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Channel 2 just said that Fisher made a statement saying that Pac will not play tomorrow night against the Falcons. Fisher said he was disappointed in Pac and his decision to hold him out of the game is based on principle.
Coach Fisher Statement Regarding Pacman Jones

SUMMARY: Titans Coach Jeff Fisher released a statement late Friday regarding the latest incident regarding CB Pacman Jones. "I am disappointed that Pac’s activities have become an issue again, because I believe he has made significant gains over the last year. I want to let the legal system work in this case before I make any conclusions. I am going sit him out of this game on principle and not because I believe he is guilty in this case based on what I believe the facts are at this time. Last January I let the team know that they would be held to a higher standard and this does not meet that standard. I would expect him to be on the sidelines Saturday night in the game against the Falcons encouraging his teammates and getting encouragement from his teammates."

What do you think about this article? Post your comments below.
Fisher had to do this. I'm a bit surprised because I thought he'd say he would have to wait for justice to be served first.

But in doing this for a meaningless game, it means the penalty is paid. Fisher might fine him and ask him to attend anger management classes but he won't feel the pressure to sit him for a regular season game.

Though many of us poke fun at Pacman, whether you like him or not, we know he plays an important role towards the future success of the franchise. I want to see him mature to become the player we all hope he can be.

What is disturbing to me is that this has now become a pattern. The theme which seems to be a part of every incident on and off the field are poor decisions based on rage.

If he could manage to get that under control, I think 99% of this stuff goes away. Fisher needs to force him to go to classes and get a handle on it.
i dont know if this had anything to do with rage. he was drunk. some people are happy drunks some arent. he got pissed because he thought someone stole his wallet.

i wouldnt even go as far as to say he has an alcohol problem either(not saying you did). he's a 22 year old who was having too much fun. it happens.

and you know what? this isnt even the worst thing that could have happened. he could have gotten in his car and drove in to a tree. we shouldnt be glad it happened, but we should be glad nothing worse happened.
well wasnt him that was wanting to play against atlanta last year so bad and had to sit out. cause that was his home team?? i mean seems like that was right?
TitanJeff said:
Though many of us poke fun at Pacman, whether you like him or not, we know he plays an important role towards the future success of the franchise. I want to see him mature to become the player we all hope he can be.

I would rather call that draft pick a loss and replace him in next years draft. That would be better then to eat all the crow he serves up. I thought this child had changed. He obviously has not. He is a punk thug and he will never change. Tennessee is better than that. We, who pay these massive salaries, deserve better than that. Our children, who watch these games and look up to these guys, deserve better than that.

But that's just me...
football players are not role models just because they make a lot of money. there is no reason these guys should be held to a higher standard than a mechanic just because they play a game.
bigtitan53279 said:
football players are not role models just because they make a lot of money. there is no reason these guys should be held to a higher standard than a mechanic just because they play a game.

This is exactly why we get more and more of this behavior. Too many people are ready to make excuses for bad behavior. Quit being enablers for bad behavior. If your son did this, would you say "son, that's alright, the mechanic does it too." ?
what the hell are you talking about? i didnt make any excuses. i said football players arent role model just because they make a lot of money. i dont think they should be put on a pedistal because they play a game.
bigtitan53279 said:
what the hell are you talking about? i didnt make any excuses. i said football players arent role model just because they make a lot of money. i dont think they should be put on a pedistal because they play a game.

My appologies if you take offense to my opinion. But, they used to be role models, and damn good ones. Not anymore because the poor behavior is allowed to stand and we justify it by saying, "They're not role models just because they make alot of money".

Only my humble opinion, of course.
bigtitan53279 said:
what the hell are you talking about? i didnt make any excuses. i said football players arent role model just because they make a lot of money. i dont think they should be put on a pedistal because they play a game.

The problem with that line of thinking is that these guys make tons of money on kids buying their jerseys, football cards, etc. Emulating them in the backyard. Playing their favorite players on PS2, XBox, etc.

The fact is they are...whether they should be or not they are. I don't want my son holding Pac or TO or Ray Lewis on a pedestal. But some kids will and that fact is it goes with the territory.

Look at the NFL promoting the "take a player to school" campaign. Its just part of the package when you sign that NFL contract. Unfortunate as that might be.
Some of you expect way too much from guys who can't read, but can play a physical game and run very fast and throw women over sofas. Next off-season, I doubt Fisher will still be around, but if so, he ought to scrap the softball charity game and have a "Woman tossing Exhibition."
Laserjock said:
The problem with that line of thinking is that these guys make tons of money on kids buying their jerseys, football cards, etc. Emulating them in the backyard. Playing their favorite players on PS2, XBox, etc.

The fact is they are...whether they should be or not they are. I don't want my son holding Pac or TO or Ray Lewis on a pedestal. But some kids will and that fact is it goes with the territory.

Look at the NFL promoting the "take a player to school" campaign. Its just part of the package when you sign that NFL contract. Unfortunate as that might be.

I could not have said it better. Thank you.
I personally am very sad to hear this news. Pac played so well against NO, It seems he had put this kind of foolishness behind him...

And Bigtitan53279...While I think you are trying to be fair and kind to Pac...He's had too many of these kinds of problems...I was once 22 and I didn't get arrested everytime you turn around.

Character, and discipline are part of being a professional in the NFL...It can't be tolerated in the NFL...It's bad for the locker room...It will cost you wins.
i guess what im saying is, if these guys have that much of an influence on your children's lives that they can reverse the things you teach them(the difference between right and wrong for instance) then there is a much bigger problem than the athlete.
bigtitan53279 said:
i guess what im saying is, if these guys have that much of an influence on your children's lives that they can reverse the things you teach them(the difference between right and wrong for instance) then there is a much bigger problem than the athlete.

Their behavior is not going to change my sons behavior. It will only affect whether my son and I will watch football. It will be a sad day when we lose football for kids because of its "R" rating.
My appologies if you take offense to my opinion. But, they used to be role models, and damn good ones. Not anymore because the poor behavior is allowed to stand and we justify it by saying, "They're not role models just because they make alot of money".

Only my humble opinion, of course.
oh yeah, the guys who took steroids from the 60's to the mid 80's were such great role models.

frankly, i think more guys have been busted for drugs because the league has actually tried to crack down on it. i dont think more guys use now, more guys get caught. also, back in the day this would be a none story out of tennessee. thanks to espn and the nfl network sports is a 24 hour national media business now.
Their behavior is not going to change my sons behavior. It will only affect whether my son and I will watch football. It will be a sad day when we lose football for kids because of its "R" rating.
if what guys do off the field stop you from watching football, i pitty you.
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