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If we are going to bring up Christianity, it isn't really our place to judge anyone else's relationship with God.

"Judge not lest ye be judged" is speaking of rash or unjust judgements.

You should also never condemn anyones soul.

However. You can look at your brother and see him never going to church, living by his own rules, and not following the teachings and say "you need a stronger relationship with Jesus"

The word judge in this instance has a broader scope
I don't know how many of you all have experience with hospice or had a loved one in hospice who wasn't coming home but when the end is near, the process is expedited as painlessly for the patient .

Maybe I'm too cynacle sometimes but even going by what we believe:

Even if death is thought imminent, the ordinary care owed to a sick person cannot be legitimately interrupted. The use of painkillers to alleviate the sufferings of the dying, even at the risk of shortening their days, can be morally in conformity with human dignity if death is not willed as either an end or ameans, but only foreseen and tolerated as inevitable

They are hurting. Keep pumping them full until they arent hurting anymore. If death comes before that, then that's what happens.

Idk if I'm convincing myself that it's a loophole or what but it seems legit so long as you're not getting a "it's going to kill me" shot of something.
I don't know how many of you all have experience with hospice or had a loved one in hospice who wasn't coming home but when the end is near, the process is expedited as painlessly for the patient as possible.

Allowing the terminally ill to choose how they leave this world and allowing them to do so with grace is very human.

If we can legally allow someone, a doctor or whomever to help them along out of this life as quickly and painlessly as possible then I don't see a problem.

Someone who is otherwise healthy and just doesn't want to be here anymore? You're on your own. Shotgun is probably pretty instant.
Is hospice considered “assisted suicide”?
I don’t see this as the same as suicide at all.
Maybe I'm too cynacle sometimes but even going by what we believe:

Even if death is thought imminent, the ordinary care owed to a sick person cannot be legitimately interrupted. The use of painkillers to alleviate the sufferings of the dying, even at the risk of shortening their days, can be morally in conformity with human dignity if death is not willed as either an end or ameans, but only foreseen and tolerated as inevitable

They are hurting. Keep pumping them full until they arent hurting anymore. If death comes before that, then that's what happens.

Idk if I'm convincing myself that it's a loophole or what but it seems legit so long as you're not getting a "it's going to kill me" shot of something.

Well I mean you pump them with enough morphine their lungs stop and they die.

They definitely did my grandmother. She had cancer and they knew she wasn't going to make it much longer. The went from she has a month or two to a few weeks to a few days to finally calling everyone in within like 72 hours

She was in horrible pain, she was literally crying and yelling from the pain. She was curled up crying for her mother.

They pumped her full of so much morphine her lungs gave out in a day.
Is hospice considered “assisted suicide”?
I don’t see this as the same as suicide at all.

It isn't but if you pump someone with enough morphine you know the end result.

If an effort to eliminate their suffering you are going to shorten their life just from the nature of the drugs used.
Why do we force people to live who don’t want to?

I’m not saying have suicide booths...we could like a 30 day EVAL and after that if you’re bent on offing yourself why shouldn’t we allow it?

My first reply was about dealing with the elderly. This one is kind of personal so I wanted to address them separately.

A couple years ago, my ex wife decided to take her own life.

Despite her making my life a living hell at times, I was often the one she called when she felt broken and couldn't see herself living.

She had previously attempted to take her life.

She suffered from depression and it made her a VERY difficult person to deal with. She often liked to make others miserable when she was unhappy (which was often), and I was the ex husband. The stories I could tell are pretty rough. She even became too much for her family.

However, even when she was making my life hell, I would sometimes get calls at midnight from a depressed, drunken, broken woman.

I experienced this and watched the decline for years. So I know how she felt and was feeling.

To make a long story short...

1. Mental illness is real and should never be scoffed at
2. Broken people dont want life to end, they judt want a better life and have no clue how to make it happen.

So there should never be any helping a person to kill themself.

Some people cave. Call it being weak, or whatever makes people feel better. In the end, they just lose all hope but there are ways to get that back. They just need help.
You should look up the cases for people who survive attempted suicides.

They often have a very different outlook.

I've unfortunately been close to folks who were successful and one who failed at it.
I don't know how many of you all have experience with hospice or had a loved one in hospice who wasn't coming home but when the end is near, the process is expedited as painlessly for the patient as possible.

Allowing the terminally ill to choose how they leave this world and allowing them to do so with grace is very human.

If we can legally allow someone, a doctor or whomever to help them along out of this life as quickly and painlessly as possible then I don't see a problem.

Someone who is otherwise healthy and just doesn't want to be here anymore? You're on your own. Shotgun is probably pretty instant.

I always figured sleeping pills and a warm bath... if it dont work you are at least clean and refreshed for the next days attempt - LOL
Well I mean you pump them with enough morphine their lungs stop and they die.

They definitely did my grandmother. She had cancer and they knew she wasn't going to make it much longer. The went from she has a month or two to a few weeks to a few days to finally calling everyone in within like 72 hours

She was in horrible pain, she was literally crying and yelling from the pain. She was curled up crying for her mother.

They pumped her full of so much morphine her lungs gave out in a day.
you are so damn privileged... my grandmother was just wheeled into the hall and yelled and screamed for a few hours till she finally passed...

YOU think everyone is as privileged as your pasty white Williamson county ass... poor whites are in the same boat as the poor blacks/latinos/what the F evers... poor is poor you racist
My first reply was about dealing with the elderly. This one is kind of personal so I wanted to address them separately.

A couple years ago, my ex wife decided to take her own life.

Despite her making my life a living hell at times, I was often the one she called when she felt broken and couldn't see herself living.

She had previously attempted to take her life.

She suffered from depression and it made her a VERY difficult person to deal with. She often liked to make others miserable when she was unhappy (which was often), and I was the ex husband. The stories I could tell are pretty rough. She even became too much for her family.

However, even when she was making my life hell, I would sometimes get calls at midnight from a depressed, drunken, broken woman.

I experienced this and watched the decline for years. So I know how she felt and was feeling.

To make a long story short...

1. Mental illness is real and should never be scoffed at
2. Broken people dont want life to end, they judt want a better life and have no clue how to make it happen.

So there should never be any helping a person to kill themself.

Some people cave. Call it being weak, or whatever makes people feel better. In the end, they just lose all hope but there are ways to get that back. They just need help.
You ever watch the video to Fire Away?
What? Suffer terribly? Get them help so they aren’t suffering. As I brought up earlier, suicide in general is a permanent “fix” to a TEMPORARY problem.

Taking your own life is irrational. Nothing about that is rational.
Suffering is not a temporary problem.

No one's life will matter in a million years, you are going to suffer even more and die regardless.

All true. Suicide is a perfectly logical answer to those problems.

Telling someone that suffering is abnormal, temporary, and will all go away with help, isn't rational, that's a lie.

I'm saying that suffering is a prerequisite to life, and you have an obligation to try to reduce it for yourself and everyone else for that matter. And if you do that, you will be able to say your life was worth it despite the suffering. But if you decide to forgo that and create a bit more on your way out, that's a highly immoral act.
Suicide is completely rational. You will suffer terribly in the remainder of your life. Fact. You are going to die anyway. Fact.

What's irrational about suicide?

The rationality of suicide is why we are having this conversation at all.

Suicide is sometimes rational, not always. I had a friend kill himself when he was 14 because a girl broke up with him. Completely not a rational decision. But someone living with major pain or something like that, who simply cant really function anymore, I get that and wouldnt argue that is irrational.
Don’t know if OP was trying to be funny or serious when he started this thread but it’s disgusting. Maybe OP never had anyone he cared about take their own life before, but as some have already mentioned, some people have a mental illness and legit feel like they can’t live anymore, and most of us won’t know what those people go through.
Suicide is sometimes rational, not always. I had a friend kill himself when he was 14 because a girl broke up with him. Completely not a rational decision. But someone living with major pain or something like that, who simply cant really function anymore, I get that and wouldnt argue that is irrational.
Man cuts off hand with guillotine

SNG wants people to chop their own hands off because universal health care wont manage pain

SNG... so SNG
It isn't but if you pump someone with enough morphine you know the end result.

If an effort to eliminate their suffering you are going to shorten their life just from the nature of the drugs used.
I think we already know the end result just by virtue of being in hospice care. I also don’t know that every case is pumped full of drugs to the point of shortening what is left of life, each case is probably a little different and seriously, money probably effects that. My uncle, also cancer, was only expecting 24-48 hours in hospice care but lasted 4-5 days.
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