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adamwinn51 said:
Ok, people do we really have to go to one extreme or the other. I hate Mac and love Volek or I hate Volek and love Mac. Yes McNair is past his prime and struggled at times last year but if you look at his numbers he had a very respectable season. Volek has one bad outing last year but again only really had one outing. You can't really make a lot out of that. He has had some very good games in the past. The reality is that McNair though not what he use to be, maybe more soft, maybe less willing to run whatever, still gives us the best shot to win. Volek, however, is not HORRENDOUS and is certainly serviceable for a year at least. McNair is the better of the two and I don't think you can really make a reasonable case that he isn't. But Volek can fill the void adequately if Mac is gone and we don't bring someone like Collins.

I agree... If we must get rid of Air Mac, let's use the extra money on the defense. The Titans need to get back to being a dominant, feared defense like they were with the Freak for a few years. Personally, I don't see Mac renegotiating since he is looking for longevity over the salary. The Titans may only be willing to give him this year or maybe this and next, but they didn't draft VY to let him sit for 3-4 years. I'm not hating on #9. I am one of McNair's biggest fans on and off the field. However, what if we get to week 3, 4, or 5 and Mac is injured already? We will be using Volek anyway. In that situation, we will have sacrificed improving our defense for signing the "one man offense"... again. Fisher and Reese have already said that they don't want to throw VY "to the wolves" and they are wanting to sit him for at least a year. I say improve the defense... get another LB and a vet corner.
I doubt it'll happen but we need Mac back if we're going to have fighting chance in hell of having a winning season. If he does leave, I would rather start Vince than Volek. I mean really, how much better can Billy be even as a vet than Vince would be. Sure, he would struggle and we would most likely ony win between 4 and 7 games but at least there would be some optimism fot the next year. Even if Volek is the starter I highly doubt he makes it through the majority of the season with some sort of injury that keeps him out for several games.
Disclaimer: Huge McNair Fan.

I still feel like we're two years away from having a winner, because neither Billly Volek nor Vince Young can get you to the playoffs at this juncture. Volek almost looks like he's peaked already (remember how good he looked in Year 3?) and is fragile, and Young is too...well, young. Really try to picture in your mind Billy Volek quarterbacking the Titans to an 11-win season. It's like trying to visualize the fourth dimension - you can't do it.

Now imagine McNair at the helm with the added talent at WR, RB and, crucially, the OL. You can easily see him having a Renaissance year. Three years removed from the MVP is not a long time. Let him shepherd Young a year, and maybe, in the process, get one last shot as Titans quarterback to win a Super Bowl - in the unlikely event we catch lightning in a bottle next year.
adamwinn51 said:
Ok, people do we really have to go to one extreme or the other. I hate Mac and love Volek or I hate Volek and love Mac. Yes McNair is past his prime and struggled at times last year but if you look at his numbers he had a very respectable season. Volek has one bad outing last year but again only really had one outing. You can't really make a lot out of that. He has had some very good games in the past. The reality is that McNair though not what he use to be, maybe more soft, maybe less willing to run whatever, still gives us the best shot to win. Volek, however, is not HORRENDOUS and is certainly serviceable for a year at least. McNair is the better of the two and I don't think you can really make a reasonable case that he isn't. But Volek can fill the void adequately if Mac is gone and we don't bring someone like Collins.

I couldn't agree more.

If he does leave, I would rather start Vince than Volek

I don't think I'd want to throw in there Vince so soon. We've spent a lot of money on him, and I'd hate to see him end up like Carr. With the attitude he's shown so far this offseason though, I think we could see Young sometime around week 10.
How soon we forget.

Maybe Steve has lost a little bit of his skills...I wont disagree. But some of you guys are really forgetting who the man was that made the Titans contenders Volek,Chandler,the Billiy Joes, no it was Steve McNair.Now I have one question.."if Steve gave in and took a pay cut would you guys still be putting him out to pasture?"
Archtitan said:
Disclaimer: Huge McNair Fan.

Now imagine McNair at the helm with the added talent at WR, RB and, crucially, the OL. .

There have been two posts in this thread that say that our OL is better?.....ok, we replaced Hartwig with Mawae. Hartwig was rated higher in Free Agency because of the youth so I will call that a wash. We lost Hopkins. How exactly is our OL better? I agree with LB, S, WR as being upgraded, but not the OL. I don't think it matters who the QB is, if we don't upgrade the OL, we are in trouble. Who exactly is starting at RT with Roos moving to LT?
TITANZFN09 said:
Maybe Steve has lost a little bit of his skills...I wont disagree. But some of you guys are really forgetting who the man was that made the Titans contenders Volek,Chandler,the Billiy Joes, no it was Steve McNair.Now I have one question.."if Steve gave in and took a pay cut would you guys still be putting him out to pasture?"
no not at all, i would be glad if he stayed, but i just dont see it happening, and i would still wear my vince young titans jersey instead
Some of you people really live in the past waaaaay too much. Yes McNair was good possibly great in his MVP year. The key word here is WAS. He hasn't played worth a crap since then be it from injuries or what not. I sat at all the home games last year and watched the rest on the tube. Unless it was a tightend running a 5 yard route, he didn't hit them hardly ever. Over their head here, at their feet there, or right to the other team. I am not a McNair hater and I don't think Volek is some savior or that he can lead us to a playoff, but Steve sure can't lead us there anymore either. I think we will have to wait out another rough year before we will see much light at the end of the tunnel.
I love Mcnair. I think we would have a better season if we have him. But we need to move on and get someone else out there and save the trouble, and ultimately, the cap room.
This is the way it seemed to me: 2003, McNair was great until the end when he got hurt. 2004, Mac was too hurt to do anything good... 2005, now Mac's back, but the weapons that he had in 2003 are not there anymore or simply not producing. Steve looked like a new quarterback physically last season. He lost a little weight and had recovered from his sternum operation alright. 2004, Steve couldn't take any hit and be alright. Last year, I saw him take some hard looking hits and still got up from it. I agree with everyone that says Mac is the best shot at winning this year for the Titans. However, I don't think that Mac wants to win for the Titans. He knows that he will be released or traded next year or the year after, because of #10. I am just hoping that this doesn't get stretched out to July. Even if Mac stays, July is too late to start feeling the rhythm of each other on offense. Look at Pacman for example, the preseason, week 1, and week 2 was his training camp. It showed and helped to lose some winable games. If McNair's back in 06, yay for the Titans. If he's not, we'll all finally see what a confident Volek can do. I think most of us could be surprised... :winker:
If McNair could still win us games we would be better than 9-23 over the last 2 years. Not a knock on Steve, we were always playing from behind.

Defense is the best way improve our winning chances for next year. Bye bye Steve, Hello Law.
I am holding out hope that big mac comes back for this year for the best chance to compete that being said who is to say that we cant compete with collins or volek or god forbid Young (i hope they dont rush him unless he is ready.)
The thing is, can Volek spark a late comeback in a game, inspire the offense to score a TD with 6 seconds on the clock.

We need stabability on defense, we all know that Volek will be tossing 40 yard passes whenever he sees an oppurtunity!!!
The way I see it the chances of Mac playing more than 50% of the games at 100% healthy, making all the practices and such is almost 0.

Mac's dominating 82 QB rating (73 in 2004) is not exactly worlds apart from Volek's 77 rating (87 in 2004) and if Mac took the hit in the Arizona game that Volek took he would be retired by now.

In short, I agree Mac gives us a slightly better chance at winning games than Volek but the difference is no where near what it will take to keep him and lose whatever FAs we could sign if he was let go. Mac is not a threat anymore to run the ball and as a pure drop back passer he is only average at best. Instead of paying Mac, especially beyond one year, I would rather bring in Collins, who threw for 3700 yards and 20 TDs last year if he was cheap enough.
I would expect Volek could be a lot more effective in Chow's offense this year with a year under his belt and better WRs around him and it wouldn't bother me at all if we went with Volek and VY as our 1-2 QBs. Mac or not we are not going to go to the SB. Mac is simply not that good anymore and the FO knows it. Keeping Mac would not win us a bunch more games if any.
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