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They should at least offer Texting-not-allowed showings at different times for folks that just don't want to deal with it.
While they are at it:
- Baby-free showings
- Public outburst-free showings
and for good measure
- shooting rampage-free showing..
I would go to more movies if they didn't allow texting. Hate distractions. Hate people think they can't live 2 hours without their phone or feel the need to live post about the event and being so self-absorbed.
I would go to more movies if they didn't allow texting. Hate distractions. Hate people think they can't live 2 hours without their phone or feel the need to live post about the event and being so self-absorbed.
It really does need to get to the point of no children allowed in PG-13 or R movies. No phones/texting/calls. No talking. If there is a violation people need to be removed from the theater NFL Fan Conduct Code style.

There were three infants when I went to see Star Wars. Of course there was crying throughout. The fuck is wrong with people?
Wait, is @JCBRAVE pro texting-in-theaters?
I mean yeah, texting wifebeater selfies to the forum throughout the film is already a given here.
But regular old texts?
Im not pro texts in movie theaters, but if it bothers people so much they could always sit in those empty seats upfront and never know people are texting
Im not pro texts in movie theaters, but if it bothers people so much they could always sit in those empty seats upfront and never know people are texting
So people who have some common decency are relegated to the broken neck seats? Fuck that. I follow the socially acceptable actions of not talking, making jokes, and not texting. My neck shouldn't be bent 90 degrees for 120 minutes because the fucksticks around me can't follow the rules.
So people who have some common decency are relegated to the broken neck seats? **** that. I follow the socially acceptable actions of not talking, making jokes, and not texting. My neck shouldn't be bent 90 degrees for 120 minutes because the ****sticks around me can't follow the rules.
then fight some teenagers and have fun

Im not so easily rattled by texters I guess, or maybe people in Florida and Tennessee are just bigger shit heads than here.
I tell people to shut the **** up all the time. It's gotten to the point of me expecting to have to do it when I go. No one else seems willing to do it, so I'll be the *******.
Yea Ill speak up if need be, but usually the crowd does it for me, people around here dont really text in theateres knowing 100+ people want to injure them for doing it
theres always seats in the front for you

Not paying 10+ bucks to see a movie in the front row. If theaters actually want to draw in more people then they should have more rules that actually respect the people that like to go. I've witnessed a guy answer his phone, a couple people snap chatting, a few tweets, saw a guy check his e-mail. It's disrespectful to everyone around you. Not many things upset me and I don't have many pet peeves but this is definitely near the top.
It really does need to get to the point of no children allowed in PG-13 or R movies. No phones/texting/calls. No talking. If there is a violation people need to be removed from the theater NFL Fan Conduct Code style.

There were three infants when I went to see Star Wars. Of course there was crying throughout. The **** is wrong with people?

Oh I saw midnight premiere of both Star Wars and BvS thinking there couldn't possibly be kids. Nope. Kids in front of me got on their phones during Star Wars and then later asked questions to their dad because they missed some plot points. For BvS kids were behind me talking the whole time. Hell, even my age people wouldn't shut up with their opinions during Deadpool. First theater that places all these restrictions will get a loyal customer.
Not paying 10+ bucks to see a movie in the front row. If theaters actually want to draw in more people then they should have more rules that actually respect the people that like to go. I've witnessed a guy answer his phone, a couple people snap chatting, a few tweets, saw a guy check his e-mail. It's disrespectful to everyone around you. Not many things upset me and I don't have many pet peeves but this is definitely near the top.
Midnight premiers bring out some weirdos, you're lucky if texting is your only problem
Im not pro texts in movie theaters, but if it bothers people so much they could always sit in those empty seats upfront and never know people are texting
Decent, respectful people who actually want to see the movie they paid for shouldn't have to sit in the crap seats.
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