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You've dealt with pandmines, huh? Tell us about it...
pandmines? Don't know if that is some joke or not..but yes I have experience with Landmines. My job in the NAVY, was that of Photographer/Videographer. I performed many duties, one of which was working with Naval Intel. While station in Cuba, we would make multi daily recon's of the fence line that separates THE GOOD GUYS from the evil CUBAN COMMUNISTS. I would routinely see the bodies of GOOD CUBANS that were trying to flee the EVIL CASTRO regime. Picture, if you will a large fence with watch towers manned by US MARINES

now between our side and their own Fence was a NO MANS land...filled with LANDMINES...only a desperate of fool would dare to venture into that...some did. If they got close enough or like happened once while I was there, a explosives expert makes a mistake, then I would have to take the crime scene documentation me, it turns the human body into something barely recognizable.
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