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Suffering is not a temporary problem.

No one's life will matter in a million years, you are going to suffer even more and die regardless.

All true. Suicide is a perfectly logical answer to those problems.

Telling someone that suffering is abnormal, temporary, and will all go away with help, isn't rational, that's a lie.

I'm saying that suffering is a prerequisite to life, and you have an obligation to try to reduce it for yourself and everyone else for that matter. And if you do that, you will be able to say your life was worth it despite the suffering. But if you decide to forgo that and create a bit more on your way out, that's a highly immoral act.
This seems like a completely bleak outlook on life. Suffering from birth and just try to manage it? In your eyes, what’s worth living for at this point? It’s all just a pain and suffering distraction. Even more, with that outlook, how in the hell did you become a Titans fan?

I disagree with your take in general, but I at least see why you think suicide is logical now.
I think we already know the end result just by virtue of being in hospice care. I also don’t know that every case is pumped full of drugs to the point of shortening what is left of life, each case is probably a little different and seriously, money probably effects that. My uncle, also cancer, was only expecting 24-48 hours in hospice care but lasted 4-5 days.

End of life care is very hard.

There's plenty of people who they say will never leave hospice and do so and live for years.
With each of my grandparents, massive amounts of money was spend on healthcare in their last months, when all they wanted to do is die. Health care will always been one of our biggest financial challenges when we spend millions on 90 year olds that have no hope of a good life going forward and want to die.

My grandmother was really deep into cancer. She'd go to the bathroom and it was straight blood and apparently had been that way a while. She didn't tell anyone because she only wanted to die at home. One day she passed out, someone found her, and took her to the hospital. She never went home again, spending months there, going thru numerous painful surgeries that she didn't want, because she didn't have a strong personality. She'd start to resist treatment, then get a Ten Titans or Alzerius type speech, and she'd give in and suffer more. The only thing she wanted in life was to go back home and she never made it. They repeatedly promised her she could go home after the "next treatment".
Don’t know if OP was trying to be funny or serious when he started this thread but it’s disgusting. Maybe OP never had anyone he cared about take their own life before, but as some have already mentioned, some people have a mental illness and legit feel like they can’t live anymore, and most of us won’t know what those people go through.
Well the op says lots of dumb things so...
Suicide is sometimes rational, not always. I had a friend kill himself when he was 14 because a girl broke up with him. Completely not a rational decision. But someone living with major pain or something like that, who simply cant really function anymore, I get that and wouldnt argue that is irrational.
Not everyone who commits suicide is thinking rationally... but suicide is a rational option all the time for everyone.

It's not like there is some clear dividing line between pain that is bearable, and pain that warrants suicide. On top of that some people are more sensitive to pain than others. And I mean physically and emotionally.

I don't think most people who are deeply depressed get out of it because they all the sudden discover they were being irrational and things aren't that bad. For the people who are rational, and also considering suicide, the situation is usually pretty damn bad.

But anyway, I've made my point. For a saner person in a tremendous amount of emotional distress who is suicidal, how exactly is that thought irrational?
With each of my grandparents, massive amounts of money was spend on healthcare in their last months, when all they wanted to do is die. Health care will always been one of our biggest financial challenges when we spend millions on 90 year olds that have no hope of a good life going forward and want to die.

My grandmother was really deep into cancer. She'd go to the bathroom and it was straight blood and apparently had been that way a while. She didn't tell anyone because she only wanted to die at home. One day she passed out, someone found her, and took her to the hospital. She never went home again, spending months there, going thru numerous painful surgeries that she didn't want, because she didn't have a strong personality. She'd start to resist treatment, then get a Ten Titans or Alzerius type speech, and she'd give in and suffer more. The only thing she wanted in life was to go back home and she never made it. They repeatedly promised her she could go home after the "next treatment".
Oh please. I already said there were exceptions. And at the end of the day, all I am defending is the the claim that it is a dick move when you commit suicide with plenty of ability to move forward.

A pretty good measure of that ability is how distraught your family would be at your decision. I doubt anyone would been personally hurt by your grandmother, at the very least, refusing treatment. Which by the way, isn't suicide.

But yes, blame it on my line of thinking. The one of the two of us that wasn't there to watch it happen.
This seems like a completely bleak outlook on life. Suffering from birth and just try to manage it? In your eyes, what’s worth living for at this point? It’s all just a pain and suffering distraction. Even more, with that outlook, how in the hell did you become a Titans fan?

I disagree with your take in general, but I at least see why you think suicide is logical now.

That's not so much my outlook on life... as it is my outlook on the true state of existence.

The real question is what to do about it. The answer, as far as I'm concerned, is to voluntarily accept that you have a responsibility to reduce it for yourself and others. People who do that successfully don't look back at their life and say they didn't suffer, they say they found meaning in spite of the suffering, and that made it worth it. Without going all evangelical bible thumper, what I'm saying is that you don't find meaning while running from the suffering.. you find meaning in the suffering.

3 years ago I was deeply.. deeply niahlistic about life. And extremely depressed and anxious as a result. Without going into all the details, my life improved tremendously when I took on that mentality because it convinced me that fixing things wasn't just an arbitrary waste of time, and my life actually mattered.

So in that sense, I don't think it's very bleak at all. For people who aren't into dogmatic religion like myself, it's pretty damn hard to convince them anything is worth doing.
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What’s “old”? Just want to know about when people are just looking for me to kick the bucket and based on this thread, maybe willing to help.

Think about how much easier it is to save for retirement if you know you're going to die at 70. Retire at 65. Less money goes much further. You can do more. Say goodbye to your family and friends. Die with some dignity instead of worrying about making it to the bathroom in time before you shit your pants.

I am fully onboard.

Think about how much easier it is to save for retirement if you know you're going to die at 70. Retire at 65. Less money goes much further. You can do more. Say goodbye to your family and friends. Die with some dignity instead of worrying about making it to the bathroom in time before you **** your pants.

I am fully onboard.
I’d only argue if 70 is it, retirement better not be freakin 65. Bump that down a little.
Retirement is whatever you want it too. You know exactly how long you'll have to make that money last, be it 5 years, 10, years, or 20 years.
I guess the only “cheated” folks are the people that no kidding are still sane and functional at that 90+ mark. That’s a limited amount.

I’d also hate to be among that first round after changing. Like it would have to be people born starting in 2020 only live until 70. That way society has an adjustment period. For me, at 70 I’ll have ended up working more of my life than I needed to which would suck.
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