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fitantitans said:
Cut Fisher? There are alot of teams out there that are hoping that happens. The teams that have to play against HIS team, and teams that need a good coach.


This kind of speculation is of the "armchair" variety.

But, Bud could be that senile.
Fitantitans, Slackmaster, Yes, Fisher is a good coach. The issue at hand, if we see another year where the team doesn't make any progress, and ends soft, do you still give him a pass? Do you not put any of the end of last season on him?
Nobody has brought it up, but I think another facet to consider is that Fisher's personal life (recent divorce) may have affected his focus last year. His attitude didn't quite seem the same. eg- team "retreat/BBQ's", tolerating Pac-Man's tantrums too long before yanking him etc.

Moving the team to a new location to set a new "military-like" attitude, that seems like the old Fisher. And I agree GoTitans3801, another year of players giving up on plays, poor tackling, mental mistakes, etc would indicate it is time for a coaching change. I just don't see it happening. We may only win 7-8 games, but if the players are playing hard every down, Fisher is safe.
Oh, I definitely agree with that. Even if we don't see much improvement in the record, progress is what I'm looking for. If we're playing hard again, I have no complaints with Fisher.

Interesting potential theory on last year.
TitanJeff said:
Hodge is a clown but Fisher better be on the hot seat after the last two seasons. Blame injuries for '04 and the cap purge in '05 but there was no excuse for some of the stuff we saw last season.

I think Reese is as much on the hot seat as Fisher. Though you can never predict injuries, you can go back to '01 and see a long list of players who didn't pan out. If the '04 draft class shows something more this season, opinions will change fast.

Not to start another fire Schwartz thread. No, REALLY. He is starting with a clean slate. However, most of the players that did not pan out were defensive players. When was the last time we spent a first round pick on an offensive player. Vince, Eddie, McNair. The last few years we have drafted heavily on the defensive side of the ball because there was need. The offense has seen the likes of Mason, a 4th or 5th round pick and McCareins traded. Wycheck retired. George gone and 3 OCs. Last year the wideouts were Bennet (undrafted), Calico (2nd or 3rd round), and 3 rookies none of which were 1st round picks. RB's Brown (not a #1) and no name TEs.

All I can say is that Reese seems to be able recognize offensive talent. Coincidence? Depends on who you ask.
I'll tell you what. Not retaining Fisher long term would seriously be a hudge mistake. One we would feel for years. This last year of his contract is going to make me nervous... seeing that '07 is a option year and there has been no talk about a extension. I have no problem letting go players, ie: George, McNair, Kearse, Rolle, Mason.. ect. but letting Fisher go would haunt this organization for years.
you guys all know how i feel about hodge, i think that he is a pompus ***** if you ask me, and he has been hit in the head way to many times! these idiots don't pay any attention to us, and look closely at what we are doing! reese is the master of evalutating talent, thats why we were so good all those years before 04. cap hell happens to all teams, and all teams have to rebuild, any one that keeps up with football knows that. OH , HE HE THINKS THAT LEINART AND YOUNG SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN DRAFTED IN THE FIRST COUPLE OF ROUNDS? WELL, LISTEN UP HODGE, YOUNG AND LEINART , WILL BE THE TWO GREATEST QB'S TO EVER PLAY THE GAME WHEN THEIR CARRERS ARE UP, SO CHOKE ON THAT SLAPPY!
GoTitans3801 said:
Fitantitans, Slackmaster, Yes, Fisher is a good coach. The issue at hand, if we see another year where the team doesn't make any progress, and ends soft, do you still give him a pass? Do you not put any of the end of last season on him?

Give him a pass for what? Is it really his fault that we had back to back losing seasons? Does it have nothing to do with the opponents trying to win too?

I have had plenty of bosses who thought the same way; bad results, fire someone and hire a new guy. They were all idiots. The knee-jerk reaction of finding someone to pin the blame on and making a scapegoat out of them is a bad way to run a team or a business.

Incentives in the contracts work for coaches as well as players.
Thinking that a poor record must mean the coach screwed up is silly. We wouldn't need to draft good players if that were true. Just get the best coach and then the team with the best coach automatically wins.
It just doesn't work that way.
And since it doesn't work that way, yes, you "give him a pass" exactly because it doesn't work out that the best coach wins the games.
Although the last two years have sucked, hitting the panic button on Fisher would Bud Adams dumbest move ever. He isn't getting any younger and all he wants is to see his team win the Superbowl.

I don't care who you bring in as a new head coach, making such a move would just prolong the rebuilding cos a new coach would want to put his own stamp on the team. Just look at what Parcells has done in Dallas.

Adams sticks with Fisher or he kisses his superbowl chances goodbye
I'm very border line with Fisher right now. I will judge him this year and here are some of the things I'm looking for.

1. Vets on D taking poor angles and remaining starters.
2. Pac giving away 15 yards and remaining the starter.
3. Brown fumbles and remains the starter.
4. Volek holds on the the ball to long and still starts.
5. O -line false starting and not getting benched.

All in all if I see habitual bad habits from Vets and they don't get pulled out of the game then Fish can hit the road.
So you are pissed at Fisher if he doesn't bench his best players when you think he should?
If your best players make mistakes, how can you reasonably expect your second and third string to perform better?
Fisher is the type of coach who has emotional ties to his team. Unlike some coaches who think that "if we don't do good, it must be all the players faults", Fisher is emotionally drained after a loss. He realizes that it is his fault for the most part and he has the will to make up for it. He is gonna treat the players like soldiers this year. Training Camp is gonna be boot camp. Some of the rookies are gonna wish that they got drafted by another team. By a head coach that doesn't care as much. People come up to me and say stuff like, "you are still a Titans fan?" and "they are gonna be trash, just like last year." I tell them that the talent is there. The depth in the Titans' offensive arsenal is mind boggling. The defense is a little more shallow depth wise, but there is a new "hit us if you dare" attitude about them. Volek has been working extra hard to get ready for this season. Fisher is doing the same. I agree with Fisher's "back to the basics" theme for Training Camp. I think that it will work wonders. I predict that we will have pro-bowlers this year. If they keep their heads in the right place and their "win now, relax later" attitude alive throughout the season, I think that they have a great shot at making the pro bowl. I can see Bulluck, Pacman, Mawae (of course), Vanden Bosh, and maybe Volek, Givens, and Thornton going to Hawaii this year. I realize that Volek is a kind of long shot for that prediction, but I base that off of his 2004 games. Fisher's more disciplined team will work wonders under the lights. I don't see him going anywhere soon.
4andershv said:
1. The team tanking the month of December (especially the final two games).
2. Not dealing with discipline issues, penalties, missed assignments, etc.
3. Showing no improvement over the course of a season.

To me, wins and losses are important but where I judge a coach is how the team plays for him and how that coach deals with the issues associated with losing. There is no excuse for a team not playing with intensity. There is no excuse for a basic discipline issues, especially among veterans, being given a pass and when a team doesn't improve from the first game to the last, I think you have to look at coaching.
Slackmaster said:
So you are pissed at Fisher if he doesn't bench his best players when you think he should?
If your best players make mistakes, how can you reasonably expect your second and third string to perform better?

Read the post. I said habitual.
TitanJeff said:
1. The team tanking the month of December (especially the final two games).
2. Not dealing with discipline issues, penalties, missed assignments, etc.
3. Showing no improvement over the course of a season.

To me, wins and losses are important but where I judge a coach is how the team plays for him and how that coach deals with the issues associated with losing. There is no excuse for a team not playing with intensity. There is no excuse for a basic discipline issues, especially among veterans, being given a pass and when a team doesn't improve from the first game to the last, I think you have to look at coaching.

I agree. Last year with all the cuts we were obviously going to struggle, but as the year went on it was tough to find any positives to look forward to for this season. They simply didnt seem to improve much, if any at all. And I expect this team to struggle a bit this year, but, we should be much improved with some quality free agent pick ups, and the young guys from the last 2 years having some experience under their belt. I can understand the struggles the last 2 years, but, if this team isnt much more competitive this year, then Fisher and/or Reese need a long hard look at, because something isnt clicking.
I'll say it again, I don't think Fisher was at his best the last 2 years. I agree with TJ, the poor team effort is a reflection of the coaching and Fish should have done some discipline things different and not tolerated so much.

But, he appears to have re-gained the Fisher of old attitude with moving the camp and his theme. We'll see. I also agree this team appears to be loaded with talent, it's really going to be a waste if they can't put together some good plays this year.
Riverman said:
There was little Fisher could do over the past 2 years to weed out the bad personnel because we didn't have adequate replacements.

I'll eat my keyboard if we see poor effort out of the team this year.

He kept rewarding the malcontents with PT. Titans only need 11 on the field at a time that leave room for 35 on the bench, surley some of those guys want to play instead of Miller, Pillar, Olsen(Last year), Hartwig, Hopkins - and that is just the OL.

This whole topic is kinda like the three blind guys talking about the elephant - they all described something other than an elephant depending on where they stood. Anyhow discipline or the lack of it was NOT addressed by Fisher except to apparently NOT make Adam Jones accountable for his on the field mental mistakes, at least that seems to be the only thing I can remember him addressing. Watching the whole OL do absoutly nothing all season should have created oppertunity for some of the young guys. IMHO

Don't get me started about the tackling:grrr:

I bet you will need some salt for the defensive side of your keyboard - lol
Sukrillux said:
Fisher is the type of coach who has emotional ties to his team. Unlike some coaches who think that "if we don't do good, it must be all the players faults", Fisher is emotionally drained after a loss. He realizes that it is his fault for the most part and he has the will to make up for it. He is gonna treat the players like soldiers this year. Training Camp is gonna be boot camp. Some of the rookies are gonna wish that they got drafted by another team. By a head coach that doesn't care as much. People come up to me and say stuff like, "you are still a Titans fan?" and "they are gonna be trash, just like last year." I tell them that the talent is there. The depth in the Titans' offensive arsenal is mind boggling. The defense is a little more shallow depth wise, but there is a new "hit us if you dare" attitude about them.

What on earth makes anyone assume that the D has somehow developed from absolute skirt wearing backward dancing high heel wearing sissy boys into some sort of 2000 Titan clone????? Until dehr Schwartzie PROVES he can have a D play up to or beyond the talent on the field I see no reason to be optomistic about the D.

Sukrillux said:
Volek has been working extra hard to get ready for this season. Fisher is doing the same. I agree with Fisher's "back to the basics" theme for Training Camp. I think that it will work wonders. I predict that we will have pro-bowlers this year. If they keep their heads in the right place and their "win now, relax later" attitude alive throughout the season, I think that they have a great shot at making the pro bowl. I can see Bulluck, Pacman, Mawae (of course), Vanden Bosh, and maybe Volek, Givens, and Thornton going to Hawaii this year. I realize that Volek is a kind of long shot for that prediction, but I base that off of his 2004 games. Fisher's more disciplined team will work wonders under the lights. I don't see him going anywhere soon.

I'm more concerned about Ws than Probowlers.
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