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nigel said:
What is is about Adam Jones that would make you think that?

1) He's black
2) He grew up in the projects
3) His father was killed when he was young

Stereotype much?

he grew up expecting the government to feed and house any babies that were produced. That is he grew up in the projects, it is what he knows.

He has been arrested and sentenced to wear an ankle thingy so that the police could moniter his whereabouts constantly - he is a thug.

He hangs around with known thugs from the projects who constantly put him in bad situations. That is if you believe he is being used by his buddies. I believe he is just as involved in all the goings on as his buddies are, but you can believe what ever you want.

When he starts giving me reasons to believe otherwise I will be happy to change my mind on the diminutative DB

and yes when it is appropiate I do.
I just can't support a football player who spends too much of his money on cars. I mean, he's a kickoff/punt return machine, and pretty good CB, but when he's running down the field, I just can't get those cars off my mind. As a fan, I should have the right to restrict what the player I'm willing to spend millions on uses that money for.

GoT said:
Hey I want the guy to succeed I really do, but he makes it hard to like him as a person.

Yeah in your value system. I'm not knocking you because everybody judges as a means of self-affirmation. Your opinion is your personal right.

The only standard of behavior we (society) can collectively endorse is the law. Thus far, Pac hasn't broke the law. So I'm with him, LIGHTEN UP people. The only thing he's been guilty of is being himself and although that may not meet YOUR PERSONAL standards, it doesn't make him a bad person.

We as fans have every right to comment/criticize his "on the field" performance. He has a ways to go there to get what I was expecting with a #6 overall pick. He needs to get in to the OTAs, work hard WITH the team, to increase THE TITANS chances of winning more games. I want to see some INT's, some "shut-down" coverage and some good returns. If I get that, Pac is a great PLAYER in my book.
We should be able to criticize his performance, he has certain expectations such as being the #6 overall pick

His record is CLEAN, he may be a bit of a gangster, but who gives a doodle eyes
Yea, if I urinate all over myself and walk down main street I guess technically I am not breaking the law but certainly that isn't a "standard of behavior" anyone would endorse.

The thing that ticks me off about Pac is instead of focusing on becoming a better football player, just like the rest of us have to focus on our careers to be successful, Pac seems to be preoccupied with being an idiot and feeling sorry for himself. Pacman is the type if idiot that will be filing for bankruptcy before his playing days are over with. The Titans already see the writing on the wall and it isn't a matter of IF but WHEN IMO.
bigtitan53279 said:
"He had me wait 45 minutes to bring dogs and everything, checked the car, and there wasn't anything in the car"

i dont know how things are in nashville, but in jacksonville anytime over 30 minutes in considered unreasonable and the officer has to check the car without the dog.

yeah, my guess is that if the officer has suspicion of probable cause, then it's possible they can hold you as long as it takes (within reason)

I'm sure the K-9 go there within 45 minutes
even if PacMan was in Whites Creek and the dog was in Antioch
it doesn't take that long to get from one side of town to the other

my guess is that the whole event took 45 minutes
Gunny said:
Good read.

He makes a good point that he actually hasn't been in trouble...gee that sounds familiar.

Damn dude got 12 cars. That's crazy.

Reynaldo spoke to him so everything surely must be ok. :brow:
BTW who is Antoine Harris?

I just hope now that he won't get into any more trouble.

One thing he has to do is not to use the 'no father figure' excuse.

It matters more than you'll ever know, speaking from someone who didn't see his dad for 2/3rds of my teens and childhood. He even said it wasn't an excuse, but it is a reality.

In terms of everything else, it sounds plausable. He made a great point; for all the criminal activity he's been associated or labeled with, he hasn't been charged with any of it. Ridiculous.
All I really care about is that he shuts his mouth when its gametime and plays to the best of his ability. If he wants to be a thug thats his decision. I just want him to stop throwing temper tantrums during games.
TitanJeff said:
Pac sounded a bit paranoid to me in his comments.

Well no one can speak on his personal life, so how can you judge about what's going on with him? It sounds like bull because you have no idea just exactly what and who is doing what with him.

BTW, I know the rapper he's talking about too; he name dropped Jones in a song.
This article was nothing but more of the same "I'm a victim", "Everyone is out to get me", "I don't have a father" excuses anbd lines he has been passing off since he has been In Nashville. Nothing has changed.
GoT said:
I'm saying he feels he needs to be owning a vehicle wherever he is at, why I can't think of any good reason. Most normal people would own a quality vehicle or maybe 3 and drive between the properties. but then again I ain't a 22 year old millionaire with a boatload of useless hanger ons/babies to support.

As a professional football player how can he spend significant time in 12 places???? well he can't. And yes I am leaping from 12 cars and multiple properties to 12 properties, no the article did not state that.

I can see the positives from owning property, although I do not believe that is his primary purpose, but owning a bunch of cars is just throwing $$$ away.

If you think it's odd that a pro athelete owns multiple cars, then you're behind by a decade or so. They can afford them, you can't.
FightinTitan said:
This article was nothing but more of the same "I'm a victim", "Everyone is out to get me", "I don't have a father" excuses anbd lines he has been passing off since he has been In Nashville. Nothing has changed.

Looking through this thread, I don't wonder why...
LazyManJackson said:
I don't think he's making excuses

I think he's trying to prove a point

You gotta understand, he's not a liked person on these boards, by and large. No one really gives a **** about what he has to say.
KamikaZ said:
You gotta understand, he's not a liked person on these boards, by and large. No one really gives a **** about what he has to say.

Your right nobody gives a **** about what he says. What we give a **** about is when he is going to start to grow up and become a professional. We have heard this song and dance before, and I take little stock in what he says until he proves he is a team player and he has his head on straight.
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