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I love Jon Lajoie. He came to Nashville a couple of months ago, and I went to show at Zanies. I was quite impressed especially since he had no experience doing stand-up.

I think he's a little unoriginal at times. If you watch some of his videos, you'll notice that he'll have times where he straight up copies Will Ferrell's style. I hate that. He should probably stick to YouTube even though I liked his show.
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Krispy Kreme not Just Your Arteries
Fairfax County ... claims yeast and grease from the doughnut god's plant in Lorton, which cranks out about 83 million doughnuts per year, has clogged up the pipes.

The suit details problems with the plant dating as far back as 2004, describing a sewer facility permeated by the smell of doughnuts, pipes clogged with corrosive slime and the resulting raw sewage leaks that eventually shut down the southern Fairfax sewer system
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