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Overalls said:
Sorry, but where did you prove me wrong. I never said we wern't worse last year from the year before. The statement that I corrected was that we have spent 5 years in the basement, not spent 5 years out of the playoffs. The Titans were in the basement of the division just season before last and actually had a worse record last season. Thus if you said that we have spent 3 out of the last 4 years in the basement you would be right, but that's not what was said. So Minimus maybe you should try again. YOU have failed to do anything except to prove you have a comprehetion problem. Sorry.

I am however concerned about the racist tone of your TEXICAN remark. You do realize that some of the greatest historical figures in Tennessee history chose to die as a Texican don't you. Remember we are the state it's better to die for than live in.
Yes, as a history I realize that Tennesseasn went down to Texas to help you win independence. Hence the Volunteer state.
Were did I mention basement in my post, again Overyalls, you show the Texans fans still have a comprehension problem
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
do we have to do this again?

I dunno, I must have missed the prior occurrence. Hopefully my attempt at levity isn't misconstrued; I was trying to diffuse a potentially volatile subject.
Bonky said:
I dunno, I must have missed the prior occurrence. Hopefully my attempt at levity isn't misconstrued; I was trying to diffuse a potentially volatile subject.
It was this very topic last training camp season that lead to the the admendment of forum rules to make anything ethnic or race related taboo. I'm seriously not trying to be a vigilante mod but most posters know better than to engage in the "Howard Cossell is misunderstood" or "Remember the Alamo" line of conversation. That was an admirable attempt to diffuse the volatility, I will grant you that, as I have attempted it many times myself with mixed results... anyhow, I see your post count and I know you are new. That vauge post on my part was just a small attempt to remind everyone that Titan Jeff does not appreciate it when good threads head in that direction. There is a system of checks and balances in place, (warning meter) btw- I have been warned plenty and I have become better for it....and for the most part everyone respects one another... but one must be especially careful when dealing with a visiting fan from another forum. Overalls is a good guy. Don't get me wrong. I have done more than my fair share of bugging him but I like him and as far as I know he is cool with me. This type of heads up also belongs in a private message but I feel that if I leave it here in the thread it can serve as a reminder of how to get the most out of Titan Jeff's forum. Also, PM has a 1000 character limit and I can blow through that like Reggie Bush does a secondary!!!:ha: :))

here is the thread in question... This smack talk that is here today is old hat...
maximus said:
Yes, as a history I realize that Tennesseasn went down to Texas to help you win independence. Hence the Volunteer state.
Were did I mention basement in my post, again Overyalls, you show the Texans fans still have a comprehension problem

Come on Minimus follow the thread. If YOU can't understand what YOU posted in reference to, I can't help you. Reread my original post and then slowly read up until your first post and maybe YOU will comprehend the post from there on out
@ Bipolar

Thanks for the heads-up and the link. That one did get out of hand pretty quickly. I tend to lurk here and read rather than post, for the most part. Overall earned my respect at the end of this season by showing up in Smack and taking his lumps.

I suppose that colored my earlier post, not necessarily so much because I dislike racism (although that is true), but because for some reason Texans always seem to be targeted for those type of racist comments.

Fwiw, I was born in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Conclude from that what you will, and thanks again for the tactful and friendly advice. Noobs like me need all the help we can get.
Oh you're welcome. Here's the thing that you have got to undrstand about Overalls... It is his purpose to irritate and cause confusion... He will distort the idea and turn it into something it is not. He will use forbidden tactics such as namecalling in an attempt to anger. He's kinda creative. Except when he turns into the spelling cop. Which is kinda funny cause he doesn't give a crap about his own spelling. This kinda useless stuff is called pot stirring and I'll admit... he's not half bad at it. It's sorta what I'm doing, except my pot stirring here serves the purpose of informing the other members that all Overalls is really after is your time and your goat. 90% of the time he doesn't give a rip about your opinion. It's his role. It's kinda like the job of the troll. I mean troll in the most generic internet sense. For clarification see this link.
Anyhow...being a Cow Troll he's kinda got a licence to irritate on this forum. Notice how much he gets away with? It's crazy isn't it? The thing about a troll on this board is really not to take anything they say too seriously...There are exceptions of course, but Overalls is kinda a special case... and besides, it's not like he's a daily regular, then there might be a real problem. He's not really stupid or as dense as his posts may lead you to believe. He just posts retarded things in an attempt to draw fire. It's just his MO... it's kinda funny... here's an example of him being really dumb... don't laugh at me when you read the link... I can't help but come off as a real person...
all you can really do is chalk it up to being an assclown...
and that's OK.
One thing that I do that irrates Bipolar is use what posters say against them. That and my spelling is terrible. I don't really remember going to the spelling police thing unless the badge was pulled on me first, but I have gone to it. By the way if you do follow the 2nd link in Bipolars post you will find that he pulls his badge on me.
NjTitanGuy420 said:
I mostly like and enjoy your posts,but come on,That is a fillabuster if I have ever heard one.Shorten it up,Overalls is like arguing with a 11 year old,so no need to enlighten us on his shortcommings.His shortcommings are in his little fingers when he is at the urinal.
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