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SUMMARY: Tennessee Titans owner Bud Adams feels it's time for his team to address a key need -- the QB of the future. "We ought to get a pretty good quarterback out of this draft," Adams said. "Drafting No. 3, we ought to get a pretty good quarterback in that spot right there. … I hope we get a guy who can be our leader for about 10 years. It's time for that, I think." Bus Cook, agent for QB Steve McNair, claims his client wants to remain a starter for the next few seasons and has no interest in grooming a rookie to replace him. "He is a starter. Why would he want to mentor a young guy to take his place? He is not ready for the rocking chair. It doesn't matter if it is Cutler, Leinart, Vince Young or anybody else. It doesn't make sense for Steve McNair to take a huge cut in pay — it wouldn't be this year obviously, but it would be next — to be a mentor for some young guy no matter who it is. It might be great for Tennessee, but it wouldn't be good for Steve."

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Yeah- that's what Eddie's agent said also. How's is working out for you Eddie?

These agents don't get a nickle of "spin-off" retirement income. Cook may be different but I'm not hearing it in him. said:
Bus Cook, agent for QB Steve McNair, claims his client wants to remain a starter for the next few seasons and has no interest in grooming a rookie to replace him.
Steve McNair... lead, follow, or get out of the way.
As if only winning 9 games the last two seasons is bad enough...
Now you don't even want to be a team player. Keep your money...
but damn... Help VY out or feel the wrath of BIPOLAR!!!:grrr:
fitantitans said:
I kind of like the idea if I was in McNairs shoes. Get paid 10 mil a year for sitting on the bench.
No doubt. This comes as such a shock to me. I mean gee whiz... if he would just quit "posturing" or whatever and sign a deal or just play along... this team would be so much better off... instead he's like..."uhh... EG did it like this and he got more MONEY... but instead I'll take what I can get and then I'll try to put up the #'s to make my contract pay... never mind the fact I can't even limp into practice most days... oh yeah... I drink more BEER than Gatorade...":irked:
This is so not what I expected from Steve. :barf:

Start the rookie if he's gonna be such a baby. Start Volek... cut McNair...
I'm so turned off by this... it is like EG all over again.:sad2:

this is "AgentSpeak" for those of you who have yet to see it

I doubt these words are coming from Mc himself

but ,being in his shoes, I wouldn't want to be a 'tutor' either
Puck said:

this is "AgentSpeak" for those of you who have yet to see it

I doubt these words are coming from Mc himself

but ,being in his shoes, I wouldn't want to be a 'tutor' either
sorry. let me find my pill for that...:brow:
Puck said:

this is "AgentSpeak" for those of you who have yet to see it

I doubt these words are coming from Mc himself

but ,being in his shoes, I wouldn't want to be a 'tutor' either

I agree Puck. However, Cook is usually more direct than this. I guess both sides are using the media as a testing pot.
fitantitans said:
I kind of like the idea if I was in McNairs shoes. Get paid 10 mil a year for sitting on the bench.
I can tell ya' what I'd be doing with $10 million in the bank and you can bet it would involve a lot sitting. Maybe a beverage or two or thirty... :winker:
Well, whatever it is, it's going to be a little more than half when taxes come out. I think a lot of players think about that. Not that it matters. Geez, $5M in the bank to sit on the bench. If only....
There are two issues here.
1. We don't want to pay two QBs, especially 10 million for a guy to tutor.
2. McNair doesn't want to be in the NFL if he is not the starter and I don't blame him.

So if McNair's plans are to play in the NFL for 2-4 more years we need to let him go if we are going to draft the next QB. He will not be happy being forced to play for the one year.
If McNair's plans are to finish up this year and then retire anyway we keep him and he bows out gracefully making way for whoever.

I'm beginning to see where McNair is coming from on this (and it isn't all about money). He wants to play 3 more years (ona team that has a chance to do something) and not as a tutor or backup. I always thought ideas that Mac would be happy to stick around as a backup while he mentored the new guy was ridiculous thinking. If Mac is not the man he doesn't want to be in the NFL and I don't blame him.
If Steve is forced to play here this year he will play hard for 2 reasons. First McNair has character I dont think he will allow himself not to give his best and if he wants a big contract from someone else next year he has to have a big year in 2006. Imo whats best for the Titans this year is to keep Steve and let mentor our new qb then him go next year if thats in our best interest. If and only if we can handle the cap # this is our best chance to win this year and the years ahead. We are holding all the cards lets play them to our best advantage.
Soxcat said:
So if McNair's plans are to play in the NFL for 2-4 more years we need to let him go if we are going to draft the next QB.
Are you kidding me? McNair has no clue if he can play out '06 let alone to 2010. Remember the guy talking retirement just a year ago? He has back issues that will somehow improve with another four seasons of wear and tear?

Sure McNair wants to start if he remains in the NFL, who wouldn't? But most of what we are hearing now from Cook is simply about the money.

McNair will settle for a two-year deal which will guarantee him around $14 to $16 mil. He'll start in '06 and we'll see how it goes with '07. I just don't see the Titans offering more than two years guaranteed. And he should expect to compete for the job entering '07 unless the Titans draft Young and he isn't ready to go entering the '07 season.
TitanJeff said:
McNair will/should settle for a two-year deal which will guarantee him around $14 to $16 mil. He'll start in '06 and we'll see how it goes with '07. I just don't see the Titans offering more than two years guaranteed. And he should expect to compete for the job entering '07 unless the Titans draft Young and he isn't ready to go entering the '07 season.
TitanJeff said:
He nailed it.
metal957 said:
I'm Just wandering what Billy Thinks about all of this
You know he's jonesing for another shot. I expect him to come out as a fierce competitor in preseason. If for anything to look good on some film. Maybe he feels that he's gotta prove that he's more than a bargaining chip. Billy is worth something to Tennessee. Billy needs to show Tennessee that he is worth something to somebody else. Billy feels like even Baltimore would be okay...(what is with that Baltimore story anyways? didn't get to read it through yet??)... bottom line... Billy would like to show up McNair I bet... show that he can be the man... But McNair is and has been so tough... such a warrior... he's given his heart and soul for a long time now. These have been some tough times. Fans are jaded.:baghead: Things are looking up. Billy wants to be somebody that is big time. Billy would love to get traded to Oakland because he was the California kid... Oakland is looking to the draft though. All this qb drama tears at me. VY is awesome. MAC is sentimental. Billy I sorta feel sorry for in a way. But he's been getting paid pretty good and he was a UDFA afterall... but he's gotta be hungry. He's got to want more. Who wouldn't? To be on the cusp of really being able to be truly rags to riches... (Bennett is the #1?)... another hope luck story... funny how Billy connects will Bennett on the field like that... He's gotta know that the team has got to draft a qb... that, I can't even speculate how that would make him feel.
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