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Puck said:
half of the people that have computers no little more what to do with it than go online, check email and play solitaire

why else would the joe average need it?
3 people in my family has a job, none of them need to use any sort of Microsoft Office programs, and everyone uses it for going online.

Everything I know on photoshop i learnt online and that was because at one stage i was interested in a possible career.

people take their PC's to CompUsa / BestBuy / etc.. to get some pretty basic tasks performed. i bet alot of people don't even know what 'msconfig' is or does and certainly not why

why would they need it?
Gunny said:
what is this antitrust ruling by the European Union?
Basically, they are saying that MS is using their Windows monopoly to force users to also use their other software (internet explorer, windows media player) and give them an unfair advantage against other competing companies (like Real and Apple).
Starkiller said:
Basically, they are saying that MS is using their Windows monopoly to force users to also use their other software (internet explorer, windows media player) and give them an unfair advantage against other competing companies (like Real and Apple).

isnt that just smart business management?
In a manner of speaking, sure, but that doesn't make it legal...

Basically, it's not illegal to have a monopoly. But it is illegal to use that monopoly as an advantage over competitors in other areas. MS can't legally use their Windows monopoly to crush software like QuickTime and RealPlayer by bundling WindowsMediaPlayer with every PC on the planet. And they couldn't legally use it to crush Netscape by bundling IE with Windows (but they did and sort of got away with it).
ya know ..... going back to the original "people that know what they are doing" would just go in and change the settings that disallow IE /WMP / Outlook from being the default applications

AOL does a similar screw-job on your PC

hell, the last few weeks of my miserable experience with WIN, I was using Opera / QuickTime and Comcast web-based email client just so I wouldn't have to constantly baby MS crap
you're out of your mind
i can watch full screen HDTV using QT
and have full control over slewing without having to rebuffer like w/ WMP

you must not be watching quality clips or using an older version

i know people that are still bouning back and forth between WMP 8/9/10 because of codec issues and read errors
it's typical

i'm glad you like it
dont use WMP either.

I have the most up-to-date version of QT. I download film trailers from official sites and all i get is a black screen. It is terrible.
Gunny said:
dont use WMP either.

I have the most up-to-date version of QT. I download film trailers from official sites and all i get is a black screen. It is terrible.

that has nothing to do with QT

thats WIN and WMP and neat little registry blocks and certain things the msconfig might change

don't blast something just because you aren't bright enought to use it
don't tell me you can't get more than a black screen from this site
Exactly, as time passes, nobody will need to understand computers. The real difference between generations is evidenced by the need for the next generation to know less and a rise in their need to be aware to things. Right now the biggest skill people need is the ability to find and sort through the information available. But even in the last two years that has been simplified with the browsers. So the skill set is even more diluted in that regard. Our kids won't need it. When we get to the point where information is fed to us in such a way that we don't have to search for it, all thinking should pretty much subside. There will never be the need to know anything, nor the need to find it. Hunting and gathering, done. And there is nothing wrong with that. It's evolution. But after that, what is next. We spent the first century evolving to survive. We spent the second century evolving to entertain ourselves. Now, what is next.

When you look at an x-box controller, you can sit there and think, damn, how did I get to the point where I have total contol over 8 buttons, two triggers, and three knobs simultanously. I was intiimdated by one button and one knob in 1980. Now look. It's not that I know how any of it works, it's my ability to process more and more information, and faster, that is important. That is the skill set now.

So, when I look at the 8 verisions of Microsoft out there. I don't worry about it. The skill set now is knowing which one to choose, and how to find it. But eventually I won't have to decide which one I need, the software will choose me. People won't need to know in the future. The question is, just how close are we to that. I think we are pretty close. Things like "My Yahoo" are only the first step toward toward information delivery.
Gunny said:
yeah, those big businesses are clueless :rolleyes:

In virtually every case, Gunny, it's because Windows boxes are cheaper. No consideration is given to downtime due to viruses, crashes, tech support costs, etc, etc, etc. "$800 versus $1700? I'll take it!"
I have constant barb battles with PC users in the recording world. All they talk about is price, and I get bashed for paying extra for a Mac. Invariably, the issue comes up because they are having trouble with file allocations, crashes, reboots, lost recordings, reformats, etc, etc, etc. They seem to have trouble associating downtime losses with the price of their systems. The end result is that their losses in billable hours FAR exceed the extra expense of a system that is much more stable to use.

And let's not forget MS's highly popular bait-and-switch tactics. I got my PC for a great price, only to learn later that I had to pay extra for the software that runs all the features that it claimed to have. Turned out not to be a bargain at all. I now have two great systems for media production, both at the same price; except one of them does nothing but take up space.
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