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"I’m more excited about the World Cup right now than anything else.”

that kind of attitude will get you on the roster. :suspect:
that kinda says he's not excited enough at the prospect of getting a real roster spot and not some practice squad gig again. he only has seen action in preseason and by being activated from the practice squad. With that #2 draft pick coming in and Brown/Henry/Fleming/Nash/others?... there is a whole thread about how thick the Titans are at RB ... I don't know, that's just a goofy thing to say, that World Cup is the biggest thing for him right now, since he's not really a legitimate NFL player ... saying things like that can lead to getting cut. There is nothing wrong with what he said, but as a coach you don't want to hear that from a fringe player, and that is what he is... It doesn't matter how long Jeff Fisher spent in a Bears uni. His favortism only goes so far and it's not like Payton hasn't had his opportunities. If I were Jeff Fisher I would want to hear that the #1 thing that Jared Payton is excited about is the prospect of winning a real roster spot. I'm sure Nash was pleased when he read this.
Someone said that if you've been on the regular roster for 8 games or something like that you can't go back to the practice squad. If so, I think he was on the roster for close to that, and I don't think there's any way he makes the 53 this year...
paraconspiracy -> No offense taken! You noticed how i didn't comment on the story myself?

I actually agree with you 100%. We are bored! Personally I have no problem whatsoever with Payton being excited about the World Cup. I was too!
Mrs. Bipolar said:
he only has seen action in preseason and by being activated from the practice squad. /
I think he was actually active for something like 13 games, carried for around 100 yards (spot duty - but ahead of Nash), and even scored a couple of touchdowns.

I get what you're saying though. It's never been any secret that Jarrett liked soccer over football. This is really a very boring topic, isn't it? :)
paraconspiracy said:
thie thread is retarded...

I second that.

I dont see how being a bigger fan of soccer than football makes him a bad player, or means he doesnt have the fire or determination to make the roster. Lots of athletes are bigger fans of sports they dont play. Frankly, it makes sense... if you were a carpenter, would you want to build houses in your free time? No, you'd want to fish, or play softball or something. These guys lives revolved around football, its probably healthy that they want to take a break from it in their free time.
4andershv said:
paraconspiracy -> No offense taken! You noticed how i didn't comment on the story myself?

I actually agree with you 100%. We are bored! Personally I have no problem whatsoever with Payton being excited about the World Cup. I was too!

yeah i was excited about it too until about that 3rd pk last night... then i threw up
At this point of the year, I think most guys may tune into to watch the World Cup.

I don't think this article will have any effect whatsoever
KamikaZ said:
The World Cup is the biggest sporting event in the world. Why shouldn't someone be excited about it?
Because it's boring as hell... He grew up Walter Payton's son and he likes watching soccer more than football. No wonder he was never any good.
he made it to the pro's

those were big shoes to fill

and soccer is only boring because you dont know what the hell is going on.

just like most all of the world thinks american football is boring
rcarie said:
Because it's boring as hell... He grew up Walter Payton's son and he likes watching soccer more than football. No wonder he was never any good.

that has little to no relevance to anything.
paraconspiracy said:
he made it to the pro's

those were big shoes to fill

Nobody ever expected him to fill his dad shoes. We all love Payton, don't get me wrong. All I'm saying is maybe he just didn't have his heart into it as much has he could've.

and soccer is only boring because you dont know what the hell is going on.

just like most all of the world thinks american football is boring
I don't think it looks complicated. Just Boring.

run and kick run and kick run and kick run and kick run and kick run and kick...........

It's not popular here because it's boring. It's monotinous.
Gunny said:
people find american football monotonous with the play, stop, huddle, play, stop, huddle etc.
That may be true. We don't care. I no that sounds arrogant but seriously most people don't care. I think the media follows World Cup (here in the US) just because they feel like they should due to the fact that it's so popular everywhere else. Personally, I know that most all my friends that are sports fans care little to nothing about Soccer. The biggest reason is probably because we suck at it. There's no doubt. I am sure that there would be a surge of interest if the US ever became competative at World Cup Soccer. Until then, I wish everyone on ESPN radio, news, and Sportscentre would take a big glass of shut the hell up about it... It's over, finally.
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