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Ewker said:
speaking of a Napoleon complex did anyone read Biddle's column this morning

"Both professionals agreed with my premise that Jones has what I called "little man disease," or a Napoleonic complex. Generously listed at 5-foot-10, he competes in a world of physical giants and is constantly trying to prove his manhood"
Yeah well, Biddle is the same idiot that said PacMan got the worst end of the hit he laid on Reggie Bush.
We should be talking smack with Falcons fans and talking about the game tonight, all of us as one. Instead we are fighting with each other about Pacman and what he did or did not do. This is exactly why he isnt good for the team. He is a distraction to the team and the fans. If we are this much distracted by his actions off the field, what do you think the team is going through ?
skitch said:
Yeah well, Biddle is the same idiot that said PacMan got the worst end of the hit he laid on Reggie Bush.

IMO the hit wasn't anything..Jones did more running his mouth than anything which is why he got flagged
GLinks said:
Hilarious! :grrhee:

It's even more funny when you put it in context. Excellent choice BT.

ya know... it's going to be really interesting to see how Woolfolk responds to all of this. He's really running out of opportunities.
twoseven said:
We should be talking smack with Falcons fans and talking about the game tonight, all of us as one. Instead we are fighting with each other about Pacman and what he did or did not do. This is exactly why he isnt good for the team. He is a distraction to the team and the fans. If we are this much distracted by his actions off the field, what do you think the team is going through ?
Not trying to continue my recent tradition of picking gameday fights with fellow fans but I think you are off target with that and time will prove you wrong. Pacman isn't near the mess he once was, and yes, this is a PR setback but I don't view it as a crisis. If anything it's overblown. Sitting Pac tonight is the right thing to do but that doesn't mean he won't be a integral part of our defense and special teams this year and in future seasons.
This is bad for the team because we're wasting time that we should be spending on smacking the falcons fans? Come on, that's a ridiculous reach.

This is much more of a distraction for us than for the team, mostly because they have work to do and we don't.

He's sitting the game, fair punishment for a relatively minor issue that shouldn't impact the team, but was a mistake nonetheless. Good that it's pacman that breaks the straw and gets punished, shows fisher is no longer coddling him.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Not trying to continue my recent tradition of picking gameday fights with fellow fans but I think you are off target with that and time will prove you wrong. Pacman isn't near the mess he once was, and yes, this is a PR setback but I don't view it as a crisis. If anything it's overblown. Sitting Pac tonight is the right thing to do but that doesn't mean he won't be a integral part of our defense and special teams this year and in future seasons.

First I agree sitting Jones was the best thing to do. I think Fisher surprised us fans (and the team) by doing that.
Second I don't think you are picking gameday fights. You are expressing your opinion. As long as it doens't get into name calling everyone should be cool. We all have opinions whether they are right or wrong.

Now saying that I disagree with everything else. :ha:

Jones is trouble with a capital T.
In two games so far he has already gotten 2 unsportmanlike conduct flags. That isn't a good start esp when Fisher and Jones have some sort of bet and right now he is losing on the bet.

Will this continue on I hope not. If it does he will start to be a problem. How long before this teammates start to call him out (assuming they haven't already). If that happens he will again become the disruptive force in the clubhouse that he was last yr.

I would be willing to bet Fisher was totally pissed when he found out about this incident. Jones was suppose to be going to a friend's funeral in Atlanta which is why he got out of practice Friday but instead he is out partying till he got busted.

Time will tell which way Jones will go and how long he is on the team.
Sledge said:
oh come on, this isn't about raising kids properly, it's about the unfair standards we set for men barely out of their teens simply because they play a game and get paid for it. it's never right to do anything disorderly or insubordinate, but there's double standards set out there based on social standing, and that's the real problem

You know what sledge? It's part of the price you pay when you "choose" to be in the public eye and represent a city and the hopes and dreams of the youth that idolize the sport and team you play for. For these kids, you are larger than life. They (the players) know this going in. They know this when they are in peewee league dreaming of being just like the stars they idolized themselves. I know this because my son is in peewee league now. It's B.S. that these guys don't know what the "right" thing to do is. It's B.S. that they don't know how they "should" behave. They are college educated young men, don't tell me they don't know what Etiquette is.

Have a nice day...
bigtitan53279 said:
it's pretty unrealistic to expect 1500 guys to never make a mistake during their careers, dont you think?

Absolutely. But, it's not unrealistic to expect them not to be habitual criminals.
but it is realistic to expect those 1500 guys to learn from their mistake and not do it again. If they keep doing it over and over again something is wrong, don't you think
Public intoxication, I think is a misdemeanor. This is not a big deal. It will go away completely as his other "incidents" have when the smoke clears.

He should have been benched, this is in line with Fisher's precedent.
BTW, I'm in St. Louis tonight. Anybody know if the game is going to be on the radio in this area? I'm assuming TV is out.

I want to see (or hear) the huge difference in the quality of our defensive play since we are going to have a gameplan.
ZELL22 said:
Hey, as long as the Kid gets double digit int's and knocks the dust of someone's clock every now and then, and doesn't commit any felonious acts, they say in NY, about it!

still waiting for the first INT
Riverman said:
BTW, I'm in St. Louis tonight. Anybody know if the game is going to be on the radio in this area? I'm assuming TV is out.

I want to see (or hear) the huge difference in the quality of our defensive play since we are going to have a gameplan.

lots of Titan radio stations in smaller communities. I would suggest scanning the AM band
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