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puck thanks but i already knew how to work those, and yes i agree they work much better, but the only complaint that i have about them is that it seems to slow the comp down a lot while surfing the web, and ya he just had to un plug something for a few seconds then put it back in, and we do have a linksys router but thats the very first time that, thats happened to me
Puck said:
Safari has always used it
FireFox stole the idea but it works well

for anyone using Firefox, it is a stripped down version of Safari

It's not like tabbing was invented for browsers you know. It's been in use with Text Editors for ages.

And what makes FireFox a stripped down version of Safari?
Starkiller said:
I have a netgear that would sometimes lose the entire DSL connection and othertimes only drop the wireless signal. I'd be unplugging it multiple times some days.

Now I have it running as a subordinate to an older linksys router (because it has no wireless) and now the netgear hasn't dropped in months (though 1 ethernet port burned out). I just can't explain it...

I had the same problem. Guess what the culprit was?

A weak line splitter under the house. It's so intermittent that you think the problem is a techie out to investigate, and meters found the problem.
avvie said:
I had the same problem. Guess what the culprit was?

A weak line splitter under the house. It's so intermittent that you think the problem is a techie out to investigate, and meters found the problem.

and how much $$ later?
avvie said:
I had the same problem. Guess what the culprit was?

A weak line splitter under the house. It's so intermittent that you think the problem is a techie out to investigate, and meters found the problem.

i had a small issue like that with Comcast

and the solution was quite simple - 'underload'. the modem wasn't getting quite hot enough of a drive to keep a lock

SOLUTION: where the main cable line hits my house we put a 2-way splitter - 1 side STRICTLY for the Internet connection
- side 2 - STRICTLY for Digital / HDTV Cable

that fixed things right up
I had been hitting the modem after about the 3rd break in the line (meaning at the 3rd splitter in house using close to 5 splitters)
Vigsted said:
It's not like tabbing was invented for browsers you know. It's been in use with Text Editors for ages.

SO ? Which browser was the first to incorporate it into Web-Browsing ? that is the topic of the conversation is it not ? or is this a TextEdit thread ?

Vigsted said:
And what makes FireFox a stripped down version of Safari?

lets see,... tabbed browsing / integrated google / similar GUI
less functional than Safari .... it's a stripped rip
it is a clone of Safari

but definitely my favorite WinPC browser
btw ,....

I just downloaded the latest version of FireFox
and it's not quite as user-frienfdly as Safari
I saw no quick way to start new tabs (right click) nor am I able to add catalogued bookmarks to the address bar

also, the bulk of the address / tab / bookmark toolbars is considerably larger using FireFox

but, again, it is (imo) the coolest browser available for WinPC's - but it still far behind Safari in ease of use and functionality
Puck said:
SO ? Which browser was the first to incorporate it into Web-Browsing ? that is the topic of the conversation is it not ? or is this a TextEdit thread ?

But how is it "stealing" from Safari, when Safari wasn't the first progam to use it?

Puck said:
lets see,... tabbed browsing / integrated google / similar GUI
less functional than Safari .... it's a stripped rip
it is a clone of Safari

but definitely my favorite WinPC browser

I just downloaded the latest version of FireFox
and it's not quite as user-frienfdly as Safari
I saw no quick way to start new tabs (right click) nor am I able to add catalogued bookmarks to the address bar

also, the bulk of the address / tab / bookmark toolbars is considerably larger using FireFox

ok, so you can't have folders on the Bookmark toolbar.

If you want fast navigation for FireFox just grab a gesture extension of your fancy.

And what in FireFox's GUI do you feel is from Safari? My GUI looks like IE and Netscape did 10 years ago...

And while we're at it, how many features did Safari steal from Opera?

i was just winding it up

i do not recall Firefox being available when I first used Safari

Opera has been around since way before then, but I don't remember Firfox
Mozilla has been around since at least 2001, and Firefox is just a cutdown version of the old Mozilla browser (browser-only). Safari came out in 2003.

A couple of other browsers used tabbed browsing as far back as the mid-90's. Opera is one of them. The other (which was the first to used tabbed browing), is long since dead as far as I know
I have Avast! Antivirus.
Also Zone Alarm as firewall
Also Spybot Resident, not just the normal Spybot to detect spyware, but also to prevent getting it... I aslo have inmunized all the bad sites that spybot inmunizes
I have Ad-Aware just in case i get it and spybot does nutting.
You could also use online virus scanners to detect them (not for removal, though but it will tell you what do you exactly have)
My favourite kaspersky

And if none of that works: The one allmighty tool:HijackThis

Visit for info on how to use it, tutorials for the logs it generates (how to read them and tell what´s wrong) and more info and links to comunities where someone could read it for you if you ask politely for it.

Well, thats what has worked for me (usually cleaning others computers cause i dont get em anymore with all the tools i have now)

Gunny, you should get one of your ram memory modules and take it with you when you go buying cause there are many kinds!, most are the same but some have "weird" types.

You got SDRAM and DDR and also check the frecuency-speed (233Mhz? or 533Mhz?) and the number of pins (usually 184 but theres 100 too) and well, is complicated so take an old one and check that the new one has same frecuency, type (SDRAM or DDR) and number of pins... and as big as possible....

It is better to buy them by pairs, not to have a big new one, and an old one, the computer will have less problems administrating that memory.

Even better is to go to the shop with your motherboard specifications/manual, maybe you can use other kind of memory or speed better that the vendor did not use in your computer. Who knows (probably not, oh well)
Gunny said:
Is there any difference between RAM for a PC and RAM for a Laptop?
Yes and no. Technologically there isn't much difference so far as I know. It's basically just more compact for laptops. But then every computer has to have a specific RAM card that won't necessarily work in any other model...

If you aren't sure what type of memory you need, check to find out. They sell in Australia (though I'm not sure how much they charge to ship), but at least you can see what specs you need even if you don't buy it online.
I , too, was going to suggest Hijack This. You have to run a spybot check and save the log for them to look at. They helped with some stuff I had going on with my computer last year. They are definitely good at finding hidden files. They suggested downloading System Security Suite (free). It runs in the background at all times to keep malware and/viruses/trojans from sneaking in.
I love hijack this. But it isn't something that I would suggest for a novice. You can easily hurt yourself with it if you don't know what you are doing.
Starkiller said:
Yes and no. Technologically there isn't much difference so far as I know.

Technology is the same (SDRAM), however I think some Laptops have different number of pins (144 and 200 I think).
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