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Titans2008 said:
I say we look for a different trade partner. A 5th rounder isn't going to do it. He's worth a 2nd-3rd. Worst comes to worst, cut him at the last second.

If you cut him at the last second you still get nothing for him. The Ravens are waiting unlike Eddie George. Mac already has the deal he wants and the Titans are unwilling to match it that's why they are trying to get the picks. The Ravens are prepared to let him come into camp late and still start. It doesn't alter their plans at all. Sure they would like to get him into camp sooner but he already has a 6 or 7year relationship with their number one receiver.
bromike said:
If you cut him at the last second you still get nothing for him. The Ravens are waiting unlike Eddie George. Mac already has the deal he wants and the Titans are unwilling to match it that's why they are trying to get the picks. The Ravens are prepared to let him come into camp late and still start. It doesn't alter their plans at all. Sure they would like to get him into camp sooner but he already has a 6 or 7year relationship with their number one receiver.

Actually we get almost as much as we would get by trading him + the satisfaction of knowing that we've done our small part to spite the Ravens. A 5th rounder is nothing.
DirtySouthBoyz said:
:irked: :irked: :irked: :irked: If only we would of treated McNair better.....

What are you talking about ?

He has been a God in this town for close to a decade despite never practicing or staying healthy. He gets nailed for driving under the influence, and we still take up for him and paint him as this all mighty leader/warrior that is indestructable.

In reality, Mcnair has been an inconsistent and injury prone quarterback for his entire career. We had to have a viable backup plan his entire tenure here, from Chandler, to O'Donnel, to Volek because we KNEW he was going down. Despite that, we can never expect the chemistry offensively that other teams have because he never practices with his recievers, much less his entire offense.

In my opinion, it is more than time to cut ties with him. His agent and his decision to inflame the situation and refuse negotations unless we make guarntees for 3-4 more years just seals it. McNair was not a good football player last year, and he definitely isn't worth 10 million a year.....far from it. At this point, I would rather have Jon Kitna in the lineup. Why? Because we know what we are getting. With Mcnair, we have no idea what we are getting. Are we going to get 15 games out of him, 10 games....5 games....If he plays 15 will he practice more than 40 times a year???

Besides, the garbage he is pulling now is laughable. For the past two years we all were just praying he would not retire. Every year he plays the, I'm so beat up - I just do not think I can play anymore card. THEN in the year that is essentially his contract year....he battles through 15 games, leaving in multiple games but still actually participating....never practices....and claims he wants to play 3-4 more years. Excuse me while I laugh. You almost did not even play last year. You then proceeded to suck for 15 games, while barely practicing, and now you want 3 more guaranteed years at top price QB money.....

Fine, take your demands to Baltimore. At least we will know here in Tennessee that if you make it to more than 2 practices a week that we were played the entire time you were here.

As for Reese and company, they play a hard game with the agents in these cases, and it comes back to make us look terrible. I think this is a stance that had to be made, but some of the things they have done have completely killed any support they could have had from the fans. Not letting Mcnair practice and translating this to him via a trainer was just about the stupidest thing I have seen a franchise do (save for the Broncos using a third round draft choice on Maruice Clarett.)

Anyways, enough ranting. Mcnair's departure will be good for this organization even if it sucks for us fans. Still, I get tired of people saying "If only we could have done more to keep him." We played McNair's fiddle for years, and he is just as much to blame for this situation as management is. I loved him as a player, but it is time for the fans to realize this is not the McNair who was mobile and worthy of the MVP....This is a guy that can barely stay on the field, rarely runs, and is not a quarterback to develop young recievers. He needs veterans to play with because his lack of practicing will not allow a young offense to learn to grow together.
Can't argue with that Enoch! Nice to see a different perspective regarding "the unknown" when Mcnair leaves versus "the unknown" if he stays.
Enoch said:
What are you talking about ?

He has been a God in this town for close to a decade despite never practicing or staying healthy. He gets nailed for driving under the influence, and we still take up for him and paint him as this all mighty leader/warrior that is indestructable.

In reality, Mcnair has been an inconsistent and injury prone quarterback for his entire career. We had to have a viable backup plan his entire tenure here, from Chandler, to O'Donnel, to Volek because we KNEW he was going down. Despite that, we can never expect the chemistry offensively that other teams have because he never practices with his recievers, much less his entire offense.

In my opinion, it is more than time to cut ties with him. His agent and his decision to inflame the situation and refuse negotations unless we make guarntees for 3-4 more years just seals it. McNair was not a good football player last year, and he definitely isn't worth 10 million a year.....far from it. At this point, I would rather have Jon Kitna in the lineup. Why? Because we know what we are getting. With Mcnair, we have no idea what we are getting. Are we going to get 15 games out of him, 10 games....5 games....If he plays 15 will he practice more than 40 times a year???

Besides, the garbage he is pulling now is laughable. For the past two years we all were just praying he would not retire. Every year he plays the, I'm so beat up - I just do not think I can play anymore card. THEN in the year that is essentially his contract year....he battles through 15 games, leaving in multiple games but still actually participating....never practices....and claims he wants to play 3-4 more years. Excuse me while I laugh. You almost did not even play last year. You then proceeded to suck for 15 games, while barely practicing, and now you want 3 more guaranteed years at top price QB money.....

Fine, take your demands to Baltimore. At least we will know here in Tennessee that if you make it to more than 2 practices a week that we were played the entire time you were here.

As for Reese and company, they play a hard game with the agents in these cases, and it comes back to make us look terrible. I think this is a stance that had to be made, but some of the things they have done have completely killed any support they could have had from the fans. Not letting Mcnair practice and translating this to him via a trainer was just about the stupidest thing I have seen a franchise do (save for the Broncos using a third round draft choice on Maruice Clarett.)

Anyways, enough ranting. Mcnair's departure will be good for this organization even if it sucks for us fans. Still, I get tired of people saying "If only we could have done more to keep him." We played McNair's fiddle for years, and he is just as much to blame for this situation as management is. I loved him as a player, but it is time for the fans to realize this is not the McNair who was mobile and worthy of the MVP....This is a guy that can barely stay on the field, rarely runs, and is not a quarterback to develop young recievers. He needs veterans to play with because his lack of practicing will not allow a young offense to learn to grow together.
Enoch, It's nice to make a case for Mac not practicing after sacrificing his body to get an extra yard to keep the chains moving while you stand up a cheer. Now it's we don't know what we get, he can't practice. In the words of Allen Iverson "practice". You didn't say that when he didn't practice for 5 weeks and got the team into the playoffs. I don't agree with your post at all. But it's the mindset of the Titans management and I see it has effected the fan base as well. I hope he parts ways with the Titans as well but for totally different reasons. More so because of people who don't appreciate what this guy has done.
Well, Reese has stated in the past that we can carry McNair's current contract, but that we don't really want to. This could mean we hang on to him if we don't feel the compensation is right, and find out rookie money elsewhere (don't ask me where though).
bromike said:
Enoch, It's nice to make a case for Mac not practicing after sacrificing his body to get an extra yard to keep the chains moving while you stand up a cheer. Now it's we don't know what we get, he can't practice. In the words of Allen Iverson "practice". You didn't say that when he didn't practice for 5 weeks and got the team into the playoffs. I don't agree with your post at all. But it's the mindset of the Titans management and I see it has effected the fan base as well. I hope he parts ways with the Titans as well but for totally different reasons. More so because of people who don't appreciate what this guy has done.

The difference in the past was McNair had more veterans on the roster and an offense that knew how he operated. It was not as big of a deal if he didn't practice. Moreover, he scrambled. McNair is not much of a scrambler anymore, in fact....he rarely runs. When he does run, it often costs us in the form of an injury. I do not underappreciate what he has done, BUT I also think he is not a quarterback to develop a young offense. The veterans he could rely on in the past are gone. The recievers he knew like the back of his hand are gone. In their place are a bunch of young second year players or freshly signed free agents who have no idea what McNair wants. They have no timing with him nor instinct on how he is going to run the offense. He simply is not a reliable enough player to build a young team around, and lets face it - we are building. You may like to have a quarterback who gets injured after a routine hit to the sternum, but I do not. Heck, anytype of hit nowadays is sending him to the turf with an upperbody injury, and we just cannot afford to pay a guy 10 million a year to not help out this team offensively/developmentally.

From Baltimore's perspective, they should be all over this deal. They have a roster that should be able to win for a year or two. While McNair may be close to done, inserting him behind a much better offensive line/running game, along with a reciever who was his go to guy for years is the perfect situation for Steve. I do not in anyway think that the situation with him here with the Titans is remotely favorable in regards to the Baltimore situation. Just about the only thing working for him here is the coaches/fans regard....which he will get when moving to Baltimore anyways.

Besides - this type of attitude is ridiculous. I liked and supported McNair his entire time as QB of the Titans. However, I can still recognize his faults. The man cannot stay on the field, and his I'm retiring act turned into I deserve 3-4 more years is a game that is ironic at best.
Why do people comment on his retiring comment so much. He got in the best shape he had been in and said he wanted to play. No where after or during this season did he say he wanted to retire. If you decide to stay on your job for three more years it that such a bad thing?
Enoch, the point about Mac only being effective as a running threat. in 2003 when he was MVP he rushed for 138 the second lowest total in his career. He rushed for 1 more yard last year. Give Mac the right talent around him and he's an MVP candidate. The team last year was horrible. Titan fans some have made Mac the scape goat for a bad team. I think he deserves better. I think we will all see Mac at his best this year unfortunately for us it will be in Baltimore.
I almost forgot about the whole "I may retire" thing. Everyone was screaming please stay ... please stay. After the 6th game of passes to the shin bone, everyone was saying pleasego ... please go.

By the way ... do we really need Vince to learn the 4 yard pass to the tight end in the flat on third and seven?
If McNair is in his right mind, he doesn't want to go to Baltimore. Unless things have changed, their OL was actually worse than ours. He'd have to learn a new system just a season after learning a new system.

I don't see this as a smart career move any way you look at it.
Take the fourth!

People, please! We asked for a fourth, the ravens would only give a five!
If they had been willing to give a 4, he would be gone! I wish Steve would rework his contract, I do not want the FO to gut the team to keep him. I have been one of his greatest supporters, however he is not worth 10 mill.
Vigsted said:
At this point McNair's mind seem solely focused on the :greedy:

I think the green is certainly a big part of it, but also there's the pride factor. Some have discounted that, but I think it's huge. Once you've made $50 million you'd think you could afford to leave a couple million on the table to stay in comfortable surroundings and take advantage of all of the things we've already mentioned as being benefits to staying in Music City.

When I say pride, a couple of things come into play. First it's the lockout issue. I don't think any of us will ever know the real story behind the lockout, but what we do know doesn't make any sense at all. There is more to it. A lot more to it. I'm certain that there were other events that led to that lockout and it was a retaliation play to the media from Cook and/or Steve.

Second, and more important, there's the writing on the wall that McNair is not the big dog anymore in Tennessee, simply the big dog's trainer. He's been the alpha for so long it has got to be terribly difficult to give up that spot, even to a guy he really likes and wants to succeed. Devil's advocates might say, "well, he may not be the big dog for long in Baltimore either." Yeah, that's true, but Steve probably thinks once he gets back with Mason and gets in the groove he'll have his best chance at success (right or wrong). Boller certainly hasn't shown that he can compete. Even with 9's declining skills he's a much better player. At the very worst, Steve could be thinking that he's extending his starting career by one year (and maybe even more if he can prove his worth) and making more money in the process. This is why I think we keep hearing the phrase "this is a business decision."

Steve's got "Eddie's Syndrome" to a degree, but not as full blown as Eddie. Eddie couldn't start anywhere when he left, Steve still can for at least a season, maybe even two or three.
Titanmc said:
People, please! We asked for a fourth, the ravens would only give a five!

yeah in reality Reese probably should took it
if we release him we get sqwat - and Baltimore knows this

I'm hoping Reese is just giving Mc time to considering firing his agent

McNair has plenty of money, plenty of fans and the heart of one of the proudest communities in the country

he has the perfect opportunity to kick back relax and play the good guy
while still making good money and watching his protege' become a star

If it were me, taking more money to abandon the community and my 'little brother' would not be worth it - and going to Baltimore would make me want to vomit manure:barf:
Broken Record said:
I think the green is certainly a big part of it, but also there's the pride factor. Some have discounted that, but I think it's huge.
The pride factor comes from both sides here. I was hoping both could overcome it and find a way to make it work. Once the Titans mishandled the lockout, his price probably shot up. Pride will kill the deal.
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