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But if it makes you mad and you know it's coming why do it to yourself

Just sit closer if u can. Doesn't always have to be front front row
Unfortunately I just don't even bother going to the theater much anymore. It's not just texting but talking is a huge problem. On average I probably see 3 or 4 movies a year in the theater now. It's just not worth the hassle unless it's something I've just been dying to see. IDK. I guess it's just a culture change or something that so many people are okay with disrupting the whole experience for everyone else.
While on the topic of assholes in theaters...

Had an encounter with a guy in Foxcatcher last year. Dude was talking to his wife every scene pointing out every ****ing basic thing that any lucid human being would just be thinking, not speaking.

I gave him a legitimate shot at shutting the **** up. About 10 minutes into the movie, I leaned over to him (he was directly to my left) and said in a really smartass way: "Hey can you do me a favor and keep your thoughts to yourself? Thanks."

Didn't hear another peep out of that chode the rest of the movie... And when his wife tried to engage him in any discussion he shut her up for me.

I've actually made it a point to see movies I really want to see on opening night... Because the people seeing it then genuinely want to be there and enjoy it. Saw The Revenant opening night... Didn't hear anyone or see any phones out at ANY point.
Unfortunately I just don't even bother going to the theater much anymore. It's not just texting but talking is a huge problem. On average I probably see 3 or 4 movies a year in the theater now. It's just not worth the hassle unless it's something I've just been dying to see. IDK. I guess it's just a culture change or something that so many people are okay with disrupting the whole experience for everyone else.
I See about 4-5 movies a year now, only certain films are worth a cenima experience to begin with, TBH you're better of not spending money on comedies and other pictures that don't need a giant screen to sell the story. Maybe that's why I don't have that problem with texting, I only see action movies when I go to the movies, usually the intensity of the movie is enough to keep people engaged
I'm half deaf and the other half is crickets so I don't notice the talking etc as much as I used to. But the texting and phone calls have upset the wife to the point where she won't even go to a movie but maybe twice a year.
Being a film obsessed nerd, this is not acceptable and people who come the theater to text are f*cking with said obsession are squarely on my sh*tlist.
I'm half deaf and the other half is crickets so I don't notice the talking etc as much as I used to. But the texting and phone calls have upset the wife to the point where she won't even go to a movie but maybe twice a year.
Being a film obsessed nerd, this is not acceptable and people who come the theater to text are f*cking with said obsession are squarely on my sh*tlist.
There was a time when I was at the theater pretty much every weekend. I basically saw anything I was even mildly interested in. I still love movies as much as I ever did but I just can't take all the @$$holes so I rarely go anymore. It sucks but I'm the type of person that once I notice someone's phone lit up or someone talking I can't ignore it. Sometimes a polite or not-so-polite verbal request will do the trick. But sometimes not. And sometimes it's several people are the problem.

With home theater setups getting better and better all the time you'd really think theaters would be doing everything they could to draw cinephiles in rather than push them away. I know AMC has issued the statement saying they "heard us loud and clear" but the fact that they were even considering something like that is just laughable to me. Sadly, it's probably ultimately still heading that way regardless.
Just watched "The Forest". Psych thriller that is a flaming bag of dog shizzle that is worth ruining your good shoes to stomp out if necessary. Doubles as a fantastic metaphore for US foreign policy and military intervention: "I'm white, blonde and American so I know more than you about your land and culture!.. no amount of warnings will deter me from my incredibly stupid mission!" Mayhem ensues, driven by paranoia and fear. 2/10
Thankfully movie theatres are pretty good down here, and don't get much in the way of people texting or on the phone, at least that I see.

I just hate when tall people sit in front of me.
The last couple of movies I went to had a Murfreesboro Police Office standing at the top of the ramp when you come into the theater, but he left when the lights dimmed down for the previews. I have also seen people leave the theater and later come back with management who asks the texters to leave if they didn't immediately put up their phones. As far as talkers, it's usually the kids and foreigners that talk through the whole damn movie, then add in the crying babies, and the ass clowns that think every time a thought comes to their head they have to say something. Such self-absorbed assholes.
Watched Sicario last night and I must say that I am rather displeased with my purchase. The movie had some moments where my hands were sweating because of waiting for something to happen, but overall the movie is kind of forgettable. The plot with no twists was just too dry for me. The way the movie was marketed, along with the eerie soundtrack, made me think this was going to be the next No Country For Old Men type of movie, but I was wrong.
Watched Sicario last night and I must say that I am rather displeased with my purchase. The movie had some moments where my hands were sweating because of waiting for something to happen, but overall the movie is kind of forgettable. The plot with no twists was just too dry for me. The way the movie was marketed, along with the eerie soundtrack, made me think this was going to be the next No Country For Old Men type of movie, but I was wrong.

Yeah Sicario was a snooze..
I made up for it the next night with Kilo Two Bravo, which was pretty darned good. Very tense. Just might need to run subtitles as the characters fire off Brit slang pretty hard in this one.

Jungle Book was actually really, really good.

Didn't go in expecting much, but enjoyed every aspect. The casting was near perfect. Idris kills it.
Favreau really has turned into a damn good filmmaker. I'm really looking forward to Jungle Book. The old animated film was a favorite of mine as a child.

As for Sicario, I really enjoyed it but don't have any desire to go back and revisit it. That border traffic scene was fanfuggintastic.
Favreau really has turned into a damn good filmmaker. I'm really looking forward to Jungle Book. The old animated film was a favorite of mine as a child.

As for Sicario, I really enjoyed it but don't have any desire to go back and revisit it. That border traffic scene was fanfuggintastic.

Favreau is one of the most underrated talents in Hollywood IMO.
There is another Jungle Book coming out with Andy Serkis.
Will MoCap be involved?

PS- I'm kidding of course, but it's amazing how a B list actor gets MoCapped as Gollum and then turns around and winds up owning the MoCap industry. What incredible fortune!
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