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Broken Record said:

Titans | Team agrees to deal parameters to trade McNair
Fri, 5 May 2006 16:54:25 -0700

Adam Schefter, of the NFL Network, reports the Tennessee Titans and Baltimore Ravens have agreed to trade parameters that would take Titans QB Steve McNair to Baltimore. The only remaining aspect is for the Titans to officially sign off on the deal.
That sounds like the same report from earlier this week.
Could be. KFFL has been wrong before by trying to scoop some other outlets. I haven't seen this language before, though, and they are citing Schefter (who also sometimes gets a little over zealous in his reporting). I'll go turn on NFL network and see if they are saying anything.
i don't think he said the trade was actually in place when watching the show tonight, but who knows....

they showed vince throwing today too, gotta love it!
I'm gonna say this again... I say that Volek's our man. McNair's main concern is longevity now. The birds from the north have probably been whispering in his ear stuff like "ditch the Titans and come up here and win us 3 or 4 Super Bowls before you can do it!" or maybe they are getting D-Mase and Samari to lobby for him to jump teams. I can tell you now that if a QB blows up this much over something as little as being temporarily barred from the training facilities due to the "business part" of the sport, he didn't have much interest in staying in the first place. He was looking for the Titans to do anything at all to "disrespect" him so that he could blow it out of proportion. Who wants a leader like that anyway? Volek, your day has come! Give us a few good years and get us back to the level of competition that we yearn for! :ha:
I checked Schefter's story from yesterday and he's got a quote very similar, but it says the Ravens and McNair have agreed on the parameters of a deal instead of the Ravens and Titans.
It IS the big one! hahaha...:ha:

After seeing that Schefter used such similar language in his story, I think it's likely that's where the KFFL quote is coming from and they have misreported it.

I guess that's why KFFL says on their website

"...the industry leader bar none (we know because our competitors use KFFL's Hot Off The Wire to stay up-to-date themselves)"

I suppose if they want to stay up to date with half truths, it's a deal worth doin':winker:

The media sure is chomping at the bit to report this story.
A.D. said:
Ratbird fans think it's a done deal. They're gloating. Looks like a Bongo quote there on Ratbird forum. :ravens:

That was Bongo59. I still don't see why we didn't go for a third (he said, crying over spilt milk).

Seriously, though, the only way Steve is gone is because the FO wants him gone. Otherwise, it would never happen. Brace yourselves for the coming media tirade of "Ravens really raked Tennessee over the coals on this one" and "did Floyd Reese forget to take his Geritol or what?" for the rest of the offseason.
This is posted over at the Ravens board now...

From Bruce Cunningham.

Sorry guys.
It's all bogus.
Just got the official word from Kevin Byrne.
It seems a couple of sites and at least one newspaper (Wash Times) jumped on it and shouldn't have.
The report is wrong.
Don;t get me wrong, it will happen, but not tonite, and not in the way UPI is describing.

Ozzie isn't even in town..he left on a golf trip.
Broken Record beat me to the punch!!!

A.D. said:
Ratbird fans think it's a done deal. They're gloating. Looks like a Bongo quote there on Ratbird forum. :ravens:

I just posted this in the ratbirds nest...
Macadamia said:
yeah... this is more like it. Look boys, I'm someone you will like to see from time to time... I'm not an annoying type troll to you. This report is false. Don't go blowing eachother just yet. You will get your cake. Believe me. I want this deal done with too... once and for all so this 24 million dollar burden can unstrap my team from cap jail. Mac is the sandbag on my two tone hot air ballon... Look, I have never read your board or your forum rules, so grant me a mulligan if you will... if you guys don't "go lenore nevermore" on me Edgar Bipolar Poe will pay you another visit to "raise the roost" till then lay an egg...

Seriously, what's up? hahahaha... really... the report is mishandled information but hey I cound be wrong. I have a postable source...

or you could ask me or anyone at

hell, join up and you can play in my smack shack.

I'm serving scrambled eggs. Hungry? Got MAC?



sorry... I just have that way of doing this...

I wish html was enabled on this board.
I have YouTube video of Pacman and Travis Henry working out with a gravity bong. sorry... just can't help myself...

you only get one chance to make a 1st impression...

sorry about that. I don't know what got into him.

That report is false.

LOOK WHAT THIS ONE BIRD bRaiN came up with.
This is really good...:lol:

Well it's 10:30...Friday night...perhaps I could get in one quick run around the block naked...

Ok! Everybody join in a sing-a-long!

Wish McNair was on ol' Rocky Top
Down in the Tennessee hills
He got nothing but smoke on Rocky Top
Titans won't pay his bills

Rocky Top you'll always be
Home sweet home to me
Good ol' Rocky Top
Rocky Top Tennessee,
Rocky Top Tennessee

Floyd & Steve climbed ol' Rocky Top
Lookin' for a moonshine still
They couldn't make a deal on Rocky Top
Reckon they never will

Rocky Top you'll always be
Home sweet home to me
Good ol' Rocky Top
Rocky Top Tennessee,
Rocky Top Tennessee

Corn won't grow at all on Rocky Top
Dirt's too rocky by far
That's why all the folks on Rocky Top
Get their corn from a jar

Rocky Top you'll always be
Home sweet home to me
Good ol' Rocky Top
Rocky Top Tennessee,
Rocky Top Tennessee
keldog said:
Despite the fact that so many of you are so willing to throw the face of the organization on the trash heap, I think you might want to refresh your memory about the supporting cast that Mac had around him the past two years. Well he had....And then there was also....And you can't forget about.... Last time I checked he was missing any resemblance to a running attack, receiving corps, or an offensive line. For a guy who had no one to hand the ball off to or throw to and basically was running for his life, I give him credit for being even able to get out of bed each morning. I've been sick to my stomach with this organization with their inability to handle these delicate situations with their top tier players. Steve may very well be at the end of the line, (I sure has heck hope not) but he should have been shown politely to the door not having the door slammed in his face. If he is traded or released in this fashion, I'll be buying the NFL ticket on Directv so I can see how a real professional organization is ran.
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