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I literarlly just posted an article by the NYT, Washington times, and the Atlantic that criticized him for it. Those are about as mainstream as it gets. YOu can argue not enough people cared, and I will agree. There is certainly rampant partisanship where people give their guy a pass, I absolutely wont disagreed with you on that. And my problem with Obama, is that he was not nearly liberal enough. But to say that nobody cared? Or it wasnt covered? That really isnt true.

Big difference between covered and covered enough.

And giving a pass on what he did is damn near unforgivable.
Big difference between covered and covered enough.

And giving a pass on what he did is damn near unforgivable.

I dont disagree, again, I dont deny this country has a problem with partisanship and cheering on your guy no matter what. But, plenty of people took issue with it. There is Michael Moore slamming him for it.

But also, it does no good going forward by ignoring this stuff either. Even if you think people didnt care enough under Obama, surely you would agree that it does nobody any good to dismiss these types of things under Trump too.
I dont disagree, again, I dont deny this country has a problem with partisanship and cheering on your guy no matter what. But, plenty of people took issue with it. There is Michael Moore slamming him for it.

But also, it does no good going forward by ignoring this stuff either. Even if you think people didnt care enough under Obama, surely you would agree that it does nobody any good to dismiss these types of things under Trump too.

I didn't say ignore Trump but Obama and further the DNC created Trump.

Obama said elections have consequences.

Entire administrations have consequences too.
I didn't say ignore Trump but Obama and further the DNC created Trump.

Obama said elections have consequences.

Entire administrations have consequences too.

Agreed. But, you have to consider, for better or worse, people are going to care what is going on in their country much more so than they are what is happening around the world. I dont think that is uniquely American either. It might not be right, but I think it is natural that people care about their own back yard more so than the back yard across town.
Very true.

Effectively people are ignoring the fact that Obama created a firestorm and are rather pissed at Trump for desperately attempting to put it out.

I do not agree of how he is going about it btw, the coverage and reaction by Americans is what I find so disturbing.

Well there is no shortage of people lying about what Trump is doing. They are calling it a "Muslim ban" which it isnt.

As for Obama, he was supposed to clean up the mess left over from Bush. Instead he only made it worse. He nearly doubled the number of countries JSOC operates in, increased the kill list exponentially, enabled ISIS in Syria and Libya.
One thing that stands out to me is that liberal progressives care way more about non-Americans than they do Americans. For too many years, it has been about what is best for "the global community" instead. Even our good allies Germany and France were busted with past illegal deals in Iraq. Thanks to our overwhelming military superiority, America can afford to fight the civilized world in trade. We need to start long term elimination of the dredges of humanity that are causing the current threats to the USA, through all possible avenues of victory.
One thing that stands out to me is that liberal progressives care way more about non-Americans than they do Americans. For too many years, it has been about what is best for "the global community" instead. Even our good allies Germany and France were busted with past illegal deals in Iraq. Thanks to our overwhelming military superiority, America can afford to fight the civilized world in trade. We need to start long term elimination of the dredges of humanity that are causing the current threats to the USA, through all possible avenues of victory.

I dont agree with this at all. First off, Republicans certainly have never been against foreign aid and things of that nature. Instead of bettering our schools, we send money to Israel for instance, and Republicans typically dont seem to mind that. I dont think those types of things are partisan. And secondly, liberals are more likely to be for better healthcare system, cheaper tuition, etc etc, which are certainly things that affect Americans.

But also, what threats are we talking about? None of the countries on the ban list have committed acts or terror in the USA. But Saudi Arabia, who has had people commit terror in the US, arent on the list. So even if you think this does something to protect America, surely you would have to think that Saudi Arabia should be on the list to right?
And secondly, liberals are more likely to be for better healthcare system, cheaper tuition, etc etc, which are certainly things that affect Americans.

YOU ARE DISEASED. Please let me help you. Read the above that you wrote. Your theory is that conservatives want a worse healthcare system, higher tuition, etc.

WRONG. FALSE. Conservatives just believe you achieve it in a different way. I know you totally ignored my lengthy reply in another thread, but healthcare is WORSE for me. WAY WORSE. More money for worse coverage.
YOU ARE DISEASED. Please let me help you. Read the above that you wrote. Your theory is that conservatives want a worse healthcare system, higher tuition, etc.

WRONG. FALSE. Conservatives just believe you achieve it in a different way. I know you totally ignored my lengthy reply in another thread, but healthcare is WORSE for me. WAY WORSE. More money for worse coverage.

ANd liberals believe in it in a different way, and you take that as they dont care about Americans, so give me a break. Your partisan slip is showing. Plus, REpublicans have had 6 years to come up with a better healthcare system, and we still dont know what the hell it is going to be, so you cant claim they are for a better system, when you have no idea what that system is going to be. Obamcare has issues, I dont disagree, but Obamacare was in response to the outrageous cost of healthcare that many people couldnt afford. You are acting as if he turned over a great system in favor of Obamacare. He didnt, he tried to make a system that was unsustainable for many Americans better. You can argue the results of it, though BTW, a lot of people do like it. But maybe if Republicans had done something to make the system better, the ACA would have never been put in place to begin with. So when you say Republicans want a "better system", they sure didnt seem to want a better system before Obamacare, and at this point we have no clue what system they want going forward.

And I dont know what lengthy reply in another thread you are talking about, you are going to have to give me a link or something. I dont read every post made on this board.
You are correct, Obama was terrible with regards to the Middle East. You are not 100% correct, in that plenty of people spoke out about it, and the Obama administration was allowing refugees in. So while criticism of Obama is justified, it isnt a complete apples to apples situation.

Secondly, Trump's ban is bull****. He didnt even ban people from Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, so this clearly isnt about keeping America safe, as he is obviously picking and choosing, and not even picking the most terror prone countries. The reason, he has business in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, etc, so those places didnt make the ban list.
You are bullshit
You dont speak for me, and you dont decide what I am or are not upset with, so **** right off pretending you do. I was certainly against drone strikes, as were plenty of people. So, do you want to have an honest discussion, or are you just going to make up my arguments for me?
I dont disagree, again, I dont deny this country has a problem with partisanship and cheering on your guy no matter what. But, plenty of people took issue with it. There is Michael Moore slamming him for it.

But also, it does no good going forward by ignoring this stuff either. Even if you think people didnt care enough under Obama, surely you would agree that it does nobody any good to dismiss these types of things under Trump too.
You should take in some refugees
ANd liberals believe in it in a different way, and you take that as they dont care about Americans, so give me a break. Your partisan slip is showing. Plus, REpublicans have had 6 years to come up with a better healthcare system, and we still dont know what the hell it is going to be, so you cant claim they are for a better system, when you have no idea what that system is going to be. Obamcare has issues, I dont disagree, but Obamacare was in response to the outrageous cost of healthcare that many people couldnt afford. You are acting as if he turned over a great system in favor of Obamacare. He didnt, he tried to make a system that was unsustainable for many Americans better. You can argue the results of it, though BTW, a lot of people do like it. But maybe if Republicans had done something to make the system better, the ACA would have never been put in place to begin with. So when you say Republicans want a "better system", they sure didnt seem to want a better system before Obamacare, and at this point we have no clue what system they want going forward.

And I dont know what lengthy reply in another thread you are talking about, you are going to have to give me a link or something. I dont read every post made on this board.
MY INSURANCE WENT UP 300 percent in 2 years....there are still 20 million people without suck
You are correct, Obama was terrible with regards to the Middle East. You are not 100% correct, in that plenty of people spoke out about it, and the Obama administration was allowing refugees in. So while criticism of Obama is justified, it isnt a complete apples to apples situation.

Secondly, Trump's ban is bull****. He didnt even ban people from Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, so this clearly isnt about keeping America safe, as he is obviously picking and choosing, and not even picking the most terror prone countries. The reason, he has business in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, etc, so those places didnt make the ban list.
You dont speak for me, and you dont decide what I am or are not upset with, so **** right off pretending you do. I was certainly against drone strikes, as were plenty of people. So, do you want to have an honest discussion, or are you just going to make up my arguments for me?
YOU ARE DISEASED. Please let me help you. Read the above that you wrote. Your theory is that conservatives want a worse healthcare system, higher tuition, etc.

WRONG. FALSE. Conservatives just believe you achieve it in a different way. I know you totally ignored my lengthy reply in another thread, but healthcare is WORSE for me. WAY WORSE. More money for worse coverage.

"Liberals" like to believe they are better people
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