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I never feel "hopeless". I look at our team and see talent, this always leads me to believe we'll get better, yet here we are (again) lol.

I refuse to think I suck at evaluating players because if you look at my mocks I post around draft time they're pretty spot on. Of all the players I put my seal of approval on the only one I got wrong was Limas Sweed then Jake Locker many years later (but if you recall I always said from before that draft Jake Locker was a project).

We're either; A.) a terribly coached team OR B.) just a bunch of individuals who dont give 2 chits about the team. Or maybe even both, because we do have some quality players other teams would easily succeed with. Case in point Akeem Ayers.

Oh God, Limas Sweed... I was right there with you man. Was happier having forgotten that gem.
I am convinced the only way things will change significantly with the Titans is a change in ownership. It's clear the years of benign neglect by Bud are being followed by Tommy simply handing management over to Webster. I am disappointed that Tommy remains hidden away while the franchise flounders. It would be nice to at least see the owner acknowledge the franchise problems, apologize and at least try and show some leadership. Must not get a lot of Titan criticism in Houston. One of the problems with absentee ownership, they don't have to fade the local heat.

I am hopeful that since Buffalo sold for $1.4B the Adams family will be tempted to put the Titans franchise on the market. Maybe new ownership will bring a winning attitude, accountability and better on field results.
We need a star player. We don't have one anymore. Therefore the entire team moral and coverage is down.
We had a star and it didn't help us. Even when CJ ran well we didn't get to the playoffs. So purhaps we just need time.

Whiz is in his first year. Give him a little bit of rope. If this time next year we're not at least at .500 then let him hang himself with that rope.
We had a star and it didn't help us. Even when CJ ran well we didn't get to the playoffs. So purhaps we just need time.

Whiz is in his first year. Give him a little bit of rope. If this time next year we're not at least at .500 then let him hang himself with that rope.

Actually we did make it to the playoffs with CJ. There was a buzz surrounding this team when we had McNair and George that made it exciting to be a Titans player or fan. Now we are lacking that and the players are showing it.
We had a star and it didn't help us. Even when CJ ran well we didn't get to the playoffs. So purhaps we just need time.

Whiz is in his first year. Give him a little bit of rope. If this time next year we're not at least at .500 then let him hang himself with that rope.

Plus we had Haynesworth who was a star player too.
The 1st law of

If allowed to continue long enough, every thread will eventually devolve into people saying they would be a better general manager than actual NFL general managers.
You're right. One time and wasn't that one of his first years?

It was his first season. However we would have made it the second season if VY would have started sooner. For some reason Fisher was set on riding collins to an 0-6 start. It took a 59-0 loss for him to make a change. Fisher is a lot like Whiz in many ways. Very stubborn.
The 1st law of

If allowed to continue long enough, every thread will eventually devolve into people saying they would be a better general manager than actual NFL general managers.


The First law is that given enough time, every Topic will eventually leadback to a former Titan player that left leaving a bitter taste in fan's mouths. (Insert VY / CJ here)
No way. Id never let the Titans ruin my Sunday.

I love football but I also know when to turn that switch on. We suck, expect nothing. If its so horrible, don't watch it. (Advice that I've taken. I don't center my Sundays around this crappy team)

Our time will come again. We just have to hope its in our lifetime.

Losses don't ruin me right now, but that loss to the Ravens in the playoffs did me in. I'll gladly admit that. It was brutal. Took me a long time to recover from that. And when I start thinking/talking about it I get really worked up and pissed off. So I have to be careful not to bring it up.

I'd sacrifice a great grandparent rather than lose a playoff game like that again... Jk jk, but seriously they're old anyways. :)
I'm loyal til I die but nowadays I just expect us to suck and anything more is just a bonus. Got sucked into the off season spin too many time and been burned to let it happen again.

I used to watch 3-4 games a week as I loved football. For a while the Titans turned me off watching other games after our crap game. Now I watch at least one game a week besides the Titans just so I can appreciate what its like to watch a good game.

Same with me. It used to be if the Titans won, I would watch Football all day on sunday. If they lost, then I would avoid any games/highlights until the next week.

Now I just expect a loss from the Titans, and I actually look forward to the other games, like you said just to appreciate what a good NFL game is like.
Today I was feeding my dog some table scraps after I ate and I all of a sudden saw us (Titans) as the dogs laying at the foot of the table waiting for other teams to dump their scraps. That is pretty much our reality, year after year we rely on other teams discarded garbage as our hope. Hopeless? No, but getting pretty damn tired of the same ole chit.
Losses don't ruin me right now, but that loss to the Ravens in the playoffs did me in. I'll gladly admit that. It was brutal. Took me a long time to recover from that. And when I start thinking/talking about it I get really worked up and pissed off. So I have to be careful not to bring it up.

I'd sacrifice a great grandparent rather than lose a playoff game like that again... Jk jk, but seriously they're old anyways. :)
youre not kidding
Losses don't ruin me right now, but that loss to the Ravens in the playoffs did me in. I'll gladly admit that. It was brutal. Took me a long time to recover from that. And when I start thinking/talking about it I get really worked up and pissed off. So I have to be careful not to bring it up.

I'd sacrifice a great grandparent rather than lose a playoff game like that again... Jk jk, but seriously they're old anyways. :)

Playoffs are a different story. Those sting for a long time lol.

This team just sucks and we should have known they would suck going into the season. Im just not going to let them ruin my days.
I'll be a fan for as long as I live. I don't feel hopeless, but as a fan theres things you want to see the team don't and you don't want to see them do.

I knew we were going QB in the first round after we cut VY, my mindset was "Please, anyone but Jake Locker." They take Jake, I eventually came around and thought he would be good after looking nice in spot duty during his rookie year.

Then this year, I had the same sentiments towards coaching "Anyone but Whiz" and a RB "anyone but Sankey."

When teams make moves that just make you cringe, and on top of that they are constantly losing it just just makes it even less enjoyable. If we were winning, it would be a completely different story and I'd enjoy a nice plate of crow.

But when you're watching a terrible team with staff/players you don't like or enjoy watching, it gets harder to want to devote your time to watching games.

I'll still support the franchise and want the best those staff members/players I'm not keen on though.
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