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Not surprised. Everyone had advised him not to go. He misses his Mother, but making the team and getting a contract will help her more than him seeing her. If he makes the team and gets a good contract, she can come to America.

How tragic would it have been if he actually went to Nigeria and was murdered!
I'm glad to hear that his story has attracted the attention of people who can get something done. If he's got senators offering their assistance, then things should move much more quickly than they would if Nande was working on his own.

Who knows...if they can pull the right strings, maybe he could even have his family here by season's end.
He should be able to get her here once he signs his contract. At the least, once he gets paid for rookie season, they should let her in next spring. Especially if he's got political help, it shouldn't be a problem.
From what I've read, my impression wasn't that the US wouldn't let her back in, the problem was the Nigerian government wouldn't let her out.
A.D., this article isn't clear, but it says that her temporary visa was expired, and that efforts to bring her to the US have been blocked because they couldn't show that they had the means to support the family. That sounds like US visa reasoning to me. I don't see why Nigeria wouldn't allow someone to leave for America because of financial reasons.

Anyway, no matter which side is preventing it, it should be much easier with a full year of NFL salary and some senators helping.
Nigeria could care less if people come or go. Actually, to get their citizens to America helps them. Most Africans who come and work in America sends money back to their family in their home country.

Since the Nande boys are grown, it will make itmuch easier to get their Mother to America since there is no longer a "family" that needs support. If Nande has a good camp, makes some big plays in the pre-season, I'm sure influencial Titan fans will pull strings to get Mama Nande to America. Look forward to a big homecoming when Mama hits the states.
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