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I would encourage anyone that needs tickets to consider going down to LP field in Nashville a couple of days before the tickets go on sale and camp out for the tickets. I've done it every year since 2001 and let me say that it is one of the greatest experiences you'll ever have. The Titans Organization is first class and they treat the campers like Kings! They have fed us with breakfast, lunch and dinner at times and brought players out to meet us as well as really made us feel special. They have given us "special" tours of the coliseum.The atmosphere is like a 3 day tailgate party that ends with them selling you 8 Titan tickets. The people that campout there really are some DIE HARD fans that do nothing but talk Titan football for days on end!
John Dwyer from channel 2 brought us Pizza and beer on more than one night. It's pretty crazy,
I have PSL's now and won't be camping out anymore but i still plan to go down there the last few days before they go on sale and support my old friends who still camp out
Free tours of the stadium huh ? thats a good deal. I own seats and never have been offered a tour of the place . Im glad they do things like that for the campers because anyone who takes a few days or a week out of their lives for tickets deserves it. One thing though , do they just take a whole week off of work to camp out or what ? Im not to sure i could skip a weeks work for tickets , and using a week of vacation wouldnt even be an option.
But im glad people do it , and to me they actually deserve more tickets than ther are allowed to buy because as i understand it they can only buy a set amount per person , hell i figure if a person camps out there all week they should be allowed to buy as many as they want.
It's ironic we stay under tarps to get seats while
other clubs fans see seats that are covered with tarps.

It sounds like a real spiritual experience.
Mrs. Bipolar said:
It's ironic we stay under tarps to get seats while
other clubs fans see seats that are covered with tarps.

It sounds like a real spiritual experience.
Yea , i heard the jags were re-naming their stadium to Tarp Field.
That sounds like a lot of fun (the camping out). If I could do it, I definitely would go by for a while. I'm not looking to buy, but it just sounds like a lot of fun with some great fans.
VolnTitan said:
The need to do those tours for the PSL holders. They are as diehard as any fan.
Except for the ones that sell their tickets to fans of the opposing teams.

Real diehard fans go to the games no matter what the record or weather is.
Hoffa said:
Except for the ones that sell their tickets to fans of the opposing teams.

Real diehard fans go to the games no matter what the record or weather is.

I have never missed a game, never left early, yelled my lungs out the whole game, and have sat through some bad weather. But as far as selling 2 of my 4 seats to opposing teams ? yea , i have done it. on ebay. It's hard to turn down 3 to 4 hundred dollars for 2 seats to 1 game. ( im not talking about last season either , lol ) i couldnt give the darn things away.
i wish i could do this, it sounds like it would be a lot of fun, i dont get to go so many titans games in person, im always sitting at home watching them on the couch, which is very comfortable, and u dont have to wait in line to get food or go to the bathroom which is another perk

but the main game that i want to go see this season is the preseason game vs the saints, that would be a lot of fun, to see vince and reggie on the same field again, my parents said they would think about it, i really hope that i can go see that one
Sounds like fun? Like a three day tailgate party except you get to buy tickets instead of seeing a game? I'm a die hard fan but the whole concept sounds ridiculous unless you are unemployed, unmarried and have nothing else to do.
It's the offseason, any excuse will do...

I wish I didn't have anything more important to do and could go sit around and talk titans at the collesium.
I own my own business, I'm married, and am the busiest person I know.
But i did it for 4 years in a row and it NEVER got old. It was a blast. It's not for everyone. You have to have the right temperment. If you get bored easily then you've got the wrong personality for it. If you're like me or the others who campout for the tickets and can make the most out of any situation then...
The only downside is on saturday when you get your tickets and you leave the stadium you will be sooooo... pumped up for the season. Only to realize you still have 2 months to go until it starts :(
Not that busy then because I think my financial welfare would take a dark turn if I spent 3 business days camping out for tickets instead of working. Which is why I spent the money that I would lose not working by "camping out" and bought PSL's when they came to town. See every game, never missed one and don't have to worry about getting them every season. That is smart die hard ;)
VolnTitan said:
Not that busy then because I think my financial welfare would take a dark turn if I spent 3 business days camping out for tickets instead of working. Which is why I spent the money that I would lose not working by "camping out" and bought PSL's when they came to town. See every game, never missed one and don't have to worry about getting them every season. That is smart die hard ;)

You're missing the point
I have PSL's but i'm still going down there the last few days.

You don't have to explain. The campout is not for you enough said
Hoffa said:
Except for the ones that sell their tickets to fans of the opposing teams.

Real diehard fans go to the games no matter what the record or weather is.

you're right about that
NOBODY that camps out is going to scalp the tickets thats for sure.
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