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A.D. said:
I am surprised that the Sports Editor allowed that to even be printed. It's so asanine that this was even a story. Young, wealthy athletes throwing a party, BIG WOW! Every weekend in the offseason, some football player has a charity weekend full of parties and events.

I suppose Climer didn't have any sports-related stories to write and he slacked off into this one.
elfinmagic53 said:
He is truly from the 'hood and has the mannerisms of a person from the 'hood. Yeah, he should act a certain way, but he simply has had an upbringing that did not teach him to be civil. Being civil was secondary to surviving in the projects.

He's not in the projects anymore and I know plenty of people myself included who grew up in bad situations and decided to make good desicions to better themselves , and as far as "wasn't taught to be civil" give me a break, He isn't a dog that was beaten and doesn't understand the difference between biting someone and pissing on the carpet-
he knows the difference between right and wrong and has wound up on the wrong end since he came here.. Now if you look up some of my prior threads you'll see I've defended Pac about him maturing in the offseason, remmeber haynesworth's first year the 15 penalties, the problems with coaches, he grew up.. He learned and so did a milliom other athletes their rookie years and I Think Pac has too or is at least starting to. I'm all for letting these guys be people and letting them have fun, Pac go to ATL and have fun and be the guy you wanna be, I dont care and neither should anyone else(IMO) but if you make bad choices and you %^$# up then I think you outgha be enjoying the season from the bench..
maybe... but he has been a victum of seeing people he cared about being cut down in cold blood... that is enough to make anyone jaded so I think Elf in all her society privilage should be granted a pass on her choice of words. Pac grew up hard. That is all she is saying. I'm sure she would be inclined, as so am I to agree with the majority of your remarks, especially those wrapped around the theme of reaping what you sow.
I think for you people that never grew up in the projects or at least stayed in the projects its hard to understand why people act this way, you got to be hard to make it. So naturally you take on that personalty, you can't make a person change because its different from you, thats just the way Pacman is. Much love to him and he can be friends with VY and LenDale, its their lives. Pacman's not evil. Heck, he hasn't even done anything terribly wrong, and this offseason it seems like he has matured. They are just having a party. Shoot, you guys should be made at your idol VY because he went with Pacman, but Pacman has to be the bad guy. Its just a party, stop overreacting.....
KamikaZ said:
My boy in the ATL just called me yesterday afternoon and told me to drive down their for this. I was like, man please...:ha:

shh don't admit that or we'll be starting a thread of everything you do.

Kami goes to college.

Kami picks up a chick

OMG BREAKING NEWS: Kami goes to the toilet!!
Gunny said:
shh don't admit that or we'll be starting a thread of everything you do.

Kami goes to college.

Kami picks up a chick

OMG BREAKING NEWS: Kami goes to the toilet!!

Ayo, it had relevance to the thread man...:ha:
oh, what the heck...

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

:sad2: :ha: :lol: :))

I bet you can't watch the whole thing.
I keep waiting for the Dudesons to break down his door and slam him against the wall (or TV or floor) or whatever might cause him pain
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