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I know for damn sure you're not calling me or the music i post "emo". If so, that's pretty ignorant on a lot of levels.

haha, I'm sure you think that.. But in the bigger picture it is totally Emo, just not the traditional Sunny Day Real Estate type.. more of a rock-n-jock, 2010 style sold-out American Idol/indie metal Shmeemo..
haha, I'm sure you think that.. But in the bigger picture it is totally Emo, just not the traditional Sunny Day Real Estate type.. more of a rock-n-jock, 2010 style sold-out American Idol/indie metal Shmeemo..

If DSHS is emo to you then I suppose you can consider practically anything with clean vocals emo as well :rolleyes:

And wtf do you keep talkin about when you keep referring to american idol? ..

So this = emo ?

I guess old Deftones are considered emo as well now.
If DSHS is emo to you then I suppose you can consider practically anything with clean vocals emo as well :rolleyes:

No, I only consider bands with elements of Emo to be Emo.. like this band.
Clean vox is not some new phenomena..

And wtf do you keep talkin about when you keep referring to american idol?

Because American Idol-ized modern music culture has clearly influenced this band and most of the stuff you post. You might not recognize it - and they may not admit it, but it certainly has.

Absolutely.. pure Screamo.. Detuned, tone-less guitar, screamy sensitive vox..

I guess old Deftones are considered emo as well now.

uh, I highly doubt Deftones exist as we currently know them without the early 90's Emo movement.. They claim to be all about Depeche, but I certainly don't hear that.. Do you?

You can try this all night but you would be wasting your time..
Hey guys here's some more emo for you.

It's emo cause the chick has a nose piercing and they have heavy riffs and they play the piano and because there's a child on a swing in the video and because the drummer looks like Shia Labeouf.


You're just one of these guys that thinks anything released in the last decade is emo because you don't know any better and it's easy to just go around bashing with "emo" because you have no real argument, or taste for that matter.
You're just one of these guys that thinks anything after the 80s is emo because you don't know any better and it's easy to just go around bashing with "emo" because you have no real argument, or taste for that matter.

You go ahead and think that..
In reality I'm a life-long underground Rock fan and participant who has three decades of life-experience in the "field" (for lack of a better term). I've toured, recorded, engineered, produced, written and contributed to many RRU publications. I have known and been friends with many of the pioneers of Underground.. and that's just for starters..
Intern for Nashville record group in charge of finding indie/underground music..I don't go around aimlessly shouting "EMO" like I've been insulted by the music.
Intern for Nashville record group in charge of finding indie/underground music..I don't go around aimlessly shouting "EMO" like I've been insulted by the music.

haha looks like they hired the wrong dude! Know your Emo (so you can extinguish it!) PS: "Nashville record group finding indie/Underground" is an oxymoron..
Only an oxymoron because everyone else is doing country, and we aren't.. And I know my emo just fine, and believe it or not there is decent emo. It's you that thinks anything with screaming or high pitched vocals or whatever other generic stereotype you have makes it automatically emo.
Oh there's plenty of non-country in this town, but Nashville is notorious for not thinking outside the box. Everything is 100 percent commercial.
And I've said nothing to the effect of anything with screaming or high pitched box equalling Emo. There is traditional Hardcore, metal, stoner and so on but the common denominator amongst most of the stuff you post is that faux, whiney, sensitive child vox that is the trademark of the movement or at least what it has become.. Emo has been around for decades and for whatever reason it's managed to stick with the modern hardcore kids.. Pretty sad if you ask me. Today's kids are being shortchanged from every angle when it comes to music..
Emocore is the b*stard son of the DC Discord punk scene, where it once had some merit and some solid bands. Modern Emo/Efaux is the lip-synched Hot Topic mall version. All style no... well you get the picture..
Now let me go find my white belt and iron my hair..
If you're this intolerant of the music I've posted, heaven forbid you run into someone that actually listens to the *radio* :shocked:
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