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I'm sure many of you are familiar with "cold pizza" the daily AM show on espn 2. On the show two morons named skip bayless and woody paige exchange uneducated views about whatever sports subject is popular and of course they disagree most of the time.

They were both asked this morning where the big three QBs will be 10 years from now. Bayless said that young would be hall of fame material, cutler would be the next brett favre and lienart would be a bust. Woody paige had a different view.
Woody thinks ALL THREE QBS will be super stars. In fact he goes further than that and thinks there will be 7 quality QBs to come from this draft. 7! Among that list was marcus vick! Woody's justification for this stupidity? Well the 1983 draft of course. Doesn't matter to him that 1983 was a one time freak year for QBs.

Look i encourage any reader of this board to go to nfl They have all the draft picks from 1982 to 2005. Look and see how many first rd draft picks at any position didn't amount to anything. While general managers and coaches have to pay lip service to this notion that all three will be great a talking head, idiot like woody paige doesn't have to. He is just dumb!
RollTide said:
I'm sure many of you are familiar with "cold pizza" the daily AM show on espn 2. On the show two morons named skip bayless and woody paige exchange uneducated views about whatever sports subject is popular and of course they disagree most of the time.

They were both asked this morning where the big three QBs will be 10 years from now. Bayless said that young would be hall of fame material, cutler would be the next brett favre and lienart would be a bust. Woody paige had a different view.
Woody thinks ALL THREE QBS will be super stars. In fact he goes further than that and thinks there will be 7 quality QBs to come from this draft. 7! Among that list was marcus vick! Woody's justification for this stupidity? Well the 1983 draft of course. Doesn't matter to him that 1983 was a one time freak year for QBs.

Look i encourage any reader of this board to go to nfl They have all the draft picks from 1982 to 2005. Look and see how many first rd draft picks at any position didn't amount to anything. While general managers and coaches have to pay lip service to this notion that all three will be great a talking head, idiot like woody paige doesn't have to. He is just dumb!

I agree with you on Woody Paige.
RollTide said:
IWell the 1983 draft of course. Doesn't matter to him that 1983 was a one time freak year for QBs.

Well, that means there's a precedence for it. It would have been even crazier if it hadn't happened before.

While I don't think it's impossible, I think it's highly improbably... probably a factor not unlike the phone number of an Islington flat :winker:
Now gunny...

One of them is right some of the time because they always disagree. It's when you listen to their reasoning that you realize they have no clue. I actually find myself agreeing with woody more often but today he really showed his stupidity.

According to woody the titans have 7 choices for our QB of the future. Lienart, young, cutler, clemens, croyle, whitehurst and vick. Great blue north has vick at 22nd among QBs so i guess we don't even have to draft him. :sad2:

He didn't mention omar jacobs so i'm thinking that's one guy we better go after.:greedy:
RollTide said:
He didn't mention omar jacobs so i'm thinking that's one guy we better go after.:greedy:

he didn't mention Hackney either, who looked great against UT and even reminded me some of Steve in his younger days
next woody will say the titans should draft the 13 year old female golfer dakoda dowd and let her kick...I hate that guy he put his foot in his mouth back in 96 when the Jags played Denver in the PO and the jackarse said the broncos shouldnt even show up they won the game already blah blah and the Jags and Brunell took it to him so yes Woody is an idiot and I cant stand that guy.

Well, that means there's a precedence for it

OK you want precedence? Ok.

1986- Jim everett and chuck long.

1990-Jeff geroge and andre ware.

1991-Dan mcgwire and todd marinovich.

1992-David klingler and tommy maddox.

1994-heath schuler and trent dilfer

1997-Jim Drunkenmiller

How would the woody paige mentality(They will all be stars) have worked in those years? 4 drafts where every QB taken in rd one was a bust.
One year has zero to do with another. Just because something happened one year in the draft doesn't mean it will happen again. To me, it is silly to look back at a draft 10 years ago and apply it to today.
RollTide, please go look up the meaning of impossible and improbable, as they are key to my post.

I agreed with you that it's a wild suggestion to make and very improbable, but it's not impossible, because (as you said) it has already happened once before.

Having all day 1 QB's turning into solid starters in the NFL is much like the lottery; you're not likely to win, but you do have a chance.

Cold pizza is more casual and runs about 4 hours. Mixed in with sports news and special features they have a moderator along with woody and skip sitting at a table chewing the fat. It's laid back not intense like pti.

Skip bayless will remind you of a strict blue haired aunt who always clicks her tongue. His mannerisms suggest he hasn't had a bowel movement for years.

Woody is a southerner, more personable and much easier to like but occasionally he says something really dumb.

PTI is a much better show and those two guys are smarter.
Actually vigsted...

There has never been a draft where three QBs were selected in rd one and all three, 100% became stars. As i told you in a previous post even in 1983 only half the QBs taken in rd one that year were stars. 6 QBs taken 3 stars.

Anything is possible. It's possible that there will be 10 computer software companies bigger than microsoft 5 years from now. To predict as much would be idiotic. Woody paige PREDICTED stardom for those three guys he didn't just say it was possible.

No one year applies to another but you learn from past history. What is so great about lienart, young and cutler to suggest they will be any better or worse than other highly regarded QBs from other drafts?
RollTide said:
I'm sure many of you are familiar with "cold pizza" the daily AM show on espn 2. On the show two morons named skip bayless and woody paige exchange uneducated views about whatever sports subject is popular and of course they disagree most of the time.

Thats the most accurate description of Cold Pizza I've ever read.

I agree.

Here is the only one thing that will become 100% true, take it to the bank: No matter who they pick, the boards will be full of folks whining about what a mistake we made.
Skip went to Vandy and Woody is from Tennessee, but both have been tainted by the glow of New York.
They are paid to get us to react exactly the way were reacting now. I do not care for them but there a heck of a lot better than CNN, or classic boxing reruns on espn classic for the 130th time.
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