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Right. We should automatically take the 2nd or 3rd best QB because we are not picking later? The bottom line is IF Cutler is the best of the three, that is the one that can be the best QB of the bunch over his career he is the guy you take. Not Leinart or Young. Take Cutler.

I like how Jaws basically puts Kiper in his place.
So jaws is an expert now?

He didn't even have the cajones to say that the other QBs might not be very good. At least kiper takes something of a stand that he thinks lienart and young are a cut above. To say that you think all three will be good is gutless because we know that is never true.

So jaws put kiper in his place? How? Jaws has a full time espn job, he has an ownership interest in an arena team. Where did he get the time to watch 100 hours of film? Was he at the workouts? Did he personally interview all three guys? Extensively?

If being an old former QB makes you a draft expert then why don't the titans hire every single living hall of fame QB for their consensus advice?
RollTide said:
He didn't even have the cajones to say that the other QBs might not be very good.

What if you actually think all 3 might be good? It's not a given that 1 or 2 of them HAVE to be bust.

RollTide said:
So jaws put kiper in his place? How? Jaws has a full time espn job, he has an ownership interest in an arena team. Where did he get the time to watch 100 hours of film? Was he at the workouts? Did he personally interview all three guys? Extensively?

Well being a part owner of an AFL team doesn't eat up a whole lot of time, so he has probably just as much time as Kiper. I mean, his job is football after all. I could understand your point if he was the ESPN weatherman, but he's not.
GoTitans3801 said:

A fairly ringing endorsement, and he makes some good points. If we had done better and were picking somewhere in the 8-12 range, I'd be a lot more excited about him.
welll ya if thats where we were picking thats who we would all be thinking about getting, but we are at #3 so i say we go with vince because in 2 or 3 years hes going to be a lot better qb than leinart is, garuntee it
Soxcat said:
Right. We should automatically take the 2nd or 3rd best QB because we are not picking later? The bottom line is IF Cutler is the best of the three, that is the one that can be the best QB of the bunch over his career he is the guy you take. Not Leinart or Young. Take Cutler.

I like how Jaws basically puts Kiper in his place.

Didn't intend to imply that it made me support Cutler, but it would make me feel better if it was looking like we were in a place to draft him. I did think he made some decent points about Cutler making plays in the same way he will be required to in the NFL, while Young and Leinart may have had more room for error.

Definitely enjoyed the smack on Kiper too.
I think I'm with Kiper on this one. I respect Jaws point though...the cold hard truth is neither of these guys knows who will be successful on the next level.
I just want to know who Hodgie likes... :brow:

I think we all know who the real MO-Bile quarterback is...

ot: :ha: @ ddc ... Peyton manning is a WOMAN !!! nice.
Jaws is full of himself and I don't take seriously anything he says because he thinks he is infallible and doesn't make a mistake.
metal957 said:
Jaws is full of himself and I don't take seriously anything he says because he thinks he is infallible and doesn't make a mistake.

Wow, if you exclude the first word, you have an accurate description of Kiper... I wonder if it's an ESPN thing...
If I'm choosing a QB and I have only two opinions to base my decision on, Jaws and Kiper, I'd go with Jaws without a doubt. Any other postions might be different but I respect Jaws understanding of the QB position.

By the way Jaws isn't in Kiper's league when it comes to being arrogant.
The latest rumor (from some scouting web site) is that the Jets have bumped Cutler ahead of Leinart for no other reason than they don't want to deal with Leinart's past injuries.
Where the heck does this past injuries rumor keep coming from?

I asked about it a month ago and no one gave an answer. So once again, WHAT past injuries? My (limited) understanding was that he's had two minor offseason surgeries, which aren't particularly risky or bad. The kind of clean-up that a lot of players have in the offseason. Also, he's clearly not playing injured, or at least it's not effecting him.
Nothing new, but...Leinart had rotator cuff surgury in 1998 on his passing arm in high school and arthroscopic surgury to address tendonitis in his left elbow before spring practice in 2005... and if you are the Jets, who just dealt with a serious injury to their qb, and you have narrowed it down to Cutler or Leinart, it makes logical sense you stray to the healthier player. The leinart workout will mean a lot to the jets. Since I think they see him last. And papers will have something to say.
Leinart's injuries are not runour. He had major shoulder surgery in high school and surgery on his elbow last year. He also hurt his groin doing ballroom dancing. Considering Leinart will not have the equivalent of an all-pro OL in the NFL there should be concerns about his ability to stay healthy once he starts taking hits.

Interesting trivia question:
Who holds the NCAA record for lowest % passes thrown for an interception at 1.3% (minimum 600 passes)?
Hint, this player ended his college career with 57 TDs and only 12 ints.
He played from 1997-1999.
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