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Yeah! It was just like...2 weeks ago that we realized the earth isn't flat, right? :rolleyes:
We still found out before the 'all knowing' God, apparently.

I specifically wrote "not that long ago in humanity's history." I didn't say "not that long ago in my life" or "not that long ago." The intended and obvious implication is that for much of our existence as a species, we believed that the earth was flat. It was only in the 1800's that the majority of the world understood that the world is not flat.

I don't think anyone really cares to debate whether or not there was some carpenter, or politician named Jesus. I'm sure Paul Bunyan was a real man at one point, just as St. Nick was.

But the fairy tales about these characters? Really?

Fair enough. You don't have to accept what Scripture and tradition says about Jesus Christ. That is your right. But believing that Jesus is who The Bible says He is does not make one ignorant or stupid. It makes one a believer in something that is beyond one's understanding and greater than one's intellect.
I'll buy this when restaurants start advertising "Liberals Eat Free" instead of "Kids eat free".

Liberals want to penalize success. They want successful people to pay higher taxes so that the money can be given in some form to people who are not successful.

Do you make informed choices about what you buy or from whom or do you just wander aimlessly?
Fair enough. You don't have to accept what Scripture and tradition says about Jesus Christ. That is your right. But believing that Jesus is who The Bible says He is does not make one ignorant or stupid. It makes one a believer in something that is beyond one's understanding and greater than one's intellect.

Believing it doesn't make someone stupid, you're right- but it does make them irrational.
You have to be willingly irrational to buy in to it.

And would you not think someone was a bit cuckoo if they believed in Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny? Can't help but think you would...
There is a lot that we don't know. That includes secular intellectuals. It wasn't that long ago in humanity's history that we believed the world was flat. Does that mean that everything we think we know now is wrong? No. But it means that we might not know as much as we think we do.

Really? It was the catholic church that perpetuated the myth that the world was flat. It was the catholic church that was responsible for the dark ages. Since most were uneducated, illiterate peasants in the dark ages. The only people who knew how to read and write were those in the clergy of the catholic church. Remember, the catholic church sold indulgences in exchange for salvation during the dark ages. The dark ages is an example of anti-intellectualism at its finest. Greek philosophers thought the world was round as far back as 400BC.
There is no proof to the theory that Jesus is just an allegory for solar phenomena. Multiple ancient historians mention Jesus - including Tacitus and Josephus. The historicity of Jesus is not up for debate in most intellectual circles.

Rather than spending an hour typing all of this out, you may watch this video that explains the solar deities that have appeared through out history and how they are nothing more than an astrological allegory.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Various saviors have appeared through out history... Such as Horus, Attis, Krishna, Dionysis and Mythra.. etc etc. What do they have in common?

Each was born on Dec 25th
Each was born of a virgin
Each had 12 disciples
Each died and was resurrected 3 days later
Each performed miracles
Each was referred to as truth, light, the son, the sun, king of kings etc etc...

If you do your research you will find that there are dozens of virgin born miracle performing saviors who have been crucified, dead for 3 days, and risen from the dead. This is significant because each of these stories, Jesus Christ included, refer back to the winter solstice.

Many of the historians accounts that you mention are highly debatable because there is evidence that these accounts may have been fabricated by the catholic church in during the dark ages.
Liberals want to penalize success. They want successful people to pay higher taxes so that the money can be given in some form to people who are not successful.

Do you make informed choices about what you buy or from whom or do you just wander aimlessly?

They don't want to penalyze them they just know that they can afford it, and it's a much better way.

But yes, I know.. someone should have 24k gold faucets in their house and then the right to cry about taxes.
I specifically wrote "not that long ago in humanity's history." I didn't say "not that long ago in my life" or "not that long ago." The intended and obvious implication is that for much of our existence as a species, we believed that the earth was flat. It was only in the 1800's that the majority of the world understood that the world is not flat.

Actually, this is the real fairy tale. Most of mankind knew the earth to be round or spherical since the 4th century B.C. In 240 BC, Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the earth. In the 4th century AD, Saint Augustine wrote about a spherical earth. The church never believed that the earth was flat. This is a myth perpetuated in the 19th century by, now discredited, historians.

The only historical accounts of a society believing in a flat earth either predate ancient Greece or are found in India and China (the Chinese believed the earth to be flat and square until a Jesuit missionary brought them the truth in the 17th century). There is some evidence that the ancient Egyptians knew the earth to be a sphere as early as 3000 BC.
But yes, I know.. someone should have 24k gold faucets in their house

WTF business is it of yours or mine to decide how people spend their money?

It is simply immoral to want something that doesn't belong to you and that you did not earn. It isn't less immoral just because somebody is very wealthy.
Intellectual liberals..

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Obama lovers who are so damn clueless they support McCain's policies.
While someone else pays no taxes and cries about someone's 24k gold faucets.

Uhh... No one is crying about what those people do with their money.

It's just obvious that it's less of a hit for them to pay taxes. If you can forget that you have a car in your garage, taxes shouldn't be a big deal.

I'm middle class and didn't cry once about paying taxes. I wouldn't think twice about it if I made 200k.
Yet Pope John Paul II had to issue a formal apology in 1992 for the confusion throughout history.

What, are you talking about Galileo? That was about heliocentrism vs. geocentrism. The Catholic Church was wrong on that one, not the Bible. In fact, Galileo used scripture to back his claims up. Flat vs. round earth was never a controversy because everyone knew the earth was round.

Try again.
What, are you talking about Galileo? That was about heliocentrism vs. geocentrism. The Catholic Church was wrong on that one, not the Bible. In fact, Galileo used scripture to back his claims up. Flat vs. round earth was never a controversy because everyone knew the earth was round.

Try again.

Regardless of the official church position, people were killed in the dark ages for saying the earth was round. It was considered heresy. That is fact. Remember, the Holy Roman Empire didn't just encompass the city of Rome or the Italian peninsula, it encompassed much of Europe, the middle east, and Africa. Lest we forget, the Catholic church has tried to revise history to cast themselves in a positive light.
Is this your pastor?

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Multiple ancient historians mention Jesus - including Tacitus and Josephus. The historicity of Jesus is not up for debate in most intellectual circles.
First of all, there is no historical record of the person Jesus. There are historical accounts of the stories about Jesus many years after he would have died. There are real historical accounts of the followers of Jesus. But there no no actual historical record about a walking and talking person who did what was attributed to Jesus in the mythology surrounding him from 2000 years ago. Doesn't mean he couldn't have existed, just that there's absolutely no record of him.

Furthermore, if he did really exist, his name wasn't even Jesus. The word Jesus came from a Greek translation of Hebrew. His actual name (again, even if he were real) would have been Yeshua. And Christ wasn't a name but a title (again, Greek).
First of all, there is no historical record of the person Jesus. There are historical accounts of the stories about Jesus many years after he would have died.

Also, I might add to this, there is no evidence that Pontius Pilate executing a man named Jesus. Records were kept of crucifixions, yet, none have been found.

About the Jewish Historian, Josephus:

Josephus Flavius, the Jewish historian, lived as the earliest non-Christian who mentions a Jesus. Although many scholars think that Josephus' short accounts of Jesus (in Antiquities) came from interpolations perpetrated by a later Church father (most likely, Eusebius), Josephus' birth in 37 C.E., well after the alleged crucifixion of Jesus, puts him out of range of an eyewitness account. Moreover, he wrote Antiquities in 93 C.E., after the first gospels got written! Therefore, even if his accounts about Jesus came from his hand, his information could only serve as hearsay.
Credit: Jim Walker

Also, many experts agree that his writings have been tampered with, which may have altered his historical accounts, as many of his supposed writings have been debunked as not being authentic.
First of all, there is no historical record of the person Jesus. There are historical accounts of the stories about Jesus many years after he would have died. There are real historical accounts of the followers of Jesus. But there no no actual historical record about a walking and talking person who did what was attributed to Jesus in the mythology surrounding him from 2000 years ago. Doesn't mean he couldn't have existed, just that there's absolutely no record of him.

Furthermore, if he did really exist, his name wasn't even Jesus. The word Jesus came from a Greek translation of Hebrew. His actual name (again, even if he were real) would have been Yeshua. And Christ wasn't a name but a title (again, Greek).

No Way!!!!! This is completely new information... you mean people didn't walk around saying, "hey Jesus", "wassup Mr. Christ" like they do in the movies? You have completely crushed my faith. This is the best argument I have ever heard against the person and deity of Jesus............:rolleyes:

Come on Starkiller, that's weak-sauce. I have too much respect for you to believe that these were the best arguments you could have added to this discussion. And, no historical record? Please define this for me. Going by what you wrote, no one living before the invention of photography could be verified as being a real person. There is more historical evidence of Jesus than any other person in history.
Regardless of the official church position, people were killed in the dark ages for saying the earth was round. It was considered heresy. That is fact. Remember, the Holy Roman Empire didn't just encompass the city of Rome or the Italian peninsula, it encompassed much of Europe, the middle east, and Africa. Lest we forget, the Catholic church has tried to revise history to cast themselves in a positive light.

People were not killed by the Catholic Church for saying the earth was round!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't really care about your personal agenda against the Catholic Church. I'm not Catholic and never will be. But, your misrepresentation of history is ridiculous. You're passing the historical equivalent of "old wives tales" as actual history. Read this.
No Way!!!!! This is completely new information... you mean people didn't walk around saying, "hey Jesus", "wassup Mr. Christ" like they do in the movies? You have completely crushed my faith. This is the best argument I have ever heard against the person and deity of Jesus............:rolleyes:
It isn't an argument against his existence. It's just something few people seem to realize. Including Christians, who you'd think might care...

Come on Starkiller, that's weak-sauce. I have too much respect for you to believe that these were the best arguments you could have added to this discussion.
I think the discussion is pretty ridiculous, personally. I'm as atheist as anyone else on here, but there's no argument that there are many intelligent Christians. Sure, there are a lot of fanatics, fundamentalists, and uneducated Christians out there, but let's not pretend that Christians are all that way. The problems is the ones who deny scientific facts like evolution in the face of religious dogma.

Lots of scientists who realize that evolution is real are Christian. The problem is the people who don't, either because they are willfully ignorant or because they have been taught lies. Again, just some.

And, no historical record? Please define this for me. Going by what you wrote, no one living before the invention of photography could be verified as being a real person. There is more historical evidence of Jesus than any other person in history.
I already said it doesn't exist. It just isn't there. You're the one who says it does. If so, prove it...
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