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twoseven said:
I agree , its time to cut him , take our chances with volek and groom the new Q.B. we draft for next season.

Fisher and maybe Reese don't see 2007 without significant improvement in 2006. The question is "define significant improvement"? The consensus on this board has been 8-8.

If you guys think McNair has had injury issues, how do you think Volek will hold up? Not very well I'm afraid. Even if he could take the beating, he's not as good as McNair. If he was, Reese would have cut Steve at the beginning of free agency. Assuming Volek can't start more than half a season, that leaves a rookie at QB. Since we don't (can't) run a simple Steelers-type offense (or the old Fisher-ball with Eddie pounding other teams into submission)...we don't have the personnel, aka a thumper at RB, I would not argue that Lienart, Cutler, or Young could hop in at mid-season and pull a Rothlesberger. If this was two years ago, or even last offseason, I could see your point about shooting for 2007, but not after 5-11 and 4-12 with an owner in his 80's.
my point is that while you may or may not think McNair should be with the team, I don't understand where the whole "he is a bum" type of comments come from. Folks should understand by now that the player and his agent are 2 seperate deals. The agent's job is to get the most for his player, but his attitude shouldn't affect the fan's feelings towards the player, imo.

I like Volek, but I think it is a big difference between being a backup and being "the man". I don't see where Billy has shown the ability to lead or hold up any better than Steve.
TitanJeff said:
I don't think Bus believes McNair has another four seasons in him unless three are holding a clipboard. But it is his job to talk the talk.

This thing will sit until after the draft. I expect we'll see a new deal which will spread the cap hit out a couple of seasons and guarantee McNair retires a Titan.

Being honest, both McNair and Titans have been loyal to each other, McNair is the heart and soul of our team, everybody in this team including GM, players, owner and fans believe in #9 because of his toughness and his love for the game, is true that if the agent starts to talk about the contract and the value of his client, always as a fan you get angry because of all that 4 years and Brees value talk but that does not mean that #9 thinks that too, I want #9 for at least 2 more years behind Mawae, I think he is the only QB right now that can help to turn this team around and make the playoffs, and Reese is giving him a nice supporting cast. We must wait after the draft and I am confident that Mac and Reese will restructure a contract that make Mr Adams retire that #9 jersey after 2 seasons and after Mac had groomed our QB of the future (Young, Cutler or Leinart).
i wish this whole thing would just get over with so that we can move on to other things and put this thing to raps already! STEVE, DON'T MAKE ME SPANK YOUR TAIL BOY! ENOUGH WITH THE GAMES sign the two to three year deal, and lets get on with it already! the thought of have to play against steve twice in one season SCARES ME OUT OF MY SKIRT!
royhobbs said:
Since we don't (can't) run a simple Steelers-type offense (or the old Fisher-ball with Eddie pounding other teams into submission)...we don't have the personnel, aka a thumper at RB, I would not argue that Lienart, Cutler, or Young could hop in at mid-season and pull a Rothlesberger.

I agree with all of your post except I might take some exception to the RB comment. I think we do have a thumper at RB who wears #20. The real question is can he get his s*** together and get on the field.
I agree with Brian. We draft a QB, McNair re-negotiates adn starts in '06, 2nd string in '07 and retires. Cook is blowing smoke regarding market value.

Steve has had the benefit of watching Eddie do it the wrong way.
OMG, imagine me of all people being misunderstood...hahaha

VolnTitan said: me an apologist or whatever, but let's remember this is the player that has given everything for this team. I am by no means saying we should keep him at $23 Mill. just for the warm and fuzzies, but I don't think that his agent coming out and saying what he said is reason to start calling him a bum, or telling him to hit the door, or whatever. The best scenerio would be for McNair's contract to be reworked, he grooms the next QB for a year and retires a Titan. Just my opinion and I am sure some will get all bent out of shape, but I do know that I am not the only one who wants to see McNair to retire a Titan.
Careful now... I didn't call him a bum outright. I cautioned him not to be a bum. There is a huge difference. I do not want McNair to go, but if his agent thinks he can get him $25 million each year or however this thing is structured... and it's his way or the highway... Then I'm with Ewker. I'd like McNair to play for cheap... Cheap enough to be the ultimate team player... cheap enough to get the protection/recievers/talent - defense to protect a lead- whatever... See, McNair is making a monkey out of me... I know I do fine with that on my own but I hate it when I post stuff like this...
then I end up in a thread like this mad as hell. I'm let down by this... Just like I was during the EG debacle, which btw, is a valid comparison IMO even though EG was long gone by the time I joined this forum.

Ask yourself this... would McNair make a deal with this guy to play for free if it meant winning Super Bowl MVP?
And I caution folks not to impose any kind of feelings what his agent says on to McNair. His agent is doing his job...trying to get the most he can.
VolnTitan said:
His agent is doing his job...trying to get the most he can.
That's what Eddie's agent thought he was doing as well.
He'd serve Steve better if he quit playing games and use common sense, or Steve will go the way of Eddie.
Imagine we are 8-7 heading into the last game of the season. We need a win to make the playoffs. We are up against the Ravens at home.

Who do you want to be QB for the Ravens, Steve McNair or Kyle Boller?
There would have to be greater disparity between the top and bottom. It's been too close recently, at least in the AFC. NFC seems to be catching up some.
KC missed the playoffs last year at 10-6. Miami missed the playoffs at 10-6 in 2003.
No 9-7 AFC team has made the playoffs in this millenium.
Your right, but with the teams that were borderline catching up to the teams who were on top like Colts, KC, etc. teams will get a few more losses. If there are more high quality teams in the AFC, the teams records won't be 14-2, 15-1, 13-3 as much and in turn the wildcard record will move down to around 9-7. I'm not saying it's a gurantee that 9-7 is the wildcard, and I know it hasn't been in the past. But the mediocre teams and even (4-12 teams (US)) are starting to catch up to them.
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