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well given the Titans history the last 6 years, it wouldn't be any worse right?

Explain to me htf anyone could be a worse GM than Matt Millen? You could draft by drawing names out of a hat and do a better job. I honestly think that the highly touted GM's just get lucky with drafting a great QB half the time.

Bill Polian was thought of as the best for a long time but he finished up as a joke. Most GM's start off as quality control (waterboy) and just hang around and until some dumbass makes them some kind of low level assistant and that seems to be their golden ticket foot on the ladder.
Today I was feeding my dog some table scraps after I ate and I all of a sudden saw us (Titans) as the dogs laying at the foot of the table waiting for other teams to dump their scraps. That is pretty much our reality, year after year we rely on other teams discarded garbage as our hope. Hopeless? No, but getting pretty damn tired of the same ole chit.

A truly apt metaphor.
Hopeless, maybe - Totally disgusted, absolutely! Ready to throw in the towel as a Titan's Fan? Nah, not yet, besides we couldn't give our PSL's away. I still have faith that we will return from the bottom of the barrel of the NFL while I'm still physically able to get inside LP Field and reach my seat. Hopefully ......
Actually we did make it to the playoffs with CJ. There was a buzz surrounding this team when we had McNair and George that made it exciting to be a Titans player or fan. Now we are lacking that and the players are showing it.
So think a bunch of NFL players are goin awe shucks well we don't have a player in a commercial so might as well not try.

Your delusional
The problem is we've had so many years just being average. Drafting in the 10-20 range, missing the playoffs by a couple of games. We've never been BAD until this year, since the year before we drafted VY. We've been getting the 2nd/3rd tier 1st round talent, hopefully this year that changes. However, we've been awful lately with our first few draft picks. We need HITS this year if we ever want to turn this franchise around before it moves to LA (joking).
The problem is we've had so many years just being average. Drafting in the 10-20 range, missing the playoffs by a couple of games. We've never been BAD until this year, since the year before we drafted VY. We've been getting the 2nd/3rd tier 1st round talent, hopefully this year that changes. However, we've been awful lately with our first few draft picks. We need HITS this year if we ever want to turn this franchise around before it moves to LA (joking).
you'll move to LA long before the Titans do
I never feel "hopeless". I look at our team and see talent, this always leads me to believe we'll get better, yet here we are (again) lol.

I refuse to think I suck at evaluating players because if you look at my mocks I post around draft time they're pretty spot on. Of all the players I put my seal of approval on the only one I got wrong was Limas Sweed then Jake Locker many years later (but if you recall I always said from before that draft Jake Locker was a project).

We're either; A.) a terribly coached team OR B.) just a bunch of individuals who dont give 2 chits about the team. Or maybe even both, because we do have some quality players other teams would easily succeed with. Case in point Akeem Ayers.

forgot about that guy Limas.

But stumbled on this incredibly detailed article of the guy's career (there wasn't one) epic article though.
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