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I'm sorry but Dan Reeves is anthrax to the cows...
Ok... he did alot of good things in Denver for a long time...
put please... Atlanta tossed him as HC... He may have a world of experience and playoff wins, but he's going to run that place even further into the ground. Kubiac or whoever... not sure how his name is spelled... I've seen stuff on TV about him... he's going to be the new HC... taking over for Capers? yeah... he worries me a bit... especially since I have this sense of admiration for Denver... I really think Denver is a class organization... matter of fact they are my pick to win the AFC... I see Denver winning the Super Bowl over a very good Dallas team... Dallas will eliminate the S-Hawks in the NFC championship game... just a hunch... sorry for the ramble....

Houston made the wrong pick... just don't tell RollTide that Ghostz.:winker:
Tman said:
They were too late in firing his dumba$$. He passed on the local hero VY & the next best pick behind VY, Reggie Bush.

Casserly didnt make that call. Bob McNair and Gary Kubiak did. There is no way you let a GM make that call when it was common knowledge that he was about to be, uh, "resigned."
now as much as I love a good conspiracy theory - Code Blue - I don't buy into this one.

I heard a credible report on the raido that the cows had serious contract dealings with Bush, but he priced himself out of being 1.1
Kubiak would NO WAY have chosen Mario Williams over Bush!

I think Casserly did make that call. They drafted need over talent although if you believe guys like Mort, at least half the teams in the draft had Williams as the best player in the draft.

The problem with Williams is he doesn't have a high motor and needs to be pushed. NO WAY should you need to motivate a top 5 pick in the draft...let alone a #1 overall. While Williams has freakish talent and size/speed combo, Bush is by far the better football player and will be if he doesn't get hurt.

Plus, you don't draft a DE to be a monster in a 3-4 D! Williams will not get 10+ sacks every year and will be labeled a bust no matter how well he plays. Meanwhile, Bush will be electric!

But you can see why they chose Williams. There D is a disaster and they already have a franchise QB and a good RB. Adding a powerhouse DL seemed to add more to their team than the increase of Bush of DD. So understand the move...

I just would have never made that move! They should have traded down getting 2 picks in the first rd and an additional pick in rd 2 or 3...then they could have really beefed up the D and possibly gotten a LT too. Or if they couldn't get that much, just take the best player...Bush!!!

Gut said:
Kubiak would NO WAY have chosen Mario Williams over Bush!

Easy there Gut...
Kubiak's mentor is Shannahan. How many running backs has Shannahan taken in the first round? NONE!
Kubiak is bringing the Denver philosophy (doesn't matter who the RB is) of running the ball to Houston. With Casserly out of the picture, Kubiak is free to make the football decisions, ie. Shannahan in Denver.
Given the history and philosophy, there is NO WAY that Kubiak would have chosen any RB in the first round.
Starkiller said:
Uh... Bipolar... Dan Reeves isn't with the Texans now...
He isn't? I thought they brought him in as a "consultant" which was really just code for succersor to Casserly. My bad... Bipolar is wrong...
What a shock...:eek:
FILOgirl said:
...and yes, Kubiak called this draft.
ok SK... can you back me up on this? :super:


Casserly took the unusual step of telling Houston fans in one television appearance they should blame him, not new Texans coach Gary Kubiak, for the Williams selection.
Casserly is probably getting a buy out from Houston, and they're agreeing to let him say he resigned instead of being fired. I'd let them blame me for whatever they wanted too if they were stuffing money in my pockets on the way out.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
ok SK... can you back me up on this? :super:
Not really. I'm sure it wasn't Casserly's call on the top pick (Kubiak and/or McNair). How much influence he had on the other picks is beyond me.
I actually think Casserly made the pick, as stupid as that sounds, because he had so many ways out.

When Reeves was brought on he could have quit right there and still kept his reputation. Why would you stay on, take the rap for pick you weren't going to make, and take the risk, when you had a reason to walk on the team. He had the perfect out.

He certainly didn't stay for the money. Two weeks of salary, to be a lame duck, and take on all the risk when someone else is making the pick for you, the gm of a team. That is madness.

He still needs a job afterward. There's no reason for him to take all that risk on a pick that he wasn't making.

It all leads you to believe it had to be his pick.

Sure. The logic is there as to why Kubiak was making the pick. It makes perfect sense. But Casserly was still in control here. He could have walked. He chose not to do it. I actually think he made that pick.
Nothing there gives me any reason to think Casserly made the pick. McNair owns the team. McNair was involved in the draft process. McNair hired a new coach in Kubiak who was also involved in the process. Casserly was already headed out the door and the outcome of the pick didn't affect him at all.

So McNair either made the final decision on who to pick or let Kubiak decide.
But it does affect him. Because nobody knows the truth. And because of that Kubiak will get almost no blame if it goes wrong and Bush is a star. McNair will not get any blame because he's the owner. It will all fall on Casserly by default. He's the one who defended it. And he's the one who the fans will point the finger at. Regardless of what the truth is, because nobody knows it. And that perception will impact his career. Teams won't hire a gm that the fans think blew a no brainer. Well, not the good teams anyway. It's all about perception. Same reason Kermit Washington and Kareem will never be hired. Probably both good coaches. But nobody wants to hire an embarassment. Someone percieved as blowing it. Now in Casserly's case that is a bit of exaggeration, but it will be part of his rep unless someone claims they made the pick.
I think it is a fate kind of thing with the pick. It looks as if a real rivalry can brew from this if you just add wins to both sides. Sets the stage. Houston native young beats usc, Bush is passed on. Former Houston team drafts Texan Native. New Orleans rises to domination not seen since the days of Archie M....wait a minute... they sucked then...(N O)...hahahahaha... whatever. I'm glad the Texans did not select Bush. I'm glad they "did the right thing" ... I'm glad the brought in a new scapegoat to whip for the next four years... Did I mention I don't know jack about the iternal affairs of the Houston Texans? I'm sick of typeing.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Did I mention I don't know jack about the iternal affairs of the Houston Texans? I'm sick of typeing.

You show it all the time, but I'm glad to see you admit that you don't know jack.
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