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Good read.

He makes a good point that he actually hasn't been in trouble...gee that sounds familiar.

Damn dude got 12 cars. That's crazy.

Reynaldo spoke to him so everything surely must be ok. :brow:
BTW who is Antoine Harris?

I just hope now that he won't get into any more trouble.

One thing he has to do is not to use the 'no father figure' excuse.
I'm glad he has cleared this up, I was starting to worry. I thought he was a 'bad boy' and we shouldn't have drafted him. Now I find out the truth, it was the media, the FO and the fans that got him in trouble. Shame on us. But for some reason, I can not remember going into Gaddys night club and getting into a fight. I can't remember my friend bringing Pot into my hotel room. I can't remember any of my friends using my cars for transporting Pot. I can't remember being in an up-scale part of town in the middle of a shootout. I do remember watching Pacman on the field cussing a ref and he was alone. No media, no FO, just Pacman.
The No-Father-Figure excuse is lame. It'll be hard to sell.
In one sentance he says that he left Nashville because of what's being said. In the next sentence he says, "I don't care what people say". I'm lost on that one.
Here's a saying from a guy who is not blaming his up-bringing, or the media, or the FO or the fans. "I place very high standards regarding the way I'm viewed by both public as well as my team and would not partake in anything as foolish as this". (Haynesworth, Tennessean 5-8-06)
Sec330 Adam Jones loves me more than you - ha ha

his perception of reality is infantile at best, I am about to the point of hoping he has viloated some personal conduct clause so the Titans can cut him and get some CAP back - what a loser.

12 cars spread throughout the U.S., apparently condo's also. What's the point to that crap. Nothing that would help his career as a Titan I am certain. I hope it does work out from a buisness perspective for him, I also hope he realises that 99.99% of new autos are not investments, and he don't sound like the kind of guy looking for a 6 year old Focus. I can only shake my head and hope he can mature some. I truly hope he does not squander this oppertunity that life has brought his way, but it sure looks like he is diving headfirst towards his own demise, and apparently is happy to be doing it - what a loser.
I thought it was the biggest load of bull I've ever read.

If I was afraid everyone was out to get me, I wouldn't be confronting rappers at 2 am in parking lots just because he used my name without permission in a rap song.
TitanJeff said:
I thought it was the biggest load of bull I've ever read.

you havent read enough of me have you? :ha:

If I was afraid everyone was out to get me, I wouldn't be confronting rappers at 2 am in parking lots just because he used my name without permission in a rap song.

I dont think he is afraid of anyone...considering his background I highly doubt it.
I think it's cute that GoT mentions me...
maybe I'm naive... I don't care. It may be bull... but

The man is 22 years old. People shouldn't give up on him.

Am I completely happy with Jones? Hell no.
I do however think he has it within himself still to contribute in a big way. I could have done without the father figure song and dance...

Then again there are alot of fatherless young men in this country that can't seem to stay away from trouble. I want Jones to settle in and step up and be the man that Reese took him for in the draft a year ago.

I see no reason why Pacman can not be a great corner in this league.
I may have come across as withdrawing my support in the recent past...
I was just angry... again.

Reynaldology teaches forgiveness and understanding.

'nuff said.
The Titans would regret cutting or trading Pac. He will be a shut down corner despite his personal interests.

I have no doubt he will mature on and off the field. The article had all the ramblings of a young man's growing pains. (Don't forget, this kid is only what- 21?) I'm 80% certain it will happen in the next year and 90% certain it will happen in 2 years.
all Jones is doing is alienating himself from the team by not working out with them. I wonder how divided the locker room really is.

He acts like he is the only son to never have a father..please that gets old:sad2:
Riverman said:
The Titans would regret cutting or trading Pac. He will be a shut down corner despite his personal interests.

I have no doubt he will mature on and off the field. The article had all the ramblings of a young man's growing pains. (Don't forget, this kid is only what- 21?) I'm 80% certain it will happen in the next year and 90% certain it will happen in 2 years.

Dude I hope your right.

I havent given up on our yellow little popcorn muncher known as Pacman.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
I think it's cute that GoT mentions me...
maybe I'm naive... I don't care. It may be bull... but

he said he loved the fans that loved him, and loved the ones that don't even more - lol

I want the guy to succeed ON the field, and have no problem with him succeeding off the field as well. At this point my main concern is that by the time he matures enough off the field to live up to his potential on the field he will be playing ball in the Federal Penal League.
Pac boy needs to grow up and become a man. He lets any thug who asks to borrow his car? No father figure crap might work for a 6 year old but he needs to get over it. No doubt if Pacman wasn't good enough to play in the NFL and make loads of money he would be in jail by now as stupid as he is. He isn't even street smart.
Ewker said:
all Jones is doing is alienating himself from the team by not working out with them. I wonder how divided the locker room really is.

He acts like he is the only son to never have a father..please that gets old:sad2:

apparently he is contributing to the fatherless childern of America, seeing as he mentioned that he recently had a kid, but apparently no wife. :fish:
TitanJeff said:
I thought it was the biggest load of bull I've ever read.

If I was afraid everyone was out to get me, I wouldn't be confronting rappers at 2 am in parking lots just because he used my name without permission in a rap song.

I loved the part about if he knew who was shooting, why would he run if he knew them ?
TitanJeff said:
Pac sounded a bit paranoid to me in his comments.
----the controversial cornerback feels like his every move is being watched and scrutinized. And for that reason, Jones packed up and left the city a few weeks ago----

"I always feel like ... somebody's watching me, and I get no sympathy - oh oh oh oh"
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