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bigtitan53279 said:

anytime anyone mentions that Adam Jones is taller than 5'8 I always think back to his hold-out and that video of him running on the treadmill. The bars on the side were a good ways up his chest. I think he loaned 3 of his 12 cars to the Ringling Brothers. Adam Jones knows them, but does not know them. lol

no way Adam Jones is over 5'8", I'm not takling big helmet measurments either I mean shorts and a t-shirt.
GoT said:
I think he loaned 3 of his 12 cars to the Ringling Brothers. Adam Jones knows them, but does not know them. lol

GoT said:
anytime anyone mentions that Adam Jones is taller than 5'8 I always think back to his hold-out and that video of him running on the treadmill. The bars on the side were a good ways up his chest. I think he loaned 3 of his 12 cars to the Ringling Brothers. Adam Jones knows them, but does not know them. lol

no way Adam Jones is over 5'8", I'm not takling big helmet measurments either I mean shorts and a t-shirt.

He may only be 5-8 but how many receivers are actually as tall as they're listed ? Besides, he has a great vertical. I'm a big supporter of shorter corners in general. Shorter = more agility. Agility = numero uno at corner. It might get you beat every now and then, but being out of position will get you beat every time.
Last season I drove to Tempe to see the Cardinal game. I made a large "Adam Jones Sucks" sign and placed it on the windshield of my car while tailgating prior to the game. Two security officers stopped by and told me I had to remove the sign, as Sun Devil Stadium rules prohibit signs with derogatory messages directed toward individuals to be displayed. I tried to explain to them that no Real Titan Fan would take offense to the sign but it was of no use. I took the sign down, folded it, and stuck it down my shirt when I left the parking lot for the stadium. Sure enough when Adam Jones committed his inevitable pass interference penalty (bordering upon sexual assault) and I was able to whip it out. Almost everyone in my section, and there were plenty of Titan fans, cheered loudly.

Adam Jones is a thug. A savage. Personally I am against the War on Some Drugs, however I would not lower myself by associating with those who sell deadly toxins that hurt so many people. But Adam Jones has no real sense of right and wrong. I think he will be out of the league in a couple of years. Perhaps even behind bars or dead. And he'll still be chanting the “no father” excuse mantra. No, there is nothing wrong with owning twelve cars. But when one judges oneself by how many cars, homes, and jewelry one owns and not by how one treats others there is a problem.
TheTitanGuy said:
Personally I am against the War on Some Drugs,
some drugs huh ?......:drunk:
TheTitanGuy said:
however I would not lower myself by associating with those who sell deadly toxins that hurt so many people.
just keep in mind that the so many people using the so many toxins are doing it by choice
TheTitanGuy said:
Adam Jones is a thug. A savage. Personally I am against the War on Some Drugs, however I would not lower myself by associating with those who sell deadly toxins that hurt so many people. But Adam Jones has no real sense of right and wrong. I think he will be out of the league in a couple of years. Perhaps even behind bars or dead. And he'll still be chanting the “no father” excuse mantra. No, there is nothing wrong with owning twelve cars. But when one judges oneself by how many cars, homes, and jewelry one owns and not by how one treats others there is a problem.

Wow, you have been a member for 3 years. And this is your first post. I don't post much either. But, damn. You don't know this person that you are judging as being a "Savage, Thug, Not Knowing Right from Wrong piece of trash". When you spew hate, you become exactly what you are speaking out against. :sad2:
TheTitanGuy said:
Last season I drove to Tempe to see the Cardinal game. I made a large "Adam Jones Sucks" sign and placed it on the windshield of my car while tailgating prior to the game. Two security officers stopped by and told me I had to remove the sign, as Sun Devil Stadium rules prohibit signs with derogatory messages directed toward individuals to be displayed. I tried to explain to them that no Real Titan Fan would take offense to the sign but it was of no use. I took the sign down, folded it, and stuck it down my shirt when I left the parking lot for the stadium. Sure enough when Adam Jones committed his inevitable pass interference penalty (bordering upon sexual assault) and I was able to whip it out. Almost everyone in my section, and there were plenty of Titan fans, cheered loudly.

Adam Jones is a thug. A savage. Personally I am against the War on Some Drugs, however I would not lower myself by associating with those who sell deadly toxins that hurt so many people. But Adam Jones has no real sense of right and wrong. I think he will be out of the league in a couple of years. Perhaps even behind bars or dead. And he'll still be chanting the “no father” excuse mantra. No, there is nothing wrong with owning twelve cars. But when one judges oneself by how many cars, homes, and jewelry one owns and not by how one treats others there is a problem.

HATER :ha: :whoop:
Puck said:
just keep in mind that the so many people using the so many toxins are doing it by choice

I don't appluade many of your posts fact I don't applaude any...until now.

Good point. :clap:

Of course the major point is Pacman doesnt sell drugs.

And I think the savage comment was a bit unneccesary.
KobeChaz said:
You don't know this person that you are judging as being a "Savage, Thug, Not Knowing Right from Wrong piece of trash". When you spew hate, you become exactly what you are speaking out against. :sad2:
Maybe. He's set in his mind about Jones. Draft picks have a shelf life. I've got for Jones what TheTitanGuy hasn't and that's hope.(for Pacman) My mind is not made up to that degree of conviction but I got to give the guy props just for the sheer ability to articulate his message. It would only be fair to ask this "newcomer":ha: (I still can't get over that) if he has some insight into Jones that we don't. Perhaps he's a bailbondsman and he's seen Pacman's Crossfire shuttle Pacman's friends off from his office...

We can't make up our minds to the Nth degree either.:coltssuk:
Gunny said:
And I think the savage comment was a bit unneccesary.
I think Pacman the Savage has a nice ring to it.:winker:
LazyManJackson said:
Short =flexible
Gunny said:
you are one scary man.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
What? Have you ever seen an OOMPA LOOMPA do calisthenics?

Oompa-Loompas lived in Loompaland, an uncharted place full of Snozzwangers, Hornswogglers, wicked Whangdoodles, and Vermicious knids, four classes of extremely dangerous creatures.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Oompa-Loompas lived in Loompaland, an uncharted place full of Snozzwangers, Hornswogglers, wicked Whangdoodles, and Vermicious knids, four classes of extremely dangerous creatures.

You tell your kid that?:ha:
Gunny said:
You tell your kid that?:ha:
of course. it's the truth.

Oompa-Loompas lived in Loompaland, an uncharted place full of Snozzwangers, Hornswogglers, wicked Whangdoodles, and Vermicious knids, four classes of extremely dangerous creatures.
Oompa-Loompas were once parodied on Family Guy. In the episode "Wasted Talent", which features a subplot based on the 1971 film in which Peter Griffin wins admission to a tour of the Pawtucket Patriot Brewery, the "Choomba Woomba" sing a song to Joe Swanson in which they make fun of his need for a wheelchair. Shortly afterwards, they start singing to Peter Griffin when he and Brian are forced to leave for tasting beer they weren't supposed to taste. During this song, one of them kicks Peter in his knee, making him drop down and clutch it in pain.

They ought to get one of these for Pac.
About being short=agility I am not so bond about it, but one thing is for sure, is you are shorther than anyone and jump higher than any its a great indicator of leg strength. And in football what matters for speed and agility is relative strength (strenght / own weight).

So the guy is mighty leg strong but low weight (faster) and if has trained explosive strength also must be also great on changing directions. But as usual power is nothing without control!

An athlete not always makes a player.
Of course I have only seen highlights and screwups of Pacman :cry:
LazyManJackson said:
I wonder how off-topic this thread will get.....................................
LazyMan... this thread is not off topic. I illustrated GoT's comment, yes...
I'm amused at Avvie's comment... now... Oompa-Loompas are short, like pacman... and the picture I provided is a "bad" Oompa-Loompa with some sort of orthodonture device that would prevent him from speaking. To me, Pacman is a bad Oompa-Loompa... I may be silly and I may illustrate the comments of others, but in this instance, I am not taking anything off-topic.
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