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McNair soon to be a Raven

I'm new to the boards, so hey everybody, but it looks like my first post is gonna be pretty dark. According to the Tennessean it seems like McNair is only steps away from being a Raven.

I had hoped that Steve would be back on our team next year, but this article really makes it seem like that's not gonna happen. We can always hope, but it's starting to look really grim.
I know the NFL is a business, but I think that this "everybody's for sell" mentality that especially Reese has hurts morale... fans and team alike.
Getting anything for McNair at this point is a bonus.
If the arbitration ruling cuts him, we get nothing.
If we have to cut him for cap room, we get nothing.

I don't get why taking a 4th for him in trade is a poor reflection on Reese.

I do get how Mcnair refusing to renegotiate a contract taht he knew would be renegotiated this year is a huge reflection on McNair's character.
It is worse than Eddie George thinking he was worth more than he was offered.
This whole situation is ridiculous. How many years does he think he's going to play? He was just talking retirement last year. Why not work out a fair market deal with the Titans and stay 2 more years? It's baffling to me. It's Eddie George all over again. And the Samari Rolle comment at the end is annoying. I'm sorry but they sound like big babies.
Titans Wanted Fourth for McNair

SUMMARY: The deal to trade Tennessee Titans QB Steve McNair was a round away from happening Sunday. The Titans asked for a fourth-round pick and the Ravens offered a fifth. At this time, Titans GM Floyd Reese can wait until late June or even July before making a decision on the future of McNair. If the Ravens and Titans don't strike a deal, McNair is expected to be released unless the Titans and his agent can agree to a new contract that would lower the veteran's salary cap number for 2006. McNair is scheduled to make $9 million in base salary and count $23.46 million against the cap. The Titans are approximately $100,000 under the salary cap, but they won't need money to sign their draft picks until July.

What do you think about this article? Post your comments below.
Make a F****** decision already!!! im tired of this... Reese is a !%^!!!%%%@$@^$%@$%#%%#^#^_#&#.. i swear to god if they wait all this time and then end up keeping mcnair im going to be mad cuz hes loosing practice time..
I had no idea we were that tight with the cap. I think the Ravens will have to give up a third for the '07 draft if they want him before mid-July.

I was optimistic this might get worked out but if the fourth-round pick is true, then I don't think we'll have McNair on the roster when we enter '07.

A real shame.
Everyone wants to place the blame on the Titans, but make no bones about it. Steve and his agent want to leave because Baltimore is offering more money and years. Until now, the only thing the past 2-3 seasons we have heard from McNair is he is thinking retirement only to have him decide to come back. Now suddenly he wants to play 3-4 more years? As a starter? We just drafted a QB at #3 and no matter how "raw" he is, you can't pay a QB taken that high to sit on the bench for 3 years waiting for your old QB to decide to retire. At some point the team has to start thinking of the future. I hate it because I would LOVE to see Steve stay, but this is what happens. Happened to Joe Montana, can happen here. And watch....soon Green Bay will be doing the same thing if Farve suddenly says he wants to play a few more years.

I really hate this situation. I wish they could just come up with a 2 year deal, make everyone happy and then McNair retires and Young takes over.
The thing to remember here is the longer we keep McNair from becoming a Raven, the longer we keep Collins or whoever from being a Titan. If Bud was serious in mentioning a vet QB would be brought in, it's to the team's advantage to make it happen.

I hope the Titans give negotiations with McNair one more serious shot then release him later this month so some of that money is there for June cuts.

I don't think we need to see a bad situation get worse by holding McNair just for spite.
If we were willing to take a 4th, he is as good as gone. Floyd must not see a way to make enough space even at a pitifully lower market value.

McNair's market value is better than even a 4th and the Ravens know it. I agree TJ, holding McNair to drive his value down to so that we can afford to keep him no longer seems the best play for the team. A VERY sad day for me.

Anybody heard what the Ravens are offering contract wise for him?
This sucks. I really thought that after the draft we'd see a change, that we'd be going in for "one last shot" at renegotiation, and something would get done. I want McNair to spend his entire career as a Titan. And of all teams, THE RAVENS? I know, they want him, and Mason and Rolle are there, but that hurts. I know football players get really picky about being pushed to retire when they are ready (we all watched playmakers, right?), but I wish Steve could keep up his reputation as a classy guy who gave his all for this team. He could play two more years, making starter money, and then he would be the NFL legend in nashville. People here don't have as much connection to the old Oiler guys, and almost had it with Eddie, but Steve could have cemented his place in Nashville for the rest of his life. Too bad, I'll miss the guy, and hate playing against him.

Say for example we did make a trade with the ratbirds, and we got the fourth round pick.

The ratbirds would pick up his existing contract. Correct?

Of course they would structure a brand new contract when he is in their camp.

My question is, if we make a trade, would we have any money, whether prorated dollar or dead money, on our books?
TitanJeff said:
I'm just hoping this is some kind of huge bluff by Cook.

Yeah, that would be nice but Wyatt doesn't reference his source regarding our willingness to take a 4th for him. The only hope I see is the excerpt from the article-

"If trade talks with the Ravens don't produce a deal, Reese didn't rule out the possibility of reentering negotiations with Cook and McNair, though neither side is optimistic about coming to an agreement.

McNair wants a contract that will include guarantees in future years, and so far the Titans have been unwilling to offer such a deal. Now that Young is aboard, that probably won't change

I am disappointed in Steve seriously contemplating retirement last year and now wanting guarantees to start in his contract. I hope he will understand it is just business when I want KVB to knock him out of the game early this fall.
Ewker said:
heck I would have taken a 4th round pick for McNair..something is better than nothing

Good point. You're looking at a probable cap casualty. If you look at cap casualty trades around the NFL a 4th is a good deal. The Bills got a 5th (1st pick) from the Texans for a solid receiver in Moulds because he was going to get cap-sized anyway.

If there's a way to re-structure under the cap, then count me in as 100% in favor of keeping McNair.
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