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KamikaZ said:
Since when does he blame other teammates for mistakes.
I have heard him on post-game radio calling out a teammate for blowing coverage. Don't have the audio link, sorry. I'm sure others heard it as well.

I have also heard him blame the sun, the wind, the noise, and whatever else besides himself.

KamikaZ said:
What's wrong with saying you're a vet halfway through the year?
If you were a Vet who had paid your dues on the team , you would take offense to some rookie calling himself a Vet. He's improving, but he's no VET! You are a rookie your entire rookie season.

KamikaZ said:
We must have some emotional fans here on this board.
Guilty as charged!:bonk2:
Vigsted said:
Hoffa, do you even listen to Pacman's press conferences? He always admits to making mistakes and saying he still has a way to go. Not like Bulluck who calls out teammates in the press, like in the above article, that's not a sign of leadership.

come on now, lets be serious here, where in this whole article do you see bulluck talking about or callin out pacman...

well lets see here...

naw i dont see it man

be real, if you dont think bulluck is our leader and best player on D, well your crazy.
bulluck4dMVP said:
come on now, lets be serious here, where in this whole article do you see bulluck talking about or callin out pacman...

well lets see here...

naw i dont see it man

be real, if you dont think bulluck is our leader and best player on D, well your crazy.

I never said he did call out Pacman. If you read my first post I seriously questioned that Pacman was the target, because that would be dumb. However my point still stands, that whoever it's aimed at, going public with it, is not good leadership.
I've never been one for slamming Bulluck because I've seen alot out of him in the past that I like...but I've come to realize that the dude has got a Narcissus complex.
In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a young man who looked at his own reflection in a pool of water and fell in love with it. It is normal and healthy to be concerned about your own well-being. However, for the disorder involving narcissism, known as narcissistic personality disorder, the person carries this to an extreme. source
Look at these pictures and tell me he's not in love with himself.
This is what I have concluded lately.
Pacman is a mess, don't get me wrong, but Bulluck is starting to show the signs of narcissism.:sad2:
I do think he showed good composure as the game was winding down. He held himself with class as he "congratulated" his teammates. I hope he figures out a way to continue to be a team leader and to quit making a gooch out of himself like Pacman does.
Bulluck is the heart and soul of the titans defense and maybe of the team, hopefully everybody in that defense would play with at least half heart of Bulluck's, we would be a better team if everybody play with that attitude, He is frustrated and deserve a better supporting cast to fired up that defense, and please front office resign KVB.
Ok right

Avvie I would like for you to name one time where PacMan has displayed this "Thug mentality". It's funny because because you probally wouldn't know a "Thug" if he was standing right next to you. You probally think that any guy with baggy jeans on is a thug.

Just because when PacMan is on the field and he shows attitude and wants to get in people faces or get rough does not make him have a "Thug Mentality". Basically it shows that he cares and he as a Titan won't be pushed around like many on this team. I haven't seen one guy on this team besides PacMan that will actually show some attitude.

Originally Posted By Avvie
"This flies in the face of the moral code that we are trying to teach our kids. We want no part of that. Attempts to explain that have only resulted in paranoid counterclaims of "RACISM!!",

Avvie you know lol I was going to call you out on this one right here

Look for a PM
I don't know what the term "thug" means. I do know what "childish", "immature" and "unprofessional" are and Pacman could be the poster child for them all.

I'll be shocked if he isn't in the headlines sometime this offseason because of something else he's done because he can't control his temper. He is a great talent who my never come close to fulfilling his potential because of the space between his ears.
As Tupac defined it, a thug is someone who is going through struggles, has gone through struggles, and continues to live day by day with nothing for them. That person is a thug. and the life they are living is the thug life. A thug is NOT a gangster.

Someone who had nothing, and was nothing, and became something.
You can all call me a thug, but thats cause i was in the gutter, and I'm still here. - Tupac Shakur

A person, usually a man, who has taken to a life of violent crime. Usually raised in a hostile, deprived environment. They could be hanging with gangs on street corners. They differ from gangsters in the respect that hey are not into organizing crime. A thug could graduate into a gangster and may work for one, while still doing spontaneous muggings or dealing.
When in gangs they can be proprietary about their turf.
"mama am a thug, mama am a thug..."
Don't get me wrong, I like Keith Bullock alot. To me, he is starting to feel sorry for himself that he is left behind in the mess that was the salary cap catastrophy. I think he needs to change his mentality, its up to him to get this defense back to where it was 3 years ago. I realize he cant do it all by himself, but it just seems like hes not a very good leader to me. He has to lead by example and colloquially.
TitanJeff said:
I don't know what the term "thug" means. I do know what "childish", "immature" and "unprofessional" are and Pacman could be the poster child for them all.

I'll be shocked if he isn't in the headlines sometime this offseason because of something else he's done because he can't control his temper. He is a great talent who my never come close to fulfilling his potential because of the space between his ears.
Hopefully, we'll bring in a new stud with lots of promise and take the spotlight off of Pacman.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
As Tupac defined it, a thug is someone who is going through struggles, has gone through struggles, and continues to live day by day with nothing for them. That person is a thug. and the life they are living is the thug life. A thug is NOT a gangster.

Someone who had nothing, and was nothing, and became something.
You can all call me a thug, but thats cause i was in the gutter, and I'm still here. - Tupac Shakur

A person, usually a man, who has taken to a life of violent crime. Usually raised in a hostile, deprived environment. They could be hanging with gangs on street corners. They differ from gangsters in the respect that hey are not into organizing crime. A thug could graduate into a gangster and may work for one, while still doing spontaneous muggings or dealing.
When in gangs they can be proprietary about their turf.
"mama am a thug, mama am a thug..."
Since when do you graduate into a gangster? either you are or you aren't.

lol you guys kill me on things like this
CriticalTheory said:
Since when do you graduate into a gangster? either you are or you aren't.

lol you guys kill me on things like this
I honestly have no idea C.T. I thought the distinction was more or less how organized and ambitious one would be about criminal activity. Whereas a thug acting alone might mug someone for a watch and a petty amount of money (Maurice Clarett), a gangster with help from a (Jimmy The Gent) confederation of criminal minds might plan a heist. I really don't claim to know, I just enjoy researching this and that and reading up on pretty much whatever. I'm not into ganster rap but I know it when I hear it. I pretty much try to learn a little bit about everything and what I've read on the subject pretty much boils down to "a thug is a step below a ganster". This is not my original thought, of course, and myself personally, do not know any thugs or gansters at this time. I've met my share of thugs but I'm not sure I've ever met a real gangster. If you say I'm wrong and what I've read is hooey then so be it. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I know more about the subject than you because it has become clear to me over the last few months that you appear to latch onto this as an idenity where as I identify with family men like avvie. I would not put the NFL aside however, and I don't care how many punk p-nizzles come out. Football is football and the winds of change are always blowing. Those winds won't blow me aside.
Gosh, CT, maybe you're right....I'm sorry. Maybe Pacman is just a really spirited Pat Boone.

As I said, it's my opinion, and I haven't seen or heard anything to discredit it. And no, I don't care what the definition of a "thug" is, or why rap culture decided to resurrect the term.
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