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SUMMARY: WR Brandon Jones was the Titans most productive rookie among the three receivers drafted in 2005 before tearing his right anterior cruciate ligament Nov. 27 against the San Francisco 49ers. As the Titans close in on completing their first week of training camp, Jones is working hard on the sidelines so he can rejoin his teammates on the field. "He's very close. I don't want to say days or weeks, but somewhere in there," Fisher said. "We'll be able to start to get him back and ease him back into practice. I don't think he is ready to work twice a day yet. But he's one of the first guys we've had, I think, on PUP (physically unable to perform list) that had an ACL the year before and come back and work at camp. He's actually cramped up and we've had to put him on an IV because he has worked so hard. He's that close. He's really that close to coming back." Jones has dropped 10 pounds during hie rehab and plans on making a return before the end of the preseason. "It is just a matter of waiting," said Jones. "I don't want to rush it and get back out there too soon. I just want to get my confidence back."

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just keep him out for most of the season, work him back slowly, we already know from past experiences that he probably wont be 100% back...although if brought back he wont have the same problem dropping passes like calico
If they don't PUP him the first six weeks of the season, it may mean they don't have much confidence in WR depth.

Calico may make the final 53 if they PUP Jones and give him six games to make or break his career.
I agree Jeff keep Jones out the 1st 6 weeks and this may give Calico time to build his coinfidence that he by all reports is having problems with. If he could get some playing time understands he is healthy and make some catches he might come into his own. It's a chance worth taking with the talent he has and gives Jones more time to heal. Great idea Jeff!
TitanJeff said:
If they don't PUP him the first six weeks of the season, it may mean they don't have much confidence in WR depth.

Calico may make the final 53 if they PUP Jones and give him six games to make or break his career.

I does make sense to PUP Jones for the first 6 weeks. There is a chance that one of the other 6 WRs will either get hurt or not play well in that time frame and we have a bye in week 7.

I can't imagine that there wouldn't be some confidence in our WR depth. Wade has looked good, Roby and Williams are in their second year and showed promise last year and we have solid starters in Bennett and Givens. If Calico shows anything I see no reason to rush Jones back.

I think Jones has worked his butt off to get out there and Fisher is willing to give him a chance so we will see.
If he's on the PUP list now, can they still play him the 1st 6 weeks? I thought PUP automatically put you out for 6 weeks.
Jones looks good doing his individual workout at camp. He's running and catching without a hitch. He's going to be an amazing receiver.
elfinmagic53 said:
Jones looks good doing his individual workout at camp. He's running and catching without a hitch. He's going to be an amazing receiver.

I just don't want him coming back to early and having the same issues Tyrone Calico has had.
With modern techniques and therapies, many return quickly and seem to have their speed back running at practice, but when put in a game look like they're running in mud compared to other players on the field. Injury concerns aside, who has come back from an ACL the following year, and been productive? I can't think of any right now.
What you get is that straight line speed back but the cutting just isn't as sharp or quick. Seeing the potential Jones has, I would make sure he is given every opportunity to be close to form before throwing him out on the field.
Well, do we know for a fact that Jones had a complete tear, not just a partial tear? Depending on the amount of reconstructive surgery needed, the recovery time will obviously be faster. And then of course some people just recover faster than others.

With all the contraptions we have in medicine these days, you'd think it would be possible to assess the actual strength of the knee before clearing them 100%.
Bobo said:
If he's on the PUP list now, can they still play him the 1st 6 weeks? I thought PUP automatically put you out for 6 weeks.

There is also a PUP/active list during training camp, which allows the player to begin practicing as soon as he's medically cleared. It does not restrict their availability during the regular season. These spots do count against the (training camp) roster limit, I believe.

I think the rule is, a player has to enter camp on that PUP/active list -- or the non-football injury/reserved list, like Waddell is on? -- in order to be eligible for the PUP/reserve list once the season starts (the one where you have to sit out the first six weeks but can be activated later).

I'm pretty sure you can decide to go ahead and PUP/reserve a player now to free up a roster spot, but then you are committed to losing that player for at least the first six weeks of the season.

Jones is still PUP/active.
A PUPd player still counts against the TC maximum players requirement, I'm pretty sure. However, it does NOT count against the final 53.

I'm for keeping Jones on PUP until we need him or until week 6, whichever comes first. There is no reason to rush him back if our WRs are as good as we are being told. Orr could be a nice late find, in particular. We have:


That's 7 already! One will have to be cut to bring Jones off of PUP. Might as well keep the others until that point (assuming we keep 7 WRs).
Terrell Owens suffered a serious injury and came back in no time and had a productive Super Bowl game. Brandon is out there running, making cuts, etc. and says that he feels great. Daunte Culpepper and Carson Palmer came back fairly quick. Both of them are looking good in camp.
TO broke a bone, which is a much faster recovery than ligament injuries. Palmer and Culpepper are better comparisons, although they're not expected to do the same range of movements as Jones is.
Palmer looks like robocop.
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