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I'm not going to argue with blatant stupidity. Brandon jones our best rookie WR missed 6 games. Roydell also missed 6 games. Bennett missed 3 games. Calico was worthless. Very rarely did mcnair have the best 3 WR on the field to work with but the tight ends were very healthy missing just three games total.

Only a brainstem would expect rookie WRs to produce like vets so everything here is realtive. Of course 2 of those tight ends were young guys that mcnair apparently disregarded and distained. :sad2:

Pass distribution.


So what is your problem then?

And you supposedly claim to be a mcnair guy. You just want to argue and be wrong?

Tide CFA...
RollTide said:
So what is your problem then?

And you supposedly claim to be a mcnair guy. You just want to argue and be wrong?

Tide CFA...

I didn't actually say anything. I merely asked you to address overlooked parts of his post. Those quotes I touched pass as knowledge on this board at times by some. I didn't even make an argument... I just challenged you to address those notions that you categorize as stupid. I also asked for that pass distribution number for me while you were at it, because I figured it could help me paint my picture. I also know it could illustrate your point or prove Soxcat more correct... I had no preference there. Any how big poppie, you don't get to find out what you want to know if you don't pop off a little. Besides, little one line questions are ignored all the time.

About McNair... (why always so personal?) oh well Tide... I mean Mr. Analyst, my wife thinks it's adorable...(ahem) about McNair... I'm a little more like Brian in that respect... my heart is with the team and I'll be damned if McNair is going to turn me into a raven fan...:ravens: intersesting you proclaim what a raven fan you will be because you are such a McNair homer... meanwhile I despise all things Colts and that makes me less of a Titans fan in your view because the best game of the post season IMO was the Squeelers winning over Gayton...

funny isn't it? like funny ha ha ...not like funny queer.



I love that movie. btw- you didn't really show your anger in your tribute to Bud Adams thread/post... I just didn't feel it dawg...


You love you some Peyton Manning, don't you? LET's GO BAMA!!! Man, it's ok not to like somebody even if they are good. LET's GO BAMA!!! It's ok to like somebody more even if the other guy is or has been better... LET's GO BAMA!!! not everything you oppose is in reality stupid and idiotic. LET's GO BAMA!!! It just is not in line with your point of view.

i.e. - Mario Williams?

Who really got on board with that?
Who told you that you were an idiot or a moron???

I didn't see the Tide Venom come out...

Man, the only problem is I like you better when you are angry and all I have to do to get fresh information to think on is challenge you for it. I hope you don't have callers or guests on your cable show. They might not know how to take it. I'd still watch.
RollTide said:
Good point gunny but you have not proven that my point is wrong. My guess is that you won't even try.

Mcnair completed 292 passes in 2005. That's 42 more passes than he completed in his mvp year. It's not just a high percentage but a high number.

Throw more when you play from behind.

Bottom line is whether mcnair completed a lot of passes to young players because he wanted to or had no choice nobody with a brain can say he ignored them.

But were they his first option? Was Bennett covered so he had to throw to the rookie?
Either way without a choice it could be said he ignored them until he needed them. How did he treat them during practise?

I'm not on the titans staff so they didn't invite me to any practices gunny. Do you have some video that shows mcnair shunning the rookies in a practice? I went to a couple of practices during camp. Don't understand the point.
RollTide said:
I'm not on the titans staff so they didn't invite me to any practices gunny. Do you have some video that shows mcnair shunning the rookies in a practice? I went to a couple of practices during camp. Don't understand the point.
I'd like to know just how many practices he was participating in.
Let's say just for the sake of simple math there are 100 practices...
How many times out of 100 is he not full speed, ready to go... in the sauna, on the table, in bed, ect... I'm not out to hate on MAC, so whoever just leave that alone... I'm being a realist here that's saying you want your starter in the huddle on Wednesday too... Just on Sundays simply is not good enough.

Rookies need the practice more than McNair...
Volek gives them this.

At least Matt Leinart or Jay Cutler or whoever can have that in common with Volek... even if Volek doesn't manage to pass along jack squat for knowledge... At least he'll show up.

I love me some McNair so don't start that crap. Just because I hate Peyton Manning to such extremes does not make me any less of a Titans fan.
RollTide said:
I'm not on the titans staff so they didn't invite me to any practices gunny. Do you have some video that shows mcnair shunning the rookies in a practice? I went to a couple of practices during camp. Don't understand the point.

I am asking a question, so not really making a point.

But word was he didnt train all that much.
Bipolar i love ya! the thread continues. volek can get to 4 or 6 games brfore he gets hurt (maybe) VY takes over and its off to the races.
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