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For 8 years and nearly 8 years before that the United States has been in conflict with the Middle East.

We went through two wars under Bush and they continued under Obama. Obama took his war even further to killing people in countries we were not even directly in conflict with.

We have killed likely hundreds of thousands of brown people in the last 16 years.

Likely tens of thousands who were civilians were killed directly or indirectly.

Hundreds if not close to thousands, depending on the source, of brown people have been killed in drone attacks in non-combat areas under Obama. Many of these attacks were directly ordered by Obama. Women and children have been blown away by drone attacks.

Obama himself drew a line in the sand in Syria and them did nothing when the country turned into a shithole and hundreds of thousands are dead in what is a genocide at this point.

The genocide and refugee crisis that has hit Europe is directly from the actions or lack of action by Obama.

Nobody said shit during any of this. Nobody was in the street. Nobody even really criticized Obama for any of this.

Donald Trump has banned immigration from certain Muslim countries and he is all of a sudden Hitler. The worst person ever.

Suddenly America cares about the Middle East. The media will report on it 24/7 while ignoring an Obama ordered drone strike blowing a hospital.

I do not like this place.

It is a silly place.
You are correct, Obama was terrible with regards to the Middle East. You are not 100% correct, in that plenty of people spoke out about it, and the Obama administration was allowing refugees in. So while criticism of Obama is justified, it isnt a complete apples to apples situation.

Secondly, Trump's ban is bullshit. He didnt even ban people from Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, so this clearly isnt about keeping America safe, as he is obviously picking and choosing, and not even picking the most terror prone countries. The reason, he has business in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, etc, so those places didnt make the ban list.
For 8 years and nearly 8 years before that the United States has been in conflict with the Middle East.

We went through two wars under Bush and they continued under Obama. Obama took his war even further to killing people in countries we were not even directly in conflict with.

We have killed likely hundreds of thousands of brown people in the last 16 years.

Likely tens of thousands who were civilians were killed directly or indirectly.

Hundreds if not close to thousands, depending on the source, of brown people have been killed in drone attacks in non-combat areas under Obama. Many of these attacks were directly ordered by Obama. Women and children have been blown away by drone attacks.

Obama himself drew a line in the sand in Syria and them did nothing when the country turned into a ****hole and hundreds of thousands are dead in what is a genocide at this point.

The genocide and refugee crisis that has hit Europe is directly from the actions or lack of action by Obama.

Nobody said **** during any of this. Nobody was in the street. Nobody even really criticized Obama for any of this.

Donald Trump has banned immigration from certain Muslim countries and he is all of a sudden Hitler. The worst person ever.

Suddenly America cares about the Middle East. The media will report on it 24/7 while ignoring an Obama ordered drone strike blowing a hospital.

I do not like this place.

It is a silly place.

Ive been saying this for years.

Liberals are only bitching because CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/NPR enables it. The USA is going broke, but we still pay for everyone elses problems. How can syrians rebuild their country if there aren't in Syria?

But yeah, what about Iran? They got a few pallets of cash. I'm sure they could take in a few refugees. What about Dubai? What about Saudi Arabia?
You are correct, Obama was terrible with regards to the Middle East. You are not 100% correct, in that plenty of people spoke out about it, and the Obama administration was allowing refugees in. So while criticism of Obama is justified, it isnt a complete apples to apples situation.

Secondly, Trump's ban is bull****. He didnt even ban people from Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, so this clearly isnt about keeping America safe, as he is obviously picking and choosing, and not even picking the most terror prone countries. The reason, he has business in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, etc, so those places didnt make the ban list.

You, right now, are more upset about this immigration ban that the hundreds Obama had killed with hellfire missiles in non-combat areas.

Admit it.

And you are completely lying when you say people cared even half as much or the media covered any of it like they are freaking out over this.
You, right now, are more upset about this immigration ban that the hundreds Obama had killed with hellfire missiles in non-combat areas.

Admit it.

And you are completely lying when you say people cared even half as much or the media covered any of it like they are freaking out over this.

You dont speak for me, and you dont decide what I am or are not upset with, so fuck right off pretending you do. I was certainly against drone strikes, as were plenty of people. So, do you want to have an honest discussion, or are you just going to make up my arguments for me?
You dont speak for me, and you dont decide what I am or are not upset with, so **** right off pretending you do. I was certainly against drone strikes, as were plenty of people. So, do you want to have an honest discussion, or are you just going to make up my arguments for me?

You seem triggered.

I rest my case.
You seem triggered.

I rest my case.

The drone strikes are worse than Trump's torture statements.

Atleast with torture, you're giving them a chance to talk their way out of it.

With a drone strike lol --- no such thing.

The irony of the nobel peace prize winner who orders drone strikes on civilians.
Jesus, that is the laziest argument ever. I seem triggered, you complete to lack the intellectual capacity to have an honest conversation. Id rather be in my shoes.

Your shoes and everyone who wears them are completely left of reality and intellectually dishonest as can be.

Obama was brutal in the Middle East and created a toxic environment that led to the disaster and further mishandling of all of this by Trump.

A 16 year long shit show.
Your shoes and everyone who wears them are completely left of reality and intellectually dishonest as can be.

Obama was brutal in the Middle East and created a toxic environment that led to the disaster and further mishandling of all of this by Trump.

A 16 year long **** show.

I know he was brutal in the ME, did you not see that I agreed with you on that? Now you are telling me I am dishonest?
The drone strikes are worse than Trump's torture statements.

Atleast with torture, you're giving them a chance to talk their way out of it.

With a drone strike lol --- no such thing.

The irony of the nobel peace prize winner who orders drone strikes on civilians.
Progtards are more upset about Trumps temporary ban on refugees from Yemen than about Obama's illegal bombing of civilians there. Or illegal detention of a reporter. Or backing the Saudi war there which cause famine.
They were on the first page of a google search. But is that it now? Nobody cared because you dont approve of the websites?

Nobody cared because nobody cared.

Major media outlets DID NOT give it the attention it deserved.

Most Americans could not have cared less or never knew to begin with.

You have to admit that much as I can concede that you personally might have been disturbed by it all.
Progtards are more upset about Trumps temporary ban on refugees from Yemen than about Obama's illegal bombing of civilians there. Or illegal detention of a reporter. Or backing the Saudi war there which cause famine.

Very true.

Effectively people are ignoring the fact that Obama created a firestorm and are rather pissed at Trump for desperately attempting to put it out.

I do not agree of how he is going about it btw, the coverage and reaction by Americans is what I find so disturbing.
Nobody cared because nobody cared.

Major media outlets DID NOT give it the attention it deserved.

Most Americans could not have cared less or never knew to begin with.

You have to admit that much as I can concede that you personally might have been disturbed by it all.

I literarlly just posted an article by the NYT, Washington times, and the Atlantic that criticized him for it. Those are about as mainstream as it gets. YOu can argue not enough people cared, and I will agree. There is certainly rampant partisanship where people give their guy a pass, I absolutely wont disagreed with you on that. And my problem with Obama, is that he was not nearly liberal enough. But to say that nobody cared? Or it wasnt covered? That really isnt true.
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