Schaub. He's cheap, he so far doesn't want to be #1 and he's a quality back up. With M.Vick back there you need a guy who can at least give you an 8-8 season (like one isn't enoguh, hehe) and Schaub does that.
tuckfro your crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #3 for schaub is the stupidest thing ive ever heard! even dumber than drafting cutler at #3.
Not for a first round pick. He may become a good starter in the league, but his value is not the #3 pick in the draft. I'm not against getting a quality QB in another way (I would've been fine with us considering Brees), but not a first round pick. I'm thinking his value may be more along the lines of a 3rd round pick - maybe a low 2nd on a good day.
Rule #6... if you can't say anything thing nice, don't say anything at all.
look, I'm Bipolar. It's not just a moniker.

I'm sorry but that notion is :crazy:

trust me. i know crazy.
I Give. I guess this will just have to be one of those things where 2-3 years down the road you all will say, "Hey, that crazy Tuckfro42 wasn't that dumb after all."
Thank you for the warm welcome, feels just like Thanksgiving with my family.
Now, lets pick Young!
First, I would like to see some evidence that any team offered Atlanta a first rd pick for Schaub.

Second, the Jets didn't get a first rd pick instead of Schaub.

Third, where is the proof that Schaub is as highly regarded as Leinart, Young, or Cutler? I don't think you will find ANY draft expert or FO person on an NFL team (save the Falcons) who would favorably compare Schaub to the top 3 QB's in the draft.

Fourth, Schaub holding all the passing records in his alma matter is meaningless. If he was such a hot commodity, he'd be a starting QB in this league...not a backup.

Lastly, I'd rather take a shot on one of the QB's available in rd 2 over Schaub. We already have a Schaub on the roster. His name is Volek.


Gut said:
First, I would like to see some evidence that any team offered Atlanta a first rd pick for Schaub.

Sorry, that might have been speculation.

Second, the Jets didn't get a first rd pick instead of Schaub.

Falcons sent #15 to Bronco's who sent #29 to the Jets. So, yes they did.

Third, where is the proof that Schaub is as highly regarded as Leinart, Young, or Cutler? I don't think you will find ANY draft expert or FO person on an NFL team (save the Falcons) who would favorably compare Schaub to the top 3 QB's in the draft.

Fourth, Schaub holding all the passing records in his alma matter is meaningless. If he was such a hot commodity, he'd be a starting QB in this league...not a backup.

If his passing records are meaningless, why use any college stats to evaluate any potential player. And, the reason he is a backup is that Mike Vick is the starter. Regardless of how you feel about Vick's QB skills, he puts butts in seats and money in pockets. Schaub has no chance to start without a Vick injury.

Lastly, I'd rather take a shot on one of the QB's available in rd 2 over Schaub.

I like this option better than taking any QB in the first round, but it looks like FO is dead set on QB at #3.

First, NO team is gonna give up a first rd pick for Schaub and here's why. If his college stats meant a huge amount, he would have been a #1 pick. Since he wasn't, HE has flaws in his game too! If he was a better player than Vick, he'd start. The fact that Vick is not a good passer and Schaub is his backup should tell you something.

Another point about his college stats...once you're IN the NFL, no one cares about what you did in's what you can do once you're in the show. Schaub has done nothing in a meaninful game. I bet this guy was saying Volek was the second coming of Joe Montana after his huge yards and TD's in shootout games the year before. You might notice he didn't supplant McNair, get traded for a much needed first rd pick, nor set the league on fire this year when he had ample starting opportunities.

Guys like Schaub and Volek are good for two reasons...first, they are serviceable backups and won't embarass your fanbase should they have to play. Second, given enough time and experience as a backup, they can evolve potentially into quality starters several years 7. How good was Rich Gannon when he first tried it? Steve Young? Trent Green? Hopefully you get the idea. As for your other points...

I live in NY and two of my best friends are die hard Jets fans. The Jets wanted a first rd pick AND Schaub for Abraham...not Abraham for Schaub! The Jets ONLY got their first rd pick. You know why? Abraham is injury prone and a bit of a problem child, wants huge bucks, and Vick's durability issue don't make it palatable to throw Schaub into the deal.

Despite this Michael Smith guy working for ESPN, he is no draft expert I ever heard of nor is he a FO person for any NFL team. And even if he was, he makes several easily recognizeable errors in his opinion piece. Mentioning 'camp fire talk' is a sure sign he made it up. Second, Leinart, Young and Cutler have flaws in their game (which they do) but Schaub is a seasoned vet with 130 garbage time throws? Yawn... And someone suggesting any team should give up a top 5 pick AND a proven backup (Volek) for an unproven backup who was only a 3rd rd pick should tell you he doesn't know what he's talking about! And here's a hint...guys are very high first rd picks because of their potential. Guys are 3rd rd picks because they have a lot less potential or more flaws in their game. Outside of proving himself in practice to the Falcons, Schaub hasn't proven anything in this league. Did Volek after his first 130 passes? No.

You assess college passing stats for potential draft picks for one simple look for every sign to give you a hint at his potential, flaws, character, and intangibles. But these are only indicators and many times, they are wrong...but they are all we have. There will always be a Tom Brady, Joe Montana, Kurt Warner and can't miss duds like Ryan Leaf. What else can you do but do your due diligence and take your best shot?

I agree that our FO is dead set on Young or Leinart at #3. I would prefer bringing back McNair and reloading the team! If we can't get back in 2 years, we will have rebuilt everything else for the future anyway so why not go for it? Oh yeah, cause Young is the next Michael Vick and Leinart is the next Carson Palmer without the gun!

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