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Maybe it'd be more interesting to see exactly what these 'educations' are in. And whether or not they're from Phoenix Online.

I suppose smart Christians can exist. After all, many smart people are also irrational.

My father, who is a scientist at NASA/Marshall, has a PhD in Physics from U of Florida and is a Christian. Go ahead and google "Dr. Dennis Tucker NASA" and check out some of the "irrational" things he's working on.
My father, who is a scientist at NASA/Marshall, has a PhD in Physics from U of Florida and is a Christian. Go ahead and google "Dr. Dennis Tucker NASA" and check out some of the "irrational" things he's working on.

That's great.

He's still ridiculously irrational.

Wonder how he explains gravity? "Jesus allows it to fall". *snicker*
Maybe it'd be more interesting to see exactly what these 'educations' are in. And whether or not they're from Phoenix Online.

I suppose smart Christians can exist. After all, many smart people are also irrational.

Most conservatives that have degrees, have degrees in business. MBA = Masters of Business Administration. Consequently, most of those who vote republican did not go to college or dropped out of college.

The poll, which surveyed 2,230 people right at the height of the health-care reform debate, also clearly shows that education is a barrier to extremism. Respondents without a college education are vastly more likely to believe such claims*, while Americans with college degrees or better are less easily duped. It's a reminder of what the 19th-century educator Horace Mann once too-loftily said: "Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge."


* Such claims that the article talks about are: President Obama is "racist," "anti-American" "wants the terrorists to win" and "wants to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to a one-world government." The "Hatriot" belief that Obama is a "domestic enemy" as set forth in the Constitution is also widely held—a sign of trouble yet to come. It's the same claim made by Marine Lance Corporal Kody Brittingham in his letter of intent to assassinate the President Obama.
My father, who is a scientist at NASA/Marshall, has a PhD in Physics from U of Florida and is a Christian. Go ahead and google "Dr. Dennis Tucker NASA" and check out some of the "irrational" things he's working on.

Is it safe to say that Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking and your father are drinkin' buddies? (sarcasm)

Which theories of the mentioned scientists does your father agree and disagree with. There are such things as liberal Christians... but it's almost as rare as finding black republicans.
neither communists nor liberals have use for religion.

So liberals = communists? Joesph McCarthy, when did you start posting in Taboo?

Remember, it was that communist LBJ that gave churches their tax exempt status way back when and rightfully so.

If churches want to preach politics and endorse and condemn candidates, then they shouldn't be tax exempt. That's when churches tread the fine line of becoming a political action group.

Churches want separation from the state, but they also want their cake, and wanna eat it too.
tons of leading scientists are men/women of faith.

One 1987 estimate found that "700 scientists ... (out of a total of 480,000 U.S. earth and life scientists) ... give credence to creation-science".[21] An expert in the evolution-creationism controversy, professor and author Brian Alters states that "99.9 percent of scientists accept evolution".[22]

So .1% constitutes a ton?


I'm only pointing out the ones still kicking around. Religious scientists of history is basically all scientists from history.

I read science fiction as well and religion plays a key role in some stories, totally ignored in even more. Seems to either be prominant or ignored. Lots of Sci-Fi writers are religious. I also read, sometimes, Scientific America - An athiest liberal rag - and they go to great pains to point out when a writer is even getting close to anything approaching an expression of faith.

Oh and you are picking one topic, evolution, to choose who is a person of faith or not. I let that person decide on their own. I for one believe in evolution, although I am still waiting to see some for myself, and I believe in god. I really see no other way too view the world.

and yes liberals are equal to communists.

Most the scientists that are Christians are the lousy ones that the rest of the scientific field has no need to claim.

But again, I suppose you could be a scientist and still believe in the stuff- but it'd be hard, seeing as how it goes against your entire basis of knowledge in the field you make your living with.

And liberal christians being rare is funny to me. Knowing Jesus would be castrated by conservatives for being "too liberal" himself.
I would be the first to admit that bible literalist christians are not very intellectual at all. But what percentage of the republican party are bible literalists?

Are not most blacks members of so called bible churches? Baptist, Pentecostal? So why then is bible fundamentalism in America is viewed as a white thing?
Anybody who thinks that coveting thy neighbors wealth and property is capitalism needs to spend some time in the library. I recommend Ayn rand's book of essays called "Capitalism".

Capitalism is a restaurant charging money for a product(meal). A willing party pays what is required to get the meal.

Liberal thinking says that the restaurant owner is too wealthy and as a result should give certain people free meals or that it would be alright to to steal a meal. The liberal is the one who eats the meal and then bolts to avoid paying thinking he or she is entitled.

If the restaurant charges too much for their meals what happens? What if the food is not good? If the restaurant is not clean?

Capitalism is a beautiful thing because if you have the choice of doing business with someone or not and nobody does business with a person they view as immoral or dishonest.

Capitalism is my religion and i don't want to steal from anyone.
Maybe it'd be more interesting to see exactly what these 'educations' are in. And whether or not they're from Phoenix Online.

I suppose smart Christians can exist. After all, many smart people are also irrational.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

You are a liberal without a college education making fun of the intelligence of Christian conservatives.
Oh and you are picking one topic, evolution, to choose who is a person of faith or not. I let that person decide on their own. I for one believe in evolution, although I am still waiting to see some for myself, and I believe in god. I really see no other way too view the world.

To believe in Evolution, you attest that the very first verse of the Bible isn't true in the literal sense. If you can't take the very first verse of the canonized bible as a literal fact, then why are other things in the Bible taken as literally being true? For all we know, Jesus Christ himself may have been an allegory for solar phenomenons. (And there is much to proof of this theory)

In beginning, God (not evolution) created the heavens and the earth. This is where the gap theory comes into play (Popularized by the catholic church)

So if God created the big bang, who created God? If God has always been around, why is it so hard to accept that energy has always been around?

At some point, regardless if you believe in creation or evolution, you have to attest that SOMETHING has just always existed, whether it be God or Energy. Energy is the only thing that can be scientifically proven given the scientific method.
Anybody who thinks that coveting thy neighbors wealth and property is capitalism needs to spend some time in the library. I recommend Ayn rand's book of essays called "Capitalism".

Capitalism is a restaurant charging money for a product(meal). A willing party pays what is required to get the meal.

Liberal thinking says that the restaurant owner is too wealthy and as a result should give certain people free meals or that it would be alright to to steal a meal. the liberal is the one who eats the meal and then bolts to avoid paying thinking he or she is entitled.

If the restaurant charges too much for their meals what happens? What if the food is not good? If the restaurant is not clean?

Capitalism is a beautiful thing because if you have the choice of doing business with someone and nobody does business with a person they view as immoral or dishonest.

Capitalism is my religion and i don't want to steal from anyone.

I'll buy this when restaurants start advertising "Liberals Eat Free" instead of "Kids eat free".
There is a lot that we don't know. That includes secular intellectuals. It wasn't that long ago in humanity's history that we believed the world was flat. Does that mean that everything we think we know now is wrong? No. But it means that we might not know as much as we think we do.

There is no proof to the theory that Jesus is just an allegory for solar phenomena. Multiple ancient historians mention Jesus - including Tacitus and Josephus. The historicity of Jesus is not up for debate in most intellectual circles.
There is no proof to the theory that Jesus is just an allegory for solar phenomena. Multiple ancient historians mention Jesus - including Tacitus and Josephus. The historicity of Jesus is not up for debate in most intellectual circles.

I think I brought this up a year ago.

Prepare for a debate with Gloat.
There is a lot that we don't know. That includes secular intellectuals. It wasn't that long ago in humanity's history that we believed the world was flat. Does that mean that everything we think we know now is wrong? No. But it means that we might not know as much as we think we do.
Yeah! It was just like...2 weeks ago that we realized the earth isn't flat, right? :rolleyes:
We still found out before the 'all knowing' God, apparently.

There is no proof to the theory that Jesus is just an allegory for solar phenomena. Multiple ancient historians mention Jesus - including Tacitus and Josephus. The historicity of Jesus is not up for debate in most intellectual circles.
I don't think anyone really cares to debate whether or not there was some carpenter, or politician named Jesus. I'm sure Paul Bunyan was a real man at one point, just as St. Nick was.

But the fairy tales about these characters? Really?
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