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Mr. RollTide Analyst Sir,
What is with all this campaigning for MAC anyhow? We all (most of us) love him to death and appreciate all he has given over the years...
but with all due respect... when you compare him to Peyton Manning all of a sudden Steve McNair is a pile of crap who can't run anymore and that is why he was good in the first place... what's up with that?
I love Steve, but he needs to understand his place. He is getting paid millions to groom the QB of "our" future. He needs to shut the h&ll up and do what he's told......or move to Baltimore.
I don't know what to say about McNair. It was awesome watching him in '99 02 and 03 and painful in 04-05. It was like he didn't care about winning these past two years. His contract was arranged in the peak of his play-making and the numbers reflect it.

It is unreasonable for him to expect us to re-up his pay at his current level of performance. (New offense or not, rookie receivers or not) I wish he'd re-negotiate and make another SB run with us. Either next year or the year after. Steve needs to be real- THE BEST PART OF HIS GAME IS GONE- his ability to tuck and run to offset the DB's.
I am a steve supporter and people are saying why don't he just move on why don't the Titans go ahead and release him so he can win a superbowl in Baltimore. With Mason, Todd heap, and the other receiver that is coming on and Jamaal Lewis with a new contract and that stout D that can rest more because Steve has probally been number one in the league converting on Third down except with this rookie and chow stuff. I say Titans release him and the Ravens will win a superbowl with him in Three years and I beleive they will pay him. He fits there tough mentality and they will finally have the offensive fire power they have been missing. I would say forget the ingrates!
Sec bipolar...

Show me where i said that mcnair was a piece of crap. I'm sure you wouldn't lie about something like that would you?

I'll go real slowwww so you can understand better. Manning top 2 QB, mcnair 12 or 13th best QB. Now what did you miss? Saying that mcnair is not the equal to manning or brady is not calling him a piece of crap. It is being logical something some minds can't cope with. Getting rid of a good player, the 12th best QB out of 32 is also not logical.

If someone wants to make the brain dead ascertion that mcnair is and has been better than manning i will have no choice but to prove them wrong. That's my specialty, that's what titan jeff is paying me $100 a post for. Now i just made starkiller mad because he is only making $50 but i'm sure star realizes that he lacks the charisma and charm of rolltide. As does everyone else here.
RollTide said:
Show me where i said that mcnair was a piece of crap. I'm sure you wouldn't lie about something like that would you?
Fair enough. It's the impression that you left... "pile of crap" may be an exaggeration... but you did make it clear that he was good in the past because of the run threat and now he is no longer as effective because he just does not have the wheels anymore... it was your point... that's all.

I'll remind you that McNair had an 82.4 passer rating for '05 good for 18th in the league... Just below Drew Bledsoe and slightly better than Chris Simms... makes me wonder how the Bucs were in the playoffs and how the Cowboys almost were...(maybe there's hope)...whoops... that's the NFC for you:ha: ...also 3161 yards passing was good for 13th in the league... between Plummer and Brunnell...

I don't think that these numbers really support the notion that he is top 10 or top 12... I think the numbers may suggest very middle road, but good... slightly better than average... Please don't misunderstand me... I can't stand agents and I hate the stuff they put in the papers. That strikes nerves with me and I lash out against it.

To look at McNair it is so obvious that he is not the player that he once was. Next year when we pick #15 or something, hell, maybe we will pick #20... who knows? All I really know is that we have got an opportunity to get a fantastic qb prospect. It could be Vince Young, Matt Leinart or Jay Cutler... I will be happy with any of those guys. Of course I think VY is awesome... he is so under rated...

Point is... we must accept that McNair is not going to be "in the best shape of his career" forever... The time is now to prepare for the push back to dominance... Steve needs to make a 2 year deal with a cap# that is half of what it is now. Period.

I don't think that these numbers really support the notion that he is top 10 or top 12...

Considering the crap team he had around them it does.
So just to clarify my conclusion then...

McNair runs just fine, and that in no way affected the way he plays his game. He runs every bit as well as he used to and therefore drafting a qb in this draft is foolish and unnecessary because he's going to practice everyday and he's going to be last in the league in "number of times appearing on the injury report stat" Our best bet is to load up huge defensely and while we're at it well pay Stevie $20 million a year so we can sit around next year and make up more excuses.

Every arguement is relative. If the current mcnair is compared to an elite QB like a brady he won't fare to well. If he is compared to drew bledsoe or aaron brooks he does fare well. Are cowboy fans clamouring to dump bledsoe? No because compared to the crap they have had in recent years bledsoe doesn't seem bad at all.

Mcnair can't be an elite QB any longer because he doesn't run for 400 yards a season. He can be a good QB though. He can make a run in a key situation to win us a big game(See elway 98 super bowl). He offers us veteran leadership and a strong character.

Why is it so important now that steve practice every day? Nobody cared about how many practices he missed in 2002 or 2003 but suddenly it matters somehow. Isn't that the whole mcnair legend? He doesn't pick up a football all week, isn't supposed to play and then goes out and plays great? Now suddenly his missed practice time has made him a ....piece of crap....?

It would be nice if he had a team around him that was worth a damn. You know like blocking and a running game, and WRs?
Why is it so important now that steve practice every day?
We have a young team.

So we pay him $20 million a year for three years or something then?
And we just assume that he will be at more practices and participate in some of them... and while we are at it forget about the silly notion of drafting a qb at this point?

McNair is not a pile of crap.
McNair is a legend.
It was more important for Steve to practice last year because he had mostly a new young receiving corps. Back when he had wycheck and mason to dump it off to, he'd been practicing with those guys for years, it didn't matter if he missed a few practices. Problem was, last year he needed practice to help get used to the new receivers and develop a bit of a repore with them. Didn't happen...
Computide to the rescue..

I love disproving bogus theories. I should have my own show on cable.

Theory-Steve couldn't get production out of his rookie WRs because he didn't practice enough. Response, not true.

Jones-roby-young were all productive for the amount of playing time they had. Combined they caught 65 balls for 877 yards. They accounted for 44% of all WR catches and 47% of WR yardage. When you consider that young and jones each missed 6 games and roby three that's darn good. Combined the three rookies appeared in 33 games which means they each had 2 catches for each game they appeared in. Not bad for three mid rd rooks. And all three blew away the production of the 3rd year vet calico by almost 100 yards each! Where was that great repoire with calico?

Finally there is the so what factor. Even if the theory was true(It's not) so what? Steve is the same guy it's the other people around him that have changed. Is it steve's faullt that we couldn't afford mason? Is it steve's fault that calico was lame?

Bottom line is that our young WRs were productive and would have been even more so had young and jones not gone down with injuries from week 10 on. They did fine.
RollTide said:
I love disproving bogus theories. I should have my own show on cable.

RollTide Is Burning:ha:
I love Steve, but he needs to understand his place. He is getting paid millions to groom the QB of "our" future. He needs to shut the h&ll up and do what he's told......or move to Baltimore.

They PAID (past tense) him to play football. If they want to pay (present tense) him to play football or mentor then they need to show him the money. What is the big deal, if they don't think he is worth his asking price. RELEASE him so he can play ball, somewhere. He could be a Dolphin, could a been a Raider. He has been very clear and up front. It's not like he is changing the agreement. This is what the Titans agreed too when they signed the contract. They (being the Titans) are beginning to sound like TO to me. You signed the daggone contract so deal with it.
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