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Houston Texans general manager Charley Casserly
resigned Wednesday, ending months of speculation that intensified
in recent weeks after the team used the No. 1 pick to draft
defensive end Mario Williams. ...more

LazyManJackson said:
Its obvious he resigned because they picked bust Williams instead of Bushy Bush
LazyMan... do you like proposition bets?
What do you want to bet this thread is in samck within 36 hours?
Here... I'll give it a little nudge...


Brian said:
The conspiracy theorist in me says that this is proof that the draft was fixed to save the Saints. Now he'll take a cushy job in the league office.
Casserly was only kept around through the draft. He knew he was gone when they brought Dan Reeves in to evaluate the team last year.

He had already done the draft prep for this year, so they weren't going to fire him prior to that. But I can guarantee you that McNair and/or Kubiak made the call on who to draft.
Starkiller said:
Now the Texans might actually get better, dammit!

Skeered? Thought so.

Cass should have gotten his pink slip in January. While it is being said he 'resigned', is easier to get the NFL to actually accept some of spin (I am gagging here) that McNair would have to give to get CC out of our hair (this is my theory on the whole thing). I was not a fan of Cass, can ya tell?

Kind of like that employee you can't wait to get rid of, but you have to say some glowing praise to get him out, comprendez?

'Tis a great day in Houston. Let the Kubiak era begin!!!

...and yes, Kubiak called this draft.
hold the phone... the cowpoke smack "masters" were calling this a promotion... that is when it was finally made clear just who is going where and why... what's with the flip-flop FILO?

I do reallize it was not your assertion, but just represent the republic of Texandom then please... It was pitched a week or two ago like this CC dude was just so great he had to go take Art Shell's job...

What's that spin all about?
I think we can all thank Casserly for that shrewd trade he made with us. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he got Jason Babin from us in exchange for Troupe, Randy Starks, Bo Shobel, and an exchange of 5th rounders, in which we picked Jacob Bell and they traded our pick to the Jags who picked Sean Bubin. All in all a fantastic haul for which we should forever be grateful to Mr. Casserly.
They were too late in firing his dumba$$. He passed on the local hero VY & the next best pick behind VY, Reggie Bush. Oh well, if it makes yall feel better, the Titans picked up a lot of fans from Texas! His loss was your gain. HOOK'EM Titans!
ya, they made a big mistake, mario williams is very inconsistent, and some scouts said that they woudnt have even noticed him if they werent told to watch him
Should have been done weeks ago. Casserly would have given them all his evaluations even if fired early. It would have been a bad precedent not to do so. I think it just looks bad to fire him now. And yeah, they got their fall guy for the Williams pick. But you shouldn't need a fall guy. If you do, it's the wrong pick to begin with. You keep Casserly on for the draft, you're not giving yourself a chance, you're just shooting yourself in the foot. And I agree, the minute Dan Reeves is brought in, that was the end.
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