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Overalls said:
I have no idea what that has to do with anything, but yes I do. Are you trying to imply that only people in Houston should root for the Texans and only people who live in Nashville should root for the Titans or what?

And GeT you hurt my feelings. Your opinion means so much to me.

You suggested that Tennessee Titan fans "in Tennessee" have no respect for old Oiler fans that are now bridging the gap to support the Titans. I was just questioning your credibility in reporting the sentiment of Titans fans in Tennessee from your lofty perch as a Texans fan in Baytown.
It's easy when I have seen post after post trashing old Oiler fans on this board and TitansonLine. YOU joined this board today. I joined it over 2 years ago. I have been a member of TitansonLine for over a year. I know a little about what the TENNheads think. There are a large number of Titans fans who believe all the garbage that Dud has feed them and thus defend the fact that the Oilers were stolen from Houston by trashing HOUSTON Oiler fans without knowing our side of the story. You as a bandwagon fan, in a sense can't understand what they think because you would have to realize that they are laughing at you. Thank you for pointing out your lack of knowlege of the history.
Overalls said:
It's easy when i have seen post after post trashing old Oiler fans on this board and TitansonLine.

I'm sure if it's in the context of an old Oiler fan, now Texans fan . . . you get the picture. I have yet to be challenged, but I assume the Tennessee Titan fans are waiting to trash me for letting the Oilers go?? Even though I kept my season tickets through the final year of the Oilers in Houston??
Caphorn said:
I'm sure if it's in the context of an old Oiler fan, now Texans fan . . . you get the picture. I have yet to be challenged, but I assume the Tennessee Titan fans are waiting to trash me for letting the Oilers go?? Even though I kept my season tickets through the final year of the Oilers in Houston??

They don't care. I went to a game that final season too. My buddies got into a fight with some Steeler fans that game.
Overalls said:
I joined it over 2 years ago. I have been a member of TitansonLine for over a year. I know a little about what the TENNheads think. There are a large number of Titans fans who believe all the garbage that Dud has feed them and thus defend the fact that the Oilers were stolen from Houston by trashing HOUSTON Oiler fans without knowing our side of the story. You as a bandwagon fan, in a sense can't understand what they think because you would have to realize that they are laughing at you. Thank you for pointing out your lack of knowlege of the history.

I'd trash you too. If you haven't noticed, you are lingering on a f'n Titans board as a Texans fan. Odds are they aren't very interested in hearing you trash Bud. To Tennessee fans, Bud's an old rich oil guy that probably has done no wrong. I wouldn't expect them to be ready to trash the old guy, especially when some of his problems of the past - firing coaches summarily - just haven't happened at all. In fact, quite the opposite.

I'm a VY bandwaggon fan as I said before. I was an old Oiler fan, but that Oiler loyalty died out to some extent as a result of the move from Houston and the bad blood there. I don't expect to be treated as some loyal true blood. But wtf. Nor can Vince, can he?

Vince can't wait to smash the Texans (and I can't wait to watch him do it) :)
Overalls said:
My buddies got into a fight with some Steeler fans that game.

first moo

second heck that aint too much of an accomplishment getting in fight with a squeeler fan is kinda like getting a 7 yard sack on Carr, that is you don't have to try to hard to accomplish it.
Caphorn said:
I'd trash you too. If you haven't noticed, you are lingering on a f'n Titans board as a Texans fan. Odds are they aren't very interested in hearing you trash Bud. To Tennessee fans, Bud's an old rich oil guy that probably has done no wrong. I wouldn't expect them to be ready to trash the old guy, especially when some of his problems of the past - firing coaches summarily - just haven't happened at all. In fact, quite the opposite.

I'm a VY bandwaggon fan as I said before. I was an old Oiler fan, but that Oiler loyalty died out to some extent as a result of the move from Houston and the bad blood there. I don't expect to be treated as some loyal true blood. But wtf. Nor can Vince, can he?

Vince can't wait to smash the Texans (and I can't wait to watch him do it) :)

exactly my perspective on BA. I have no reason to complain at this time. Matter of fact the other major league franchise in Nashville has a fat old out of towner as owner, but the press treats Leipold like he was the second comming. All BA ever seems to do is contribute generously to middle Tennessee charities and apparently is thinking long term about the Titans.

Here's to you Bud!:toast:
I’m another new fan here!

Heh! I feel like I’m introducing myself at Alcoholic’s Anonymous or something.

I’m Hooky Hornstein and I love Vince Young. Not in a lustful homoerotic kind of way… not that there’s anything wrong with that, I suppose. But I’m old enough to be his daddy and he’s my hero.

Yeah, I know somebody’s probably thinking heroes are soldiers and firemen, not football players. Well, excuse the heck out of me for not being politically-correct. God knows we need soldiers and firemen, but please. I’ve spent my life as a Texas fan and since the 1971 Cotton Bowl Classic, it’s been one dern thing after another… until Vince Young.

Vince Young did what Earl Campbell, Ricky Williams, Chris Simms, Major Applewhite, James Brown, Tony Brackens, Roy Williams… et al… could never do. He delivered.

The first time Vince Young ever stepped on the field for Texas was with 14:45 remaining in the first game of his redshirt freshman season. On the first play he gained 9 yards to the left. On the third play, he gained 7 yards up the middle. On the fourth play he gained 23 yards to the right. On the sixth play he scored a TD from 16 yards out. A seven play drive for 47 yards in 2:36.

On his second possession, he threw a 60 yard bomb to Sloan Thomas then ran the final 6 yards for a TD on the next play.

Yep. We knew right then we had something special. It just took a couple of years to convince the rest of the country.

Any way, I am so very very proud to have a team to root for. I haven’t been this excited about the NFL since Houston almost beat Pittsburgh in the AFC championship which would’ve given us an all Texas Super Bowl if the blind refs hadn’t screwed Mike Renfro.
Welcome, Vince10, and also to all the other new Titan fans. One new Titan that hasn't received much mention in this thread is WR David Givens, a Houston native. As a free agent, Givens visited the Texans, hoping to land a deal that would allow him to play in his hometown. The Texans wouldn't ante up the money to sign him though, so he's now a Titan.

Like Vince, David is also eager to play in the same division against Houston twice a year. If you think Texans owner Bob McNair is unpopular in Houston now, just wait until the first time the Titans win in Houston on a Young-to-Givens TD pass.
AD - good point there. And the Titans did that even when facing potential cap issues. The Texans have no real cap issues and easily could have gone after Givens. They got a good receiver in Moulds. But Givens has more upside. Plus, how could an Oiler fan pass up a Givens? (reference to Earnest Givins).

I'm glad to see that most of you guys don't seem to have outward hostility to us Vince-Oiler fans.

I did have to relate my favorite old school Bud Adams story. Back in the day, the Oilers had this on-field character - a fat guy we called Mojo who was our assistant equipment manager. Mojo would run out to collect the tee after every Oiler kick off in home games and do a flip/summersault when he got back to the sidelines. He was fan favorite big time. But at the end of the Luv Ya Blue era, Bud fired him (at least from his job collecting tees). I'll never forget Bud not wanting mojo to collect tees. The irony is too much. Now, Bud's always been a charitable guy but it used to be in a more Trump-like manner back in the day. Always firing people in some public rediculous embarassing way. There's no doubt that he was the king of BAD MOJO in his old Houston days. So there are perfectly good reasons why the team lost some fans over the years.
Oh and in re-reading the above posts, I admit I was once a Cowboys fan (until Jerry Jones bought ‘em) and once a Earlers fan too (until Bud fired Bum) so I’ll readily admit that I’ve been a fickle fan and that I don’t have any pedigree as a fan and there’s no reason for any of you to like me or respect me.

I’m a man who once felt (rightly or wrongly) betrayed in previous attempts to love an NFL team. I had a broken heart, a bad attitude and a lot of baggage.

I can’t help but feel affection for the Titans, though. I love Vince Young and somebody in the Titans front office must love him too. That’s a connection!

And I’m willing to bet that whether some of you are Cutler fans or Leinart fans, that before everything is said and done, you’ll love Vince Young too.

Vince Young, in my opinion, is like Babe Ruth or Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan. It’s like very very rarely – like once in a lifetime – God reaches down and says “BAM! There ya go, sportsfans. I’ve just given you the greatest. Enjoy him while you can.”

Vince Young’s like that and I have no doubt that someday you’ll all be telling your grandkids that you can remember when Vince Young donned the Titan blue.

It’s a humbling thing to stand in awe of such greatness, but it’s exciting too. I can’t help but be a Titans fan. I’ll try to know my place and keep my mouth shut, and I hope I won’t offend any of you more tenured Titan fans. But I’m on the bandwagon now and I’m on for the ride and none of you can push me off.
Sunshine said:
Sloan Thomas? You know he's a Titan now; right?

Yes sir. And I heard he came along for VY's tryout with the Titans.

You know, I almost felt bad for Sloan as well as his teammate receivers, Roy Williams and BJ Johnson, that they had to finish up their careers at Texas with Vince Young as a RD freshman QB, because in 2003 VY was definitely more of a run first, ask questions later kind of guy.

Roy Williams once complained that it might be third and long and he'd run out on a route and just as he was turning for the ball he'd see Vince Young come galloping past him and he'd have to turn back around and lay down a block.

I think Sloan will enjoy it a lot more this time around. Vince Young worked really hard to improve his passing game. I can't wait to see how much more he'll improve when he can work on football all the time without having to carry classes too.
slick_37075 said:
I just called Sport Seasons at Rivergate and they said they would have Vince Young Titans jerseys Tuesday afternoon. Thats pretty quick.

Is that a local store or is it a website??...
slick_37075 said:
I just called Sport Seasons at Rivergate and they said they would have Vince Young Titans jerseys Tuesday afternoon. Thats pretty quick.

I think they already had them made (NFL Properties)
I say that because Vince already had a #10 Young Titan jersey available to him at the draft. I can't remember any other player ever having their jersey available on draft day
Great response, Caphorn. You're absolutely right. I also remember that Bud had his own agenda ($$$$$). It's not that the fans in Houston were unsupportive of the Oilers. Adams was looking for the highest (and hungriest) bidder. He basically held the team for ransom. I remember watching SportsCenter the last day the Oilers played in Houston. The stadium was half empty and all they kept showing was these diehard fans who were singing "Houston Oilers, Houston Oilers, Houston Oilers #1......" A very sad moment that, quite frankly, a lot of the media made a mockery of.

Being from California, it really didn't matter to me when the Oilers left Houston (except that I think it really sucks when teams move, ask any Baltimore Colts or Cleveland Browns fan). Similarly, the Sacramento Kings have the best fans in the NBA (including myself) and I know if they ever left Sactown, a lot of hearts would be broken.......and we got the Kings from Kansas City. What comes around seems to go around.

Anyway, it's best that the Oilers moved. They play in front of the wildest NFL fans in the country now. And they play on grass. That old Astrodome was murder on the knees!


"If you have a chance to get Michael Jordan, you get Michael Jordan." -- Ted Thompson, GM Green Bay Packers on Vince Young.
Vin-Sanity! said:
Anyway, it's best that the Oilers moved.

Thanks for the kind words. But in Houston Oiler fans' world this statement is practically blasphemy.

I do look forward to seeing the house that Bud has built in Nashville. Given how long the city worked to find a team and the success which Bud brought with him (Jeff Fisher and Floyd Reese), I can see where people feel a certain loyalty to Bud. I'll be there in support of Vince and his team. You've now become Vince's team for some of us. Sorry about that. I'll bury the old hatchet with Bud just to be able to participate. I sort of feel short-changed having lost Vince from my Longhorn team frankly.

I've never held anything against the fans of the Titans and people of Nashville. My wife happens to be a Titans fan anyway.



"Just so you new TENNhead, just because of Vince, old Oiler fans Know, the fans of the Titans, in Tennessee have no respect for you and think you are lousey fans for throwing your team away. Nice to see you are showing them how fickle and easy you are. Have a nice day."

don't worry about him... He's just mad because I told him that this was going to happen. honestly, I think it cool that he's mad. It makes me laugh.:ha:
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