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Just thought about this. With McNair gone, it would be up to Volek to mentor our new QB. I'm thinking this is not good. Mr. I-can-throw-one-hell-of-a-bomb-but-not-much-else, might not be the perfect person for that job.
That was my argument in the past. But I don't think so now.

Really, it will be the job of the coaches to teach whichever rookie QB we get.
Exactly. What you hope is the rookie can learn some solid habits by watching the starter. How he works practice. How he is in the film room. Game prep, etc. The old "leading by example" way of teaching.

McNair may not be the best candidate for any QB to learn under unless he stays healthy enough to practice and gets this bad taste from his mouth he probably has right now over the contract mess. McNair is a competitor on game day but may not have the work habits you want copied by a young guy.
Exactly. With McNair gone we will not have anyone to demonstrate to the rookie QB how to miss practices or how to turn their nose on young recievers. As Jeff said, add in the contract mess and it looks like McNair isn't a good choice anyway.
TitanJeff said:
Exactly. What you hope is the rookie can learn some solid habits by watching the starter. How he works practice. How he is in the film room. Game prep, etc. The old "leading by example" way of teaching... McNair is a competitor on game day but may not have the work habits you want copied by a young guy.

Exactly, and by those criteria, Billy Volek would be a lot better for a young guy to learn from.

You know who else would be good for a young QB to learn by example from? :winker:

Maybe we can bring back Chris Chandler...:ha: or, uh anybody remember Bucky Richardson and Billy Joe Tolliver (Oiler days..after Warren Moon, before Steve):brow:
Soxcat please...

turn their nose on young recievers.

Is that a joke? 1st and second year players caught 158 balls in 2005! 5 seperate 1st and second year players caught 21 balls or more. Simply not true!

Why do people continue to hold such moronic ideas?
dontdraftCutler said:
Billy Joe Tolliver (Oiler days..after Warren Moon, before Steve):brow:
The Titans actually played against Billy Joe in the 1999 season when he was a QB for the New Orleans Saints
Mcnair turns nose up to young receivers?

Actually 1st and 2nd year players caught 169 balls because i didn't include catches made by payton, nash and guenther.

WR and TE caught a total of 296 balls. 160 of those were by rookie or 2nd year players. That's 54%. How could mcnair be turning his nose at young receivers when they accounted for more than half the catches?

Can we put this moronic myth to bed? Finally?
My heading said "teacher". What I meant was mentor. I had argued in the past that offering Steve 10 mil to play a year or so to mentor the new QB was stupid. Why pay a QB coach AND a QB to do the same job? Accually, they are not the same job IMO. One has good chaulkboard ideas whereas the other has accually been on the field to put the chaulkboard stuff into actions.
The whole mentor/teacher thing is overrated. It's a combination of good coaching and talent that prepares a rookie QB to play in the NFL. Whether McNair or Volek is the starter won't make any difference - he can surely learn a thing or two and get some advice, but it won't be definitive to his success.

As an example, Palmer has proven that he is a great QB so far, and he had Kitna - an average QB at best (even when after that good season a couple of years ago). Brees learnt by trial and error, and so on.
RollTide - when 4/6th of your major Recieving corps are 1st or 2nd year players (Jones, Roby, Williams and Troupe) you dont have much other choice of who to throw to.

Because they caught 54% doesn't mean it was a success for McNair.
Exactly right Gunny. My point was that McNair didn't seem interested in doing the extra work he and the other guys needed to do to improve their production. The big excuse at the begginning of the year was the guys were young and we had a new offense. Because McNair basically threw in the towel after the 1st quarter of the season the offense never gelled like it could have. For all we know the FO and coaches are ticked off by McNair's attitude and really don't care if he comes back or not.

As for Volek, maybe he has a better attitude and if handed the job early can start gelling with the guys ASAP. He will have one year of Chow's offense under his belt and some familiarity with the WRs. Volek only started one game last year and despite all the criticism didn't play as poorly as everyone makes out. Is he the answer? Probally not but I have no problem giving him a shot while the rookie waits in the wings.
Volek could be a starting QB on some of the teams in the league, if our defense really steps up (hard to imagine imagine with ******shwartz) then he may not have to be great. Defense wins championships, offense wins crowds.
Toly said:
As an example, Palmer has proven that he is a great QB so far, and he had Kitna - an average QB at best (even when after that good season a couple of years ago). Brees learnt by trial and error, and so on.

Palmer has given a LOT of credit to following Kitna his first year- learning how to prep for games, practice habits, etc. Brees struggled for a while (which is why they drafted Rivers in the first place). Holding the clipboard is not a bad plan for 1-2 years, IMO.

If you build the defense, they will come...errr, win

Good point gunny but you have not proven that my point is wrong. My guess is that you won't even try.

Mcnair completed 292 passes in 2005. That's 42 more passes than he completed in his mvp year. It's not just a high percentage but a high number.

You are also aware that all three of our rookie wide recievers had a higher yards per catch than drew bennett so they were productive yards and all three combined had more TDs than bennett and calico combined. We don't even need to talk about calico do we?

Can you in any way statstically disprove my point?

Bottom line is whether mcnair completed a lot of passes to young players because he wanted to or had no choice nobody with a brain can say he ignored them.
RollTide said:
turn their nose on young recievers.
Why do people continue to hold such moronic ideas?
have you got that pass distribution chart handy Mr. Analyst?
Seems like McNair threw to the TE's primarily...
Just another fruity rumor out there to confuse simple minded commoners like myself?
Soxcat as well said:
Because McNair basically threw in the towel after the 1st quarter of the season the offense never gelled like it could have.
Another myth I suppose perpetrated on idiot morons?

Brother or not i'll gladly b-slap you across the room when you post nonsense. And the idea that mcnair threw in the towel is nonsense. In mcnair's last 6 starts he had a higher passing rating than his season rating 4 times. He was over 90 3 times. In his last 2 full games played he had his second and third best rushing efforts of the year so he wasn't afraid to do that.

Half the whole team quit down the stretch so why not dick around with them contract wise and leave steve alone.

I do agree that volek is better than some think. If he can stay healthy(Big if) he is better than kerry collins. Personally i don't care if he teaches our new QB a thing. Just come to camp in shape and be ready to play every week. Mcnair is better but volek is not bad.

The whole volek as teacher concept is dumb. Why would a life long backup care about helping someone else? Just show up and play well and let the coaching staff develop the kid.
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